9 Post – 102 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I disagree, tax is the price you pay for living in a civilization. It pays for infrastructure, social security and more.

Whether the country actually uses it well is another story.

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Before the US got involved in WWII, there was a giant Nazi rally in Madison Square Garden...

Well actually, If you set aside her age it wouldn't be rape at all, since it's statutory rape. She technically consented and did things herself. But of course since she's a child she can't consent, she was manipulated by someone much older.

My point is her age is very important and should definitely not be set aside.

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This is gonna awaken something in me

Always looked like a curved dick to me

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Like Bo Burnham once said in an interview. Social media companies want to occupy and completely take over your attention.

We are fucked as a species until governments- backed by scientists, put their foot down and stop unnecessary technology that doesn't improve or enrich peoples lifes and in fact only degrade peoples brain and attention span.

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It's also like that in the books. In the book Geralt can somehow see it in her eyes. He says they're the eyes of a hunchback or something along those lines.

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This is 100% a troll either just for fun or to rile up and radicalize gullible conservatives

Oh no it's my type

I pirated Barbie and was pretty excited to see it but damn I was disappointed, this movie was seriously overhyped it's really nothing to write home about.

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Oh, oh no

It can make you hungry for fries at work...

Community for sure

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A lot of the protesters were also men. Several of them had been shot and killed

/r/history heavily moderated and has actual historical experts answering questions and has a big library of already answered questions.

Gender doesn't have to dictate your personality, your wants, needs and the way you dress. Stop thinking so much about your gender and just do whatever the fuck you want.

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Wtf I thought vice was a journalism website, this feels more like a buzzfeed article

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Damm moon knight you crazy

At least someone's getting some. Hell I'm even constipated

He said it in his head hahaha not in to her

I use a loofah, man you guys are really living up to the male stereotype haha

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Sauce for the Manga panel? I wanna read something while erect

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My parents are lovely and supportive but they're old and cranky and neurotic too. Because I live at home I'm always involved with family drama and seeing their health deteriorate is also stressful.

Being racist to the Gauls I see

Source? Where is this picture from?

Ah oké it all makes sense now haha

Opening it through an app with no blocker, yeah it's a lot and very obtrusive too

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Why would a dog need a sweater? Aren't they like all sweater?

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Most of my friends are women but I don't think they'd ever ask me to do this. But OP is gay so it makes sense knowing that.

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Fuck all these disgusting true crime documentaries regardless whether or not they use AI

This kid is going to feel so embarrassed looking back at this after a few years... He's only 16.

Where there's a will there's a way, you got this. Be tough.

The way I see it they make an amazing single player game and then use the multiplayer to fund the next one.

I never finished the last GTA but RDR2 was absolutely amazing and didn't need any dlc or expansions imo.

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Jesus Christ that's a lot of ads

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Haha do people still watch TV channels st night?

Literally me

Bleh another remake looks like this is the trend of the time we're living in.

The tweet you linked to is just a gif of the kool aid man they tweeted. Did they alter the tweet?? Wtf

I don't get it

I'm this day and age are you really surprised haha