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A deeper statistical analysis performed by CNN found that Black applicants to Navy Federal were more than twice as likely to be denied as White applicants even when more than a dozen different variables – including income, debt-to-income ratio, property value, downpayment percentage, and neighborhood characteristics – were the same.

This is the important bit, so someone can't argue differences in loan applications.

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The IRS is actually testing a new system where they just tell you how much you owe/get, and that's it unless there's unreported income and such that needs to be corrected.

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It does to the people trying to burn that democracy to the ground.

On a second thought, let's not go to Reddit, tis a silly place.

The fact that over 74 million people voted for a literal monster in 2020 is what made me doubt it.

Also, the fact that there are women and non-whites who vote republican.

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They actually created a mathematic proof to solve the body switching episode. Iirc they even got it published.

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Yeah, most people against illegal immigration have no idea how arduous and expensive the process actually is. It's not as simple as going to the border and saying, "One greencard please."

I'm against illegal immigration, but the solution I'd like to see is a more streamlined process so people wouldn't need to pay coyotes to smuggle them across with no guarantee they'd even survive the trip.

If they want to come be productive members of society, why stop them?

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This is why I laughed so hard when DeSantis thought he could stand a chance against Disney in a legal battle.

I was worried for a second that he would be a more competent version of Trump, but boy did he prove me wrong.

Europe has lead pipes as well, buddy.

They're perfectly safe as long as idiots don't change the water supply to one that's more acidic without buffering the pH.

Hell, England and Wales have nearly 3x more than the entire US.

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Because it was used to launder money. And, bankrupting a business is actually a way to avoid taxes, especially when you regularly lie on your tax filings.

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You kinda just have to stop giving a shit, which I guess is technically Mindfulness.

But I think I achieved it after a bad shroom trip when I had an epiphany that nothing in life matters, but it really doesn't have to matter.

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Regulation isn't going to stop this from happening, especially since there's a company who is going to build fleets of AI processing barges to float in international waters to bypass this exact type of regulation.

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They probably closed the stores trying to unionize.

Why do you hate the EU so much?

They can because the people who vote for them aren't smart enough and are too narcissistic to grasp cognitive dissonance.

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Just because the article is about a tech company owner doesn't mean it's related to technology.

Musk being a shitty person isn't technology related.

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Yeah, that's not what Stockholm Syndrome is.

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You will be surprised how difficult that plan is to implement. Pretty much everything is owned by a few mega corporations.

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People actually think hamas is a threat to the USA?

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I would prefer the government target the actual major causes of pollution (corporations) instead of virtue signaling by banning something that's an infinitesimal part of the issue.

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It's a still from Xavier: Renegade Angel, from the era when the Adult Swim writers were apparently experimenting with hallucinogens.

The whole show will make you uncomfortable.

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And don't talk to them anymore.

It's not what Facebook is doing. The company has owned the trademark for over a decade, and Facebook is trying to strong arm them into giving it up.

This is also in the UK where they somewhat stand up to companies like Facebook. McDonald's lost their trademark for the Big Mac for trying to do this exact same thing.

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The left tries to play by the rules, and the right either blatantly ignores them, or actively changes the rules to benefit their fascism.

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Isn't this already an established fact?

Well, if you're going to defraud investors by pumping up your numbers before your IPO, you might as well go all out.

It's because our country is a corporate oligarchy.

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Probably because it isn't real.

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Kinda like when Google removed the "Do no evil" part from their mission statement.

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I always love the, "it was about state's rights," people.

Yes, you're absolutely correct. It was about the state's right to let rich white men own black people.

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Hopefully someone got him back on his meds. It's pretty sad watching someone's mental health crises be exploited like that.

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That's a really fucking stupid law. Do we need to worry about Australia becoming fascist?

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I'm pretty sure that's Nestle

Go with AliExpress or one of the others if you want it to truly be a surprise.

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Any black person could have told you this.

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That's been kinda the whole theme of the US lately.

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Something something bootstraps.

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Contact the local police department and tell them that you've been made aware of a possible child molestation incident and let them handle it from there.

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I just want the option to not autoconnect every single device that it ever paired with, without having to re-pair every time.

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I mean, it's not like they'd honor an iron clad deal.

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