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We are finding evidence of pre-Homo Sapiens structures. Wooden structures typically rot. "Cavemen" is a misnomer from the evidence survivorship bias.

Also notable is your claim they were less intelligent. Human intelligence hasn't dramatically increased genetically or biologically. Human knowledge has dramatically increased since the invention of writing recently in our history. Creativity and problem solving are highly evolved in our species and we have contemporary evidence of huge ability to transmit knowledge through oral transmission and the influence of tribal tradition.

Just looks like they suck at icon design and don't understand the difference between rasters and vectors.

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Every single state is gerrymandered to all hell. No we didn't.

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I don't even say this to be insulting, but if she weren't famous, these bans would absolutely be impacting her personally.

If I saw Marge walk out of a woman's restroom, and I was small minded enough to give a shit, she would not pass.

They both stay alive through the end of it

I didn't. I was wrong. I'm sorry.

Isn't this just the caste system?

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He doesn't want a new competitor. He's just spouting whatever will make the line move up. It has nothing to do with his opinion.

Or pulling over on a long drive

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So this means we can listen to Ignition Remix again?

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Just pay Starbucks to collect it.

It literally already passed that point. The headline details the elements of a crime.

When a MM is good they're extremely effective by clearly directing their team to the work top levels want done... But that assumes top levels know what needs to be done, can communicate it, the MM understands those priorities, and can apply top priorities to specific details of the team's work.

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I wonder how they worked around user violations of copyright... Imagine all the content uploaded to Instagram/Facebook that the poster didn't create but simply uploaded their download/screenshot.

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First, I don't think "unskilled jobs" is used correctly most of the time and agree with you 99%. My quibble is that people often say "unskilled jobs" to mean "jobs that can be learned to do adequately without prior experience." Some, not most, of the jobs you show fit that category. I wish we had a corrolary to this meme to express the benefit employers get from employees who become skilled at these roles. Purely economically, if I am a manager who can hire someone who has gained great experience and can hit the job running day 1 at an "unskilled" job instead of having to train and performance manage a truly "unskilled" candidate, it would easily justify a 50-100% pay increase as it reduces the cost of management by more than that.

Oh no, doing the right thing has a risk of downside! No one has ever faced such a moral dilemma before.

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I just pay for the fries

Imagine a world where St. Thomas Aquinas wasn't a renowned theologian, but rather an avant-garde food critic. The fallout from Aquinas's writings reshapes the culinary world. Chefs and food enthusiasts study his texts, much like theologians would, seeking deeper meaning in the act of cooking and eating. His influence persists for centuries, and he's often quoted in modern cookbooks and culinary schools, remembered as the philosopher-chef who elevated food from mere sustenance to a divine experience.

1. "Summa Gastronomica" In this multi-volume work, Aquinas delves deep into the metaphysics of taste, creating a taxonomy of flavors and culinary experiences. He opines that all foods ultimately seek a "greater flavor," drawing parallels to the argument of the "First Cause" in theology.

2. "The Five Proofs of Deliciousness" Aquinas postulates five undeniable proofs that a dish can be considered truly delicious, arguing from motion (the urge to eat more), causation (the culinary lineage of a dish), contingency (seasonal ingredients), degrees of perfection (the platonic ideal of a dish), and teleology (the ultimate purpose of eating).

3. "On Dietary Law" A commentary on the moral implications of eating, where Aquinas grapples with questions like: Is it a sin to overeat? Does the soul benefit from fasting? He ultimately concludes that moderation is key and that food, like all earthly pleasures, should direct one towards a higher appreciation of life's bounties.

4. Controversial Hotdog Thesis As we've seen in the image, Aquinas makes a philosophical exploration of the nature of hotdogs. This becomes a pivotal piece that sparks debates in culinary circles for centuries. Some scholars argue he was being metaphorical, while others believe he was making a profound statement on the interconnectedness of life and food.

5. "Treatise on Culinary Habits of Angels" A whimsical piece, Aquinas speculates on whether celestial beings partake in gastronomic pleasures. While admitting the lack of scriptural evidence, he humorously posits that angels might enjoy ethereal versions of earthly delights.

I care about it like Facebook or Twitter. It has a big influence on our society, even if I don't use it.

They didn't wish I'll to this guy. They promised to defend themselves from him.

They have nukes

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Yeah, I can't do Instagram or TikTok because within 3 videos I'm either getting something inflammatory or selling something. An algorithmically neutral version would be amazing.

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The manager doesn't get to make the decision. She's probably going to have to go argue with her manager that also likely has no control. Stand your ground, they don't want to fight on this hill. -source, a people manager of hybrid teams at a company that insisted on on-site.

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The fact that Alito lives in a suburb near some random out of work actress and the worst his wife has experienced is unpleasant signs shows we are the most peaceful human beings as citizens regarding their politicians.

The best way to judge music is by looking at the clothing of the band members

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These features require the cloud, which costs money and uses carbon. If you don't want them, as many don't, you shouldn't have to force the company to price them in at the purchase.

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"war crimes are okay to save hostages" is certainly a perspective I didn't expect to read today.

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That big case a few years ago was in GA I think

Texas Doctor Who would be the worst iteration

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Depends who "they" are. Middle managers can tell who comes in and who is performing, but most of them don't care or want to work remotely too. Executives who can approve a program like this are the ones pushing return to office.

"BuT TrUmP." Since we aren't actively sending troops to Israel and Trump is a fan of sending money instead of troops, I think he would handle it exactly the same way.

I won't vote for him, but it should sicken all of us that on the issue of genocide, both parties are literally the same.

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Yeah, don't assume they were saying that's unnecessary, just that it is expensive.

Maybe someone could loosen a carpet near the stairs

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Grift that keeps on grifting

Are you suggesting that YouTube shouldn't have liability for the behavior of their algorithms?

They should use them whenever Trump does his yelly old man routine.

If your work is exclusively done on keyboards, sure.

I do a ton of sketching, note taking, and planning using my apple pencil.

It's the risk we are talking about because Biden and the DNC didn't make any plan to avoid this disaster.

No one fails to see this. You saying "but Trump" is just an excuse for Biden to keep killing children.

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Beyond your disgusting analogy, if you think Palestinians give a shit who sends the bombs to Israel that are going to kill them you're not living in reality.

Tell me you're voting for Biden on domestic policy grounds, and I'll agree with you because that's my plan, but stop dressing this up as anything that's not as bad as it could be

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Haiti is not in Africa. Also, Biden literally announced a partnership with Kenya this week.

I agree with you overall though.