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Joined 1 years ago

Ponzi schemes, especially the insurance companies. They really are a Ponzi scheme.

Think about it, they promise you things asking for money, then when you need their services they decide where you go, how much they will pay (leaving the rest for you to pay as a deductible), then they turn around and increase your costs for their services, that they fight tooth and nail not to pay anything.

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My father is one of them. Because of his idiotic glorification and idol worship of trump, my family has told him to fuck off. Haven’t talked to him for almost 3 years now. He even believed the big lie

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2 things.

First our judicial system is fucked. His ass should be behind bars for what he has been charged with. Especially since he can’t keep his big mouth shut on social media.

Second I will be so glad when his ass is no longer in the news. The wannabe dictator shouldn’t even be allowed to run for the office again based on his involvement with all of this.

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Not to mention the cold-hearted attacks on these mothers for trying to protect their own lives since they know they can’t enjoy having the pleasure of being a parent to these children.

This country, especially the southern states, don’t care about anything but themselves and controlling others.

I’m so glad the wife and I are actively trying to get out of Texas. It’s not a place I want to raise a family as there are no real family values offered here except hate and control.

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I live in Texas, and can’t wait to gth out. This state has become so authoritarian it’s not even funny. Everyone is too busy being in everyone else’s business, especially if they think they can make a quick buck.

When I first moved here, it was a wonderful state to live in, but since djt was voted in it went completely backwards. The obvious racism, bigotry and hatred has really come to the forefront of life around here.

Not to mention the mentality that if they think it’s in the book of fairy tales, called the bible, then that is the supreme law. They are so busy pushing their beliefs on you, and telling you that you should believe in their ways, has gotten out of hand. IMHO texas needs to secede from the US so they can burn in their own personal hell. Let people decide for themselves what they believe and what they can do with their own bodies.

Fuck Texas! I didn’t move here to be told how to live my life.

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And yet a bunch of people, mainly good ol boys, from the south say racism isn’t real. How messed up has the US become. It doesn’t matter what your skin color is, what matters is your integrity. This is why I am actively trying to get the hell out of Texas, I can’t stand racism no matter who it’s by.

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The only thing u/spez cares about it $$$. It’s not about the communities as a whole anymore. I understand server space isn’t exactly cheap, never has been, but Reddit, unlike Lemmy, is all about profit. There is no way that the ridiculous amount he wants for the api use age is sustainable for anybody that is trying to make Reddit useable for the masses. They just realized they weren’t getting any ad revenue from the apps that he couldn’t convince to show them. When I left reddit every other post was an ad

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physically shoved the Congressman at a holiday event (edited from the video).

How convenient that the “shove” was edited from the video. Wonder who did that???

They are making America great again, as long as they all get arrested.

True, but I’m a firm believer in the motto of you made your bed now lie in it.

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Desantis is like trump. Full of bs and lies constantly

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Because they listen to people rather than ignore them and then make policy based on how much money they can make from the deal.

This shows me the EU is actually more democratic then the US is.

I’m notorious for this stuff. I also have a tendency of knowing what time of day it is without looking at the clock for hours, usually within 5 minutes. Freaks my wife out.

The real decorum would be ousting her from the house completely

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I have a suggestion about lemmy. Could there be a way where Lemmy can check for community names across instances to help reduce multiple communities of the same name? For example, say someone wants to create a Linux community on their instance and during the creation Lemmy searches an index of community names and finds one already named that name, it would then recommend the existing community which already exists be used or a new community name be made.

My theory is to help reduce the multiple communities of the same name posting the same article numerous times on the all feed.

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It’s a threat because he thinks that it will hurt Trumps bid to be the potus again. What he doesn’t realize is Trump did that to himself, nobody else did.

I actually prefer this over reddit. Currently, I’ve yet to come across any infighting or holier than thou types and it’s nice. People on here are more real and don’t seem like keyboard warriors who think they know everything with no real world experience. I’m sure they are here, but I haven’t come across any yet.

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The TestFlight version will be the beta testing version for all the upcoming official App Store version for updates. If you keep the TestFlight version you will be a bug finder for improvements to the final app.

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Meta (formerly known as Facebook) released an app to k on n the fediverse to take on the likes of twitter nd mastodon today.

The war cry is to defederate them before they get to th point of trying to kill the fediverse.

To this day the government is still trying to create a lot of the tech from Star Trek. They are actively working on warp technology, replicators for food and clothes etc and Star Trek was the basis for a lot of today’s computers (i.e. no tubes like old tvs and computers before the invention of the desktop computer).

One time the government actually approached the producers and wanted to know how they got the doors to open and close automatically like they do. Genes answer “there’s two men holding onto broom sticks, one on each side, when the actor walked up to the doors they would pull the broomsticks and make a ‘whooshing’ sound as they opened and closed them “

Now we have that tech on 90% of retail shop doors. Star Trek was the basis for a lot of tech we use now.

They finally had the catalyst in the white house that gave them the opportunity to show their real colors.

I agree, I feel sorry for the man getting lost like he did. But I will not raise my family around such a narcissistic attitude.

It goes even deeper in congress, especially those that represent the south

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Wish it was that simple. The problem with the internet, as a whole, is someone figured out they can collect just about everything from your data, with or without cookies, and sell it to big companies.

Everything is about that almighty dollar. We are now the product under the guise of being a consumer.

