16 Post – 479 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This shit is so complicated how am I even functioning, and how am I able to ask that question, and, oh no..

If the PS5 wasn't my first PlayStation ever, I'd probably be pretty disappointed with it. Kinda wish I held off and waited for this one, since I'd rather have it, but financing this just doesn't make sense in my current position. Would rather build a PC and use my Deck for remote play.

This is an aggressively mid generation, I have to admit.

It's a vibe.

As a fox/hyena therian, it's foxes and hyenas. Shocker, I know. I identify with their behaviour, which is a whole thing that's too hard to put into words--they're just so me.

I've been supporting Wikipedia with a monthly $5 donation. By now, ~$150 in total! I want to support all kinds of great projects, but I don't have an infinite amount of money to share between everything that exists 😔

I might switch to a monthly donation to The Internet Archive just because of how crucial its existence is.

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Not even the same silhouette

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This is just 1*2=2 with extra steps

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Nope, I watched a Technology Connections video about dishwashers. Both of them, in fact. I know what I'm talking about.

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K rule

That's me I'm the non-binary lemmy furry fag

But remember, if you do drugs, you go to hell and fucking die

I’ve gotta be completely honest, anything is better than other people.

And local. Probably. Maybe. Perchance.

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Why is this accurate

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Yes, definitely Paris. Never seen a more Eiffel Towery Eiffel Tower in my life!

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Yeah, I have Nestle marked as "die before using their products".

Is this what people are using Blender for nowadays

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"I need to get up to go to work. If I keep lying here, I'm cutting into my time. I'm already awake, so I just need to get up. Get up. Please?"


Are there any communities for misuse of their/there/they're? /lh

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Name a good US president

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One in five Americans enjoy the country sliding into chaos.

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Used ThinkPad or Framework laptop should be a copypasta at this point.

Technology Connections is the universal method of converting to better tools. How does he do it?

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Lemon demon

Something ain't quite wrong here..

Missing mrow mrrp maow mrrrooowwww maow nyaaa mrrp

Debian fans devastated

Fall