
1 Post – 275 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

I agree where you are coming from but there is proper evidence of loli porn and it not being just a cool anime. I don't have problem with anime.

Also cosplaying a little girl is pretty weird no matter where you are from.

Idk where you are from. But someone making it their hobby to watch cute little girls is considered quite creepy in my place.

Ik that's also a reason and i stand by my views which also happens to be the views of the general society.

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Maybe because i worded it a bit like im attacking linux hobbyists. I am one myself. And maybe I also fit in a different definition of the term degen. But yeah I don't agree with the one dude that thinks cosplaying little girls is a hobby lol.

In a sense we all spend so much time virtually, sometimes it feels dystopian to me. Not saying it's wrong but it's fascinating for sure.

I never said rtfm is toxic but it is well known how toxic arch community used to be. Im very much referring to that.

These thumbnails are also the reason why people stay away from Linux. How is the little girl relevant to your question?

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Thanks for the invidious link

If comsic desktop gets a perfect launch, it wouldn't be an over exaggeration to say, some amount of people will switch

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Cosmic desktop can do this. They already have similar history.

Same but for some reason 7+5 giving 12 is so amusing to me. It's like two ugly people giving birth to an adoring baby. I hate odd numbers btw.

Gatekeeping (communication) Gatekeeping is the process through which information is filtered for dissemination, whether for publication, broadcasting, the Internet, or some other mode of communication.

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No offense. Just a genuine question. Where do activists like Greta get income or the money to travel or just for day to day living? Especially considering she has been doing this since a young age.

Pls don't take my comment as in a bad light. I'm the same age as her so I always wondered. The answer could be NGO's collecting donations but I'm not sure.

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You don't understand how open source works. You are not entitled to any features. Let the devs go on their own pace. A lot of open source projects shut down because of similar reasons.

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I genuinely hate AI art

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It wasn't justified by israel the first time either. Anyone with iq above room temperature knows Israel is doing all of this for a reason .

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50 real people is still better than botted updoots.

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The next supposed candidate to replace modi is much worse. Look up Uttar Pradesh and it's chief minister Yogi Adityanath. It's only gonna get worse for India.

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It had no specific rules for it or against it. It was just a secret rule that you could upload on it. Now it's official ig.

Wtf are you talking about

Where are the Biden boyfriends that call everyone that criticizes biden a Trump supporter? I said multiple times on lemmy that a lot of people go above and beyond to support this horrible person who repeatedly mentioned his fantasies for an israeli state and serving it since he was a kid.

Trump is worse but that doesn't mean you can't criticize this piece of shit.

And the worst thing is I live far away from the US and still get called Trump supporter for calling this sicko a sicko.

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Is getting bullied for walking a certain way and talking in a "funny way" for their whole lifetime every human experience? Cause I didn't experience any of those yet I've seen my friends go through it. Are you suggesting autism is not real? You must be living in a whole new world.

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Good. Let the platform die for good.

I'm ngl, this was so hard to read. Why does english have 2 meanings for can?

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English isn't my first language. I don't wanna spoil the joke but someone explain the joke here or in dms. What is a cox ring?

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Andrew tate on lemmy?

All these comments are amusing for me as an asian

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Just so you know this episode did not air in India. Proved his point.

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India's current government is fascist

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I used to think github invented git when I was new to programming 😓

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Have some shame

I remember seeing this dog die before. Wtf dejavu

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Imagine slaving off your life to build a wonder and there are some people in the future that will say it was the aliens. That's crazy disrespect.

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Arrest this thug

It's crazy that we are unable to even go near the topic of "punishing israel for breaking international laws and human rights violations". It's just "let's give them one more chance and if they can't resist their bloodthirst maybe we should stop trading arms with them. Maybe"

It's clear how much the western governments need israel. Or maybe it's a reminder of America's power

The whole concept of owning a land because a magical book said so in itself is extremism

Can we criticize biden?

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Umm guys this is most probably satire

His Twitter is enough for a lot of people. Dude is a middle aged white supremacist. A character that would easily be on the show "the boys". That's how comical it is.

Biden expressed his love for israel way before Netanyahu was a political candidate.

Look at their ceo's tweets. The project may be fine but the person that leads it and the way they deal with "anti-woke" crowds is essential. They could've easily ignored a few weirdos making a group but they decided to make a post promoting some report and continued it with racist and sexist comments. They 100% deserve the hate. The consultancy part isn't the problem but the management is.

High time people use this word