69 Post – 564 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

I wouldn't call it a store

E2e in transport is https with extra steps 😅

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Thx but I was simply refering to e2e in transport 😅

The longer you use linux excluslively, you don't think about windows or mac. You think about fedora or suse, kde or gnome, yay or apt, distrobox or toolbox.

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Is there a public roadmap of some sort?

Maybe a blog post like "a year in review and what's up for this year"

I'm not talking about bugs or minor tweaks. Just a general where are we, where are we coming from and where are we going to? What are important milestones?

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Chat and forum are different things and serve different purposes. Even matrix doesn't solve the search problem. Use a forum for this.

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I get the joke but I don't have any problems visiting websites. Neither with firefox nor with mull

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Emailing the author and asking for the paper

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I'm disappointed that the post isn't about davinci resolve on linux but your short distro hopping story.

Apps. I prefer foss apps. I donate, report, contribute and spread the word.

Even if I would pirate an app it wouldn't become open source. I couldn't contribute. I couldn't report bugs, suggest ideas, fork and apply my own stuff.

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It's not only price. I don't agree that spotify has the right to a monopoly in music sales. Neither shall youtube have it for videos or adobe for image editing.

There is a market imbalance and the only protest that's left for me is to pirate content.

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Is that a threat? Do whatever you want.

If you seek help, remove 95% of your post.

All distros work somehow, otherwise people wouldn't use them.

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She earned 7 million and then asked for 3.5 million in donations iirc.

Desktop environment should be separated from the OS. You should be able to change the de easily. Maybe in a container.

Present the user with common software when installing the os. Ask the user if she wants to install any of it (as a flatpak).

Ask for prioprietary codecs and install them if wanted.

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I don't want to watch a video about it.

I'd like to know it, but a couple of sentences wouldn't have hurt

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You only need flatseal on GNOME. KDE has it baked into the settings

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What else does it apart from rebranding firefox and getting ad revenue?

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Looks like an ai did that

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Watch out for "awesome" lists.

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Is it better than the german open source app?

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Telegram and reddit are weird choices nowadays for a new project.

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Plasma 6 is approaching fast

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That's your opinion.

I like updating it to modern conventions. One day they become default and on another day you get rid of the old ones. The people of the future don't have to learn two sets of keybindings.

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Stop being elitist.

Use linux mint.

Why linux mint?

It's like ubuntu but no snaps.

What's ubuntu?

It's like debian but not as stable. You'll get more recent apps in ubuntu, test them, and when they are tested companies use the apps in debian.

Ok, What are snaps?

You can install packages with snap, but it's proprietary.

Ok, that's bad?

Yes. Foss apps are great and better than proprietary garbage.

Ok, foss good, proprietary garbage.

Why debian and not fedora?

Because all apps are build for it.

So it's like aur?

No. Aur is made by users for users. Builds on debian are mostly official.

So the package manager is better on debian?

Yes, kind of.

I heard of distrobox. I could use the package manager on any distro.

Yes, but it's easier at the beginning to stick to one distro and package manager to get used to it.

Why not arch?

It's too unstable.

Ok, no arch distro. I heard manjaro is good.

No, it holds back packages for no reason.

Ok. What about fedora?

It doesn't have as many packages.

But it has the copr, aren't there a lot of apps?

Yes, but it's like aur, it's build by users. Debian builds are good, stable and widely used.

Ok. What about nix? I heared it's the new arch and there are even more packages.

Yes, but It's not for newbies.

What is an immutable system? I heared that's the next big thing.

It's like android an image based operating system where you can't brick your system by accident with rm -rf /

What's rm -rf /?

Just test it in a terminal, it's fun.

How can I play games?

You install steam.

Do I have to configure anything?

Hopefully not

Can I only use linux mint?

No you can use any distro, they are all linux. You can choose whatever you want. Just choose mint.

Why mint?

It has no snaps.

What do I use instead?


If I use flatpaks, why does the package manager matter so much?

Because not all apps are available as flatpacks, especially command line tools. Snaps has cli but it's proprietary.

