1 Post – 12 Comments
Joined 3 months ago


I mean how many people don't have a smartphone by now? Do they expect to sell more and more every year?

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Nvidia is loving this

Hi-fi rush was very successful as far as I know, weird to close that.

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I was googling gen ai transformers yesterday and most of the results were just heavily SEOd websites, where the first few paragraphs are just repeats of as many related keywords as possible to get high up in Google. Then the actual content I was looking for was usually garbage.

I get they're always improving, but are they ever going to pick a structure they like? I gave up using it for now because of constant breaking changes.

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Slay the Spire, a roguelike deckbuilding game. I thought that sounded horribly boring but decided to give it a chance, and I've been hooked on it. Playing on the Steam deck is perfect for this game I think.

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Maltesers. They're like glue on the teeth, still do it

Looks good! Added to my wishlist.

I just want a game where I don't have to think too hard. Obviously not some brain dead game, but nothing that's too close to actual work.

I switch back and forth between DDG and Perplexity. When I quickly want to look something up I find Perplexity quite helpful, just get the answer without filtering through search results.

Lemmy. Though I do check out the live formula 1 race thread on Reddit when there's a race on. There is also one on lemmy, but it's pretty dead.