1 Post – 60 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

QC Chemist

I'm a quality chemist. I test the API's that process chemists make to be sure they're right. Yeah, reactions don't always proceed as intended. These guys do understand the risks, and are only trying to provide an option. Here in the US the insurance companies are perfectly willing to let us die because funding expensive treatment hurts their bottom line. Unless you're independently wealthy, a small scale reactor at home may become the only option a person has available. Definitely risky, but why not take the chance when corporate America has determined you're not valuable enough to save?

18 more...

Our international partners began moderating the intelligence they would share while Trump was in office. They couldn't trust him to not blab about state secrets during dinner parties just to try to impress people with how smart and important he was.

I have that same soldering pen. Apparently I've been holding it wrong for years. I'm such an amateur.

Only if you can get through the years of litigation, harassment, stress, and have the money to weather it out. Truth and justice are more easily attainable for those who can afford it.

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Always look on the bright side of life - Monty Python

In the 80s and 90s HP printers were great. They just worked, even in rough dirty manufacturing environments. You could just about drop kick one, and it would still print out a page for you. Now they're crap. The investment firm that owns the brand is past beating the dead horse, now trying to squeeze every last dollar out of the carcas.

Next generation stealth plane: going back to basics.

If so, I wanna see what happens if you plug in a usb mouse jiggler.

No, not criminal prosecutions for what should be a minor issue, but definitely civil suits. SLAPP suits have been a problem, where the plaintiff doesn't necessarily expect to win. They just want to punish people by making their lives miserable through drawn out litigation.

1 more...

Yeah, that was my guess too.

Josta soda. A guarana cola drink Pepsi put out in the 90's before energy drinks became a big thing.

Unless they are all closeted homosexuals, blackmail is useless at this point. They've seen that the base will punch the ticket for every "R" candidate regardless of any transgression aside from being gay or trying to work across the aisle.

I laughed at this comment, but also a half second later think, "unfortunately there's a chance they're right."

Making up coconut curry chicken one evening, accidentally grabbed a can of sweetened coconut cream, not coconut milk. Did not taste good. At all.

Is that what a horseshoe is supposed to look like?

Probably Satisfactory. Made by the same folks doing Valheim, which I've really loved playing. Also thinking about getting High on Life. Supposed to be a good game but the full-price tag has made me hold off until now.

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Avasarela: "Don't call me that, I'm a member of Parliament, not your favorite stripper." Amos: "You can be both..."

Quality control chemist testing pharmaceuticals. Most of what we do is for clinical trial use and research purposes. It's been a good job.

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I bought a couple Sceptre TVs six years ago, been great.

It has been popular. People were traveling out of country for joint replacements. Costs were less for travel, surgery, and recovery than what they would pay for it here. Covid put a damper on travel for a couple years, so not sure if it's still as popular. I would consider it if/when I need knee replacements done. Considering what I've heard about the quality issues of joint replacements in the US, I don't want one here.

I wouldn't doubt someone already has, on purpose, but behind closed doors.

I ended up getting the updated version through Izzy, there's a link shown for it on Jerboa's GitHub page. The Play store was still showing the old 0.0.33 version as current on Friday, but that version kept crashing on startup for me after the Lemmy server update.

I'd played Doom with people on networked computers in college, but that wasn't really "internet". But right at the end of the 90's when we started getting online game servers was great. Being able to play Unreal or Battlefield 1942 with random people from anywhere was amazing, and very addicting. Servers would have like 8 or maybe 16 player slots. More than that and lag would make the games unplayable. You'd keep refreshing the server lists looking for an open slot with a low ping, and join in. Actual early internet wasn't terribly exciting. Pretty much just text only, maybe some tiny graphics, since download speeds were unbearably slow.

There really should be better options, but it's where this country is currently at, where some home chemistry is something people would have to consider. You're right, it's dangerous and certainly has a lot of risks. With some background in it myself and access to resources that the general public doesn't have, I would still be hesitant to try something I'd cooked up in the basement at home. But, I'm also not at the point where I'm going to die from a treatable but unaffordable disease.

Yes her hair was green as seaweed, Her skin was blue and pale, Her legs they are a work of art, I loved that girl with all my heart, And I don't give a damn about the upper part, Cause that's how I get my tail! (The Mermaid by Great Big Sea)

For the love of god! My anus is bleeding! (-Yay! Hooray!-)

Everyone was holed up waiting for the world to end because of Y2K. 😯

Sorry you lost friends that way. Hopefully the asshole that did it never sees the outside of prison ever again.

I set on during the blackout protest on Reddit, and haven't gone back to it. Don't miss it. Lemmy has grown a lot in the past few months. It's only a fraction of the Reddit userbase size, but steadily filling out and getting better.

Looks just like our dog. We were told he's a lab and chihuahua mix by the original owner.

It seemed like a sudden change in marching orders, so the chiefs probably didn't have enough notice to have families moved to someplace safer. Now that Prigozhin has backed off, for whatever deal was made, he probably doesn't have long before he dies of poison or falling out a window (if it hasn't happened already).

Didn't realize that. But yeah, looks great, going to try it out.

Had a red '76 like this in high school. Fun car, but the road salt from Michigan winters ate through the doors and quarter panels. After lots of work and a paint job, looked amazing. Quick sold it before all the bondo could fall out.

Yeah, Mosaic! I was trying to remember the name of the software recently. I knew it was something pre-Netscape from the early to mid 90's. My college computer lab had it set up on a few sysems. It linked to just a couple things on campus, as well as documents at a couple other universities. Text colored blue were links to other pages. Not a whole lot to see on it back then. I vaguely remember Pine for email. Actually, a friend at another university taught me how to send emails directly through the Unix mail daemon. You could spoof the "From" line to make it look like email was coming from anywhere. I really could have abused that knowledge far more than I did. Pretty much just sent bullshit emails to a few friends for laughs.

Logo. 🐢

Yeah, not really a programmer. Logo and Basic were pretty much the extent of my learning as a kid back in the early 80's. Wouldn't mind getting into python if I had some spare time. Keep coming across stuff where being able to do python scripting would be useful.

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The NRA has a bloody hand in promoting this culture. Decades of escalating fearmongering brought them members, money, and political influence. It also took them far off course from their original goals promoting safety and responsibility. They now exist solely to promote more firearms sales at any cost, and actively push legislation against any attempts to regulate ownership. I enjoy going to the range once in a while to do some target shooting, and used to hunt years ago, but will never be a NRA member. I have no respect for this organization and what they've become.

Agree on CrossFit. At my last job, there was a group of people who went together and would talk about it. For hours, every day. Got really sick of hearing about it. My wife even joined up for a while. While she had fun and it was good for her, I just didn't have the patience to listen to her talk about it and all the gym gossip when she got home. I felt guilty knowing I should be more supportive, but I just couldn't do it after hearing about WODs all day.

I remember back in grade school (early 80's) we had lessons about how to use a phone book. Now I'm surprised if I ever see a new one dropped off at the front door.

The Dirtbag Diaries, The Moth, This American Life

None of these are programming related. I think quite a few people know about the last two, but Dirtbag Diaries probably less so. If you enjoy the outdoors, hiking, climbing, biking, whatever, it's worth checking out.

Came across one in a consignment bin a few weeks ago. Aww, nope, not even for $2.