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Joined 9 months ago


Geek. Gamer. Data hoarder. Eldritch Horror hidden in a geeky t-shirt. Canadian. Polite, but says the 'c word' like an Australian. Avid pirate, worships unfathomable space gods that may drive you crazy.

Also on Mastodon

Rare and welcome!

Jokes on Sony, they stopped getting my money years ago.

Whoa, whoa whoa whoa WHOA...reading the article explains the article???

Edit: Not a big fan of humour 'round these parts? That's fine, I get it, it's not for everyone. Take care, folks.

All lanes closed both directions for incident on I-695 Key Bridge

All lanes no longer in existence on I-695 Key Bridge.

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What people need to learn is that "indie game" it's not a synonym for good, or worthwhile. I've pirated tons of indie games which wereamazing and I ended up buying.

I've also pirated tons of indie games that I wouldn't have spent a damn dollar on because they absolutely sucked.

Pirate indie games all damn day. Pay for the ones that aren't flame-broiled ass. Don't reward people who asset flip or put 5 mins of effort into something just because the game is listed under a category called 'indie' lmao

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Rooster Teeth was a shell of itself for a long time, but those first few seasons of Red vs Blue were a fundamental part of my damn teenage years.

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☐ Not rekt

☑ Rekt

☑ Really Rekt

Partially off-topic but I rarely get the chance to tell this story:

My old man was a porn hound. Talking wall of VHS tapes. You know what I'm picturing, that was his living room. Had 4 VCR's hooked up at once with several switches, a few switchboards for colour and audio correction, whole 9 yards. Lost an eye when I was a kid so always wanted to make his viewing 'optimal' for him.

What he'd end up doing was go down to the local Variety Video, rent 5-6 tapes, come home, and dub em over the weekend. Then once dubbed, remove the label with some heat, open the cassettes (the og and the copy he made) and swap the reels so he'd have the original one (which would be ever-so-slightly better quality than the copy he made, again, cause of his sight). Then seal em up, return the copy and no one was the wiser. Did this for close to 15 years before the place closed down (for unrelated reasons) and had his huge wall of big titty wank material for years to come lmao.

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As someone who gets comics from TG up and including last night: Shit.


This was posted to their telegram channel according to reddit's piracy sub, so everything is fine.

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This lol.

I'm fucking 40, anyone I grew up with who made my life miserable are people who I have had no exposure to or communications with since I graduated high school June 16th 2002. Anyone since then who makes my life miserable for more than a few minutes gets told to fuck off on the spot lol.

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She’s an actual “self made” billionaire.


Paradox's Sim game was the least I was looking forward to of the upcoming Sims spiritual successors, ya know, cause it's Paradox..

..but still, fuck.

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Of course, a lot of people will disagree with this approach

There is not a single person here who is going to talk you out of leaving lmao, whether you stay or go affects no one but you. That being said, you're a teen and you're choosing to leave a social media platform due to mental health reasons. That's quite far from being a bad thing. You're doing what's best for you and that's good shit. You've matured further than you think.

Every Lemmy account will have a Delete Account option located at the bottom of the main page of your settings, not sure if it's automated or if an admin has to go in to clear em out manually, but trigger it, log out and you're set!

I see eldritch themes, I'm down!

I saw this coming a mile away a decade ago.

Ditto. I'm Canadian so our media libraries typically have sucked compared to the US. Back 10-12 years or so ago I remember Netflix making comments online about looking into blocking Canadians from using vpn's, DNS services and the like to access American Netflix.

Like..motherfuckers I've been pirating since June 1, 1999 when Napster came out, and several years earlier if we wanna count a wall of VHS recordings as piracy. I cancelled that day, and set up Plex. Now a decade+ and 30TB later I haven't had to worry about it for a second, and neither have over a dozen of my close friends lol.

I had not heard of that, and am not sure I want to..

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Yup. Had em 3-4x in this very apartment. First day we discovered them I was hauling my box spring the fuck outside and dumping it by the trash downstairs at 3am while my wife was panicking.

Thankfully been several years since I've seen em and I aim to keep it that way.

That's what I did over on kbin. I'm responsible for posting 95+% of pro wrestling news on Lemmy/kbin, and another person sets up most of the discussions. The community wasn't picking up speed back during the early redditpocalypse. Now we're getting tons of activity.

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But do you as that person need to know that fact every time you launch the game or is finding out about it before you buy it from it's technical information sufficient?

You can care about surround sound options, but a non skippable splash screen on every launch gives you zero information or use.

Geoff, thank you for realizing the issue and addressing it. This is also the 10th year The Game Awards have been going on my man, come on lol.

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I used to in the past (back when it was much more common to peruse /b/ and have kiddie porn slapped right in your eyeballs at a moment's notice..not that its probably changed much over the years lol). Now-a-days I just use it for the torrent board since I'm a data hoarder and they throw up the occasional interesting collection of stuff.

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Loved him some tiddy.


Might have been a few days off with the date, it's been a minute lol.

Been a bit but I think the one I was more hyped for was Paralives (which you'd expect to be the one from paradox given the name lmao)

A non-existent magazine suits my looks so that works out perfectly!

Because I don't pirate games to get a DRM free copy, I pirate games to try them out. GOG offering DRM free games doesn't change any aspect of my piracy what-so-ever.

Game comes out on GOG that I want? Cool, time to pirate it, play it, and make sure it A) runs correctly on my PC, and B) make sure the game isn't flame-broiled arse. If it's good and I enjoy it, then I will buy a copy and not a minute before.

DRM free =/= good. DRM free = DRM free.

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Oh no Verizon is making you do the fucking shit you signed up and agreed to do oh no the horror!

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I'm sure they do, amazingly my answer somehow doesn't change. Fancy that.

Edit: Downvotes mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer and this is a piracy community. Take that anti-pirate shite back to Reddit to the old community that does nothing but shit on things and post memes. We've never had a need to justify piracy and trying to shame people for it is some little-dick-bootlicker energy.

Been using Plex for 13+ years, have yet to pay a dime.

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A lack or originality begets a lack of originality. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If you want an original response, don't use an unoriginal insult in the first place lmao

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Working on waking up the Old Ones over here, will speed up.

I hope they also improve the ability to see your damned hashtags cause when I used Pixelfed I followed a few dozen hashtags of interest and I only ever found one spot on your account which let you see 'the list' of hashtags you followed and it only ever showed me a random selection of 3-4 of the dozens I followed. Closed my account a few days later lol.

Have never needed it, almost all my media is just x264 so it's working on every potato around. Not the same answer for everyone obviously, but useless for me.

/reads the first few lines of an article.

yeaaah figuring that out quick :(

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DCSS has been one of my automatic installs on any PC I have for years now.

Need more details. What are you watching when it happens? Or are you saying if you watch CSI, Sesame Street and a David Attenborough documentary about ants back to back you'd get light-headed 3 times, once during each?

As ValiantDust said it could just be motion sickness depending what it is you're watching.