Can't I just use any distro and use a debian distrobox for those packages I need from debian?

Yes, use linux mint, it's easy to use.

Do I actually need all those packages? I only use word and steam.

No, probably not.

Why not using ubuntu and install flatpaks?

Because ubuntu sucks.

But isn't mint based on ubuntu?

Yes, but it has no snaps.

Can't I just use debian?

Yes, but it doesn't have the latest packages.

How do I install word?

You can't. You can use the online version.

That's a lot to understand. Can't I just windows? I only open steam anyway.

Yes, but it's proprietary.

Steam is also proprietary.

Yes, but you xan play games with it on linux.

But if steam is proprietary, and windows is proprietary, and I mainly use steam anyway, does it even matter?

What's a DE?

Linux mint uses cinnamon, it's cool!

I saw some KDE screemshots. It looks cool and everyone talks about it. There's a big release coming in a few weeks. how do I install it?

You usually don't mix DEs unless you know what you do.

I don't.

Then don't mix it.

But I want to use KDE. Which distro should I use? Kubuntu?

No, it uses snaps like ubuntu.


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Yes, nowadays and in the future my eye is on element call


You need a player. I have no player. A 1TB HDD is easier to manage than multiple BRs. People buy movies on BR and rip it to store on a HDD.

Going the other way round doesn't make sense to me.

I've got no idea what your exam is but why does it provide the answer (aka notes) to the question?

It's incredible that you shall not discuss it but actively denounce it. What idiot wrote this? Please denounce him.

The problem you describe is that there are a hundred working ways. Each path works but you have to find it and take it.

Imo, you can reduce the list to:

how to pirate movies as a beginner

  1. Setup vpn
  2. Install qbittorrent
  3. Visit a tracker like
  4. Download and enjoy

How to pirate movies as a pro

  1. Read about torrents
  2. Setup vpn
  3. Setup docker
  4. Setup prowlarr
  5. Setup gluetun
  6. setup qbittorrent
  7. Find a tracker, any tracker, and add it to prowlarr
  8. Search for something on prowlarr and be happy
  9. Add another tracker
  10. Setup radarr
  11. Setup jellyfin
  12. Setup nginx proxy manager traefik
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Debian is great for servers, not for desktop novices. Use a state of the art desktop OS like fedora (atomic) and you won't face a lot of those issues.

Yes, linux "has a problem" with nvidia but we should blame nvidia, not linux.

Fedora atomic GNOME aka silverblue

  • It has very good defaults, works out of the box, I can switch anytime to another de or a ublue image without messing around with my setup
  • selinux
  • podman
  • flatpak centric
  • auto updates
  • widely used

Current Cons:

  • openssl is not installed by default (for gsconnect)
  • gnome-tweaks is not installed by default
  • uses toolbx instead of distrobox. Toolbx is better for servers, distrobox better for desktop, imo.
  • flatpak firefox isn't used
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1 billion users on reddit is not realistic

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One reason is privacy and hence security. If you share a package, you also share the information that your system contains the oudtated package "xy" which has a backdoor and can be accessed by a hacker.

I'm not sure if that is a valid argument with atomic image distros since you share the whole image. And the tracker could just disable the old image as soon as the new image arrives.

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Congrats. Now you know why distrobox is so good. The package manager of the host doesn't matter anymore. Nix package manager also works on any system. And finally, nowadays you use flatpak to install apps whereever possible.

You can't take the package manager as a reference to judge which OS is better.

Arch is not only about installing but keeping up to date. A normal person does not want to read about selinux. Debian doesn't use it either but uses something comparable. On arch you have to take care of it. On debian the maintainers take care of it.

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Such that apps have a common theme and look and behave familar

Darktable is what you want. You can also use digikam

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They are alright. They are no honeypot. You should bring proof if you spread such words.

They publish now and then the source code to their apps and services. They don't develop publicly.

It's available for mobile as well. You find it in the extension manager

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Because it's not updated often enough. Fedora is stable and up to date. Especially fedora atomic has a huge added value compared to debian.

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