4 Post – 154 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

laughcries in neurodivergent

What can you do though: People are idiots and I am one of them.

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At least some of it is shitty companies either neglecting to optimize or even outright sabotaging their own sites to try and force you to install their data harvesting app so they can sell more of your data for profit.

The rest is just lazy devs not optimizing because they're lazy and/or underpaid and overworked.

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We did it Lemmy! We've reached an arbitrary number of posts.

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Just be sure to wash your hands before you eat the tacos: Heavy metals bad, safety first!

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Just be straightforward: Avoid hinting, speak plainly. I can't speak for all guys, but I'm terrible at picking up on hints.

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Keying this car is a moral imperative.

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This feels vaguely sexual...

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Don't buy anything from Temu lol

I'll just go ahead and file this under "No shit lol"

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If these fuckwits attempt another coup, I really doubt it will play out how they expect.

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Regular gamer here: lol, do it! Fuck these corpo dickheads!


Perfect Dark

Tomb Raider


Mirror's Edge

Horseshit, now observe as a jack off to an abstract idea!

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Maybe they signed an NDA and don't want to get sued? Or maybe it's just made up? How are we to know?

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Derp fried sushi!

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No thanks, could you imagine the shedding?

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Actually, never mind: Please leave so I can concentrate.

Fuck WOTC but I don't care what color Aragorn's skin is lol.

Tolkien hated bigots btw

You're not turtle enough for the Turtle Club.

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But you won't say why or how?


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Even jacketed rounds don't keep everything off your hands. Never eat or drink at the range and wash your hands as soon as you're done.

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Shit, I'm still trying to pirate a car!

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Seems crazy early for a refresh...

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Because money/practical limitations: It costs more to make them and in ye olden times I'm not sure they had the technology to make a reliable vertical axis turbine.

They do exist these days, but aren't as common because they're more expensive and complicated (which also means more maintenance, which further adds to the long-term cost).

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Pirate Linux!


Of course it will lol

Gamgam needs those high res frames and she'll do anything to obtain them.

Won't someone think of the poor billionaires?

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Hey, I'm not old!

Shit, wait, yes I am.

Beep boop.

No, definitely normal human posts made my normal actual human beings.

Confirmed pedo, just like his buddy Trump.

This is the real answer.

I was about to say I was getting obvious plant adjacent vibes off this lol

The Order: 1886

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Demon Souls

Dark Souls 1-3



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What's the trick to making a good grill cheese sandwich?

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We had social media, it just wasn't cancerous like Facebook. It was more fun like MySpace, forums, blogs, IRC, etc.

Gogoat, you son of a bitch.

Yeah, I'm not afraid to die on this hill. Grass kicks ass!