
3 Post – 506 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I hadn't even thought about that. Maybe I will.

Fucking right we can.

Need these in men's rooms, given the gender gap. Maybe a sticker in northern Michigan "Hey union brother! This shop is busy thanks to the CHIPS act. Harris/Walz." or "Man to man, you know we can do better than Trump. Who do you want your kids looking up to as president?"

Or something idk.

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I'm a concerned Canadian, so someone can take this idea and run with it.

Sorry, I'm m Canadian, can't do it.

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Some of those that work forces...

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Pretty transparent to have the funding expire just after the election, gives republicans a few weeks to decide if they care about the deficit (Dem elected) or not (republican elected).

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It's getting well past prison time if you ask me.

Who would have thought that paragon of virtue would just lie like that.

Well, you're more optimistic than I am. Hope you're right.

Damn, look at that. Thanks.

Nah he'll be there, his ego won't let him stay away. We'll have to hear it sane washed as his "just stay tuned" showmanship master plan, but we'll know it's just ego.

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It's expected, but still news, especially given Trumps repeated, full throat endorsements. Sometimes what we don't do is as important as what we do.

Who could have possibly seen this coming.


I'm sure he will want to fein outrage and threaten lawsuits to give the permission structure for his supporters to vote for him, on getting elected all these pretend lawsuits dry up.

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Anyone telling you both sides same are either a bad actor or so incredibly privelleged that they can just not care about this kind of thing.

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Trump went from majority support to majority support. He will win the nomination because conservatives, Republicans in particular are terrible, awful people. None of this is really even new, they've been terrible for decades and decades.

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I want to make a movie so painfully obvious in its satire that everyone who understands it lives in perpetual psychological torment inflicted on them by all the people who don't.

Brutal. He did it too, he did it.

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“When you feed a baby, Bobby, a vaccination, there’s like 38 different vaccines. And it looks like it’s meant for a horse, not a, you know, 10 pound or 20 pound baby,” Trump said to Kennedy, echoing a claim he’s made in the past. “And then you see the baby all of a sudden starting to change radically—I’ve seen it too many times. And then you hear that it doesn’t have an impact.”

Really puts this:

Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.

Into the right perspective.

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The decline of legal streaming, through the dividing up of content onto multiple expensive streaming platforms, has pushed me away from legal options onto the black/grey market where I can get much more content for much less on a more convenient single platform.

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So, just to be certain, when USA today keeps giving Trump the benefit of the doubt and uses words in this article like, riot, and alleged role, they're carrying water for him right? The man has been found to have had a role andtaken part in an insurrection in multiple cases now. They should just say it.

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My god the media is rubbish, "Trump came under fire in 2015 after he appeared to mock a New York Times reporter with a disability". Like, are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me? Appeared my ass, he did mock a man with a disability, it isn't a debate, or a perception, or the appearance, he did that shit.

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Most men idiots, this man say.

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Juror #2 an "investment banker" who gets all their news exclusively from Trump Truth social and Elon twitter. The red hat is there to save the day, hang the jury on some nonsense to protect the cult leader.

If I'm wrong, and the jury convicts, point to this thread and I'll donate $25 to charity.

The observers in the court won't say who it is, but I guarantee its that one.

Edit: I have chosen Special Olympics Canada as the charity.

Edit2: I was wrong, I will make that donation tonight and post the blurry receipt

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This is exactly what "locker room talk" was code for, and why Trump's voters weren't phased by it, this is the toxic culture they have and want to defend.

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Donald Trump Shared a Hilarious Story About Not Wanting to Help a Dying Man

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legal experts noted that holding a probation interview over a video conference call is unusual but having the former president in a New York probation would also be unprecedented.

More kid gloved special treatment for Trump.

Trump could also be asked if he is associating with anyone with a criminal record because he cannot associate with them if he is placed on probation,

LOL, Trump has been surrounded by criminals for ages.

They're going to find some way to let him run. They'll overturn the trial judge in it being insurrection, they'll say the amendment needs legislation to back it up, they'll say say the word "the" doesn't really mean "the" like it did in 1492 or some such nonsense. It'll be 5-4 or 6-3, because the fascist right has the judiciary captured.

America entered the legal phase of fascism during Trumps presidency, and Biden and the democrats weren't able to correct it during this last best chance to do so. In my humble, ignorant, foreign opinion, this is it, this will be the next step in the long coming codification of fascist rule in America.

Good luck, hope I'm wrong.

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People are literally dropping dead in a climate change driven 48C heat wave in India, and right wing people are wondering how many libs they will trigger with their I heart oil bumper stickers.

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Nothing to see here, certainly not a Conservative court helping delay the outcome as much as possible to help the man that gave them this power.

This is a natural outcome of conservatism, what is conservatism trying to conserve? The existing power structures in society of course. So the power of God over man, of men over women, of white people over other races, and of rich over poor. Science must be rejected because science gives evidence against the supremacy of god, men, the white race and the rich.

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Terrible article, let me save you all the time. Students using ChatGPT = Cheating , there you go, that's the article.

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Let's not gloss over something important, Trump did try to get Hillary locked up. He had his justice department investigate her and the Clinton foundation both. They couldn't find evidence of crimes, so Hillary remains free.

Where Trump backed down was not going extra-judicial. But let's not let him off the hook, he tried, he's a despot.

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That's a witness to criminal contempt of court. The prosecution should get this guy to swear to his hat he saw under oath so Trump can spend some time in prison for his games.

Edit: I'm not fixing that typo, let him swear to his hat.

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Having read the story, this is just the newest iteration of the 90s 800 sex line jobs. We invent some new kind of communication and it immediately is used to seperates horny people from their money.

And because there weren't consequences on Trump, he'll do it again. Trump is working on it right now, soft or violent, legal or extra legal, he's working on it.

Where is the part about capturing the supreme court so you can try an insurrection with no consequences?

What makes a log cabin gay? Put a couple of self hating Republicans in it or is there more to it than that?

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