3 Post – 896 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

1000010136 dyisland brakes

or pigeon whistle at all 1000010135

This is a high quality meme

I installed it just to see if maybe I was wrong about gnome being shit and even if it still is maybe vanilla is good enough to put up with it. I never fucking learn.

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Everything that people try to convince me is good about it just feels so counter intuitive. It also looks like it should be touch friendly, but I tried it on steam deck and it just absolutely wasn't. We have decades of touch interface design on phones and tablets yet somehow it's worse than the flop tablets that came before ipad. But to each their own I suppose. Some people absolutely love it and it works for them. That's a big part of open source computing, one can chose the desktop environment with the most unlikeable devs if it makes them happy.

Anyway spin up a vm when you get a chance and try it. Try all of them if you can find the time. I find a lot of them kinda nostalgic and I really like tiling wm's for feeling like a power nerd and making my computer completely unusable to my friends. Mostly I just use kde though.

damn. that's a pretty shit one.

suing over an amended patent is utter bullshit. get fucked nintendo.

I love this kind of project. I haven't played much of those games but I lost my shit when demon souls network features became available for ps3 emu. I hope to see more network replacement in the future so we can all have that nostalgia hit in retirement or deathbed(this will be me) even if the original servers are down.

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damn I wish I knew about this and downloaded it in advance

Really though, what were they thinking. Why would anyone risk staying with unity after all their bad decisions, especially when they clearly have no intention to stop being dumb.

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I wish all the computer parts companies would only release new products when they are definitively better rather than making them on a schedule no matter what. I don't want to buy this year's 1080p gaming CPU and GPU combo for more than I spent for the last one with the same capabilities, I want the next series of the same part to be capable of more damn it.

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"I'm sorry but we don't have any couch shaped donuts"

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One of the last industries that would actually benefit from return to office. I doubt anyone writes better code or produces better art after getting stuck in traffic twice a day every day.

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Dumb tv with the latest panel tech is too much to ask for these days too.

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It's totally so they can list a really low "starting at" price and then upsell marked up parts in the configurator.

Disclaimer: I didn't read the article and just came in to shit on scummy business practices that I made assumptions about.

Funny because that's where a lot of his worshippers congregate and spread their bullshit

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When are the users taking them to court. These guys aren't Nintendo so I expect them to have to fuck themselves.

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Of all things that could get a remake, this one is likely the most "why?" of all time.

Tl;dr: everyone does it, but the examples provided don't sound like a child going nu-uh and making defensive excuses.

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I can't believe anyone willingly got this after the monkey testing thing. They have to be taking advantage of people not fit to make decisions for themselves.

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Can they just fuck off already? I sign into windows like once every 2 months and every time it's different and a worse experience. All my customizations using built in menus get messed up too and the shit that just shows up without asking. "We put the search back on the start bar!" Like fucking actually why?!

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wtf there are people who want to pay more for diamonds to brag about how much they paid for a shiny rock...

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That's one of the skudgiest size reductions I have ever seen. It's also not organic. I would pick something else if anyone did that to me.

The guy that still has no idea why his kids hate him, at it again.

The quality control is seemingly nonexistent though. The sucker that had theirs kick the bucket after getting rained on probably doesn't care how well the core features work.

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I would never go anywhere near that rock

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Keeping people proven innocent in prison should be a massively punishable offence

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Meanwhile bing images blocks 90% of my generation attempts for unsavory content when the prompt is generally something that should be safe even for kids. Why do we only get the extremes?

i just want a dumb tv with the latest panel tech and no planned obsolescence. I have so many computers that can provide "smarts" already

It's too bad Americans can only choose between senile old people or criminals to be president

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Oh hell yeah, another phone 2% better than the last one with the same storage capacity as the last one for more money, probably no micro SD support still, lousy stock os, and waive your warranty for the right to install alternate os.

Probably. I didn't verify any of that but it's likely since nothing ever changes for the better anymore.

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I had to read a bit to understand what this meant because I didn't know what venmo was, but I have seen people change from being weirdly generous to making more money and fairly quickly becoming irritatingly stingy to the point of nitpicking the rounding when pennies were discontinued.

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This would have sold really well if they had the sorcery to have done it during peak covid

Probably because everyone tried only the shittiest alt-malks, assume they are all bad, and somehow don't get heartburn and diarrhea and gunky mouth and throat feel from cow milk. I save all my lactose intolerance suffering for cheese and ice cream.

Seriously though it's the same as people that say only bad things about tofu but have only eaten white American 'recipes' that genuinely suck. Meanwhile Asians happily inhaling literal tons of it prepared in actually good meals. Try making bread from scratch without salt (or salty ingredients) and that's what tofu foods for the white market remind me of.

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Oof. What was the original?

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From the thumbnail I was wondering if it was this. Thanks for saving me the watch.

GTA is out of touch with the times. These days it's all grand theft catalytic converter and leave your car in a shit state where you don't know what's even wrong with it if you aren't a mechanic.

Have any of these companies gotten anywhere after dumping people to focus on ai whatever that even means?

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Probably whatever makes life the most difficult for the mother and child. The American Way.

Order literally anything from china. Each part in a Ziploc, then grouped in a Ziploc, in a box with bubble or balloon wrap, and/or styrofoam, then like 8 miles of yellow packing tape so you have no idea where to open from, and maybe another box or garbage bag layer with more tape, then the packing slip sleeve and more tape over that.

Marginally nicer looking than the cybertruck. I would steal this in GTA if I played GTA and it was a car in the game