You want to complain about access being blocked because of where you live, fine just makes you an easy commodity to sell to someone else.

Tbf, you want complete anonymity, stay off the web, don’t use bank accounts or credit cards, not even those like cash app, become a hermit and tell everyone to fuck off as you are not for sale.

In reality, it’s policies, like the GDPR, that are actually looking out for your best interest. Here in America the arguement would be “they’re taking away my freedom” or “the government is overreaching” instead of “Hey, someone actually cares about my privacy in the government!”

Like I have said in another group, people complain about their privacy online and then use the likes of chrome for their browser. We say we care about our privacy, but in the end we are a tool that doesn’t do the job we need done.

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I agree I can’t wait to see the complete implosion of reddit. I have noticed even in my searches for stuff online redshit is not coming up as often

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” we don’t care about democracy. watch is circumvent it in every conceivable way possible” - ohio gop

That should be the “entire gop” not just Ohio

Same with my father. He was a great guy until he jumped on the Trump train. Now he is a hateful, bigoted racist that thinks if you don't think the way he does you aren't worth his time. I learned my thought process from him where you don't blindly follow someone else. Research, research and more research before you commit youself to something. Make sure you are making an informed decision, hell he is a retired cop, he was a detective, he knows how important it is to look at the evidence and make the right decision. But not since Trump, he even started looking up Qanon shit to base his decisions on. I miss who he was, but I won't join his beliefs just to keep him in my life.

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she was "charged four times in the past year" over similar allegations and that she was out on bond on Aug. 5

This person needs a serious mental evaluation. Not to mention she willfully threw away her freedom to do this stunt. Serious or not she is messed up in the head, like most maga trumpers.

And to think there are “people”, used very loosely here, that want it back in the White House. Now you can see why we are screwed right now.

I agree, currently the fediverse is a wild frontier and we have new communities showing up constantly. However, we also don’t want to overburden users with a plethora of ,basically, duplicate communities. For example to my knowledge there are 2 asklemmy’s and 2 Linux communities that do the same thing, they are just on different instances. For now I think programming at this point should work to cover the basic principals of all programming aspects, if it gets too cluttered, then like mentioned already, we can start separating out the different languages.

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Trust me, it’s not just satire.

I was in a homeless shelter about 7 years ago, unfortunately as a resident, and this dude I shared my room with was like 40 and would post on his Facebook profile that he was looking for a godly woman who doesn’t want to work and wants kids. His description of her was as follows:

Must be blonde, 5 foot to 5.5 foot tall, weigh no more than 110 lbs, must be religious to the only point of life was serving god and him. She must be no older than 25 and big boobs and perfect breeding hips.

This dude was 40, 300 lbs, 6ft tall. Took a shower once a week, worked at pilgrims chicken on the kill floor, and was so slow it took him 10 minutes to walk up a 100ft driveway from where the bus dropped him off. And yet he could never understand why No women wanted anything to do with him

The problem is the question of where is the proof of your beliefs. Most Christian’s tout that the Bible is the truth yet no one can prove the “truth” of the Bible. It’s always a case of “look around you see the blues skies and the trees and the flowers etc. that does not prove god is real, nor does it prove he isn’t.

The fact of the matter is what you want to believe is the truth, the inherit problem is that most Christian’s believe they have to push their beliefs on others whether they want it or not. It even gets as far as stating if you are a specific religion,such as Methodist, baptist etc, you’re not a true believer.

I have found in my 50+ years of living that most people are hateful if you don believe exactly what they do.

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The question in my mind is where is the money actually going. We all know he doesn’t like paying his legal fees, just ask Rudy.

I like playing modern warfare. My pet peeve is twofold

1st, online is completely unplayable because of script kiddies having to cheat because they think their k-d ratios are more important than letting people have fun that want to play it they way it’s designed.

2nd on the campaigns the enemy players can shoot you through walls and kill you, but if you see them and try to shoot them through the walls, the walls become bulletproof.

Another game I like is GTAV online. They should get rid of the ability to buy virtual money packs. Not everyone can afford to pay $100 for $10 million virtual dollars to buy the shit that gives them the essence of i destruct ability. Oppressors come to mind on this. You can steal peoples cars left and right but if you steal an oppressor they can reclaim it while you are in mid flight killing you.

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Unless we kill all the greed, which I personally don’t see happening, we will never break the chains and reach this reality.

Another thing I like about Star Trek is the breakdown of religious belief that we are not created equal and everyone is emboldened to someone else to live.

I really hope humanity can reach this pinnacle, but until we quit living for the almighty dollar, we won’t. We are the Ferengi from the show.

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This is wrong. I’m on matrix both on my computer and phone. If I’m not logged in, and conversations are made during that time I can log in and it decrypts all the messages letting you pick up where you left off.

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In this case the serious felony requires a minimum of 20 years in prison

Atheistic agnostic

I believe there is a higher power of some sort, but not one all powerful deity. I grew up Christian, but as I read the Bible myself I realized that it was basically fairy tales with absolutely no historical proof, besides some scrolls that are 3rd hand info.

One of my biggest questions about the Bible and Christianity, if Jesus went to the mountain to pray to god about what to do alone, then how do we know what was said/or revealed to him without being 2nd or 3rd hand info? Another question to ask, how do we know god is/was real? If he was don’t you think some prayers would be answered

Nothing to read, it’s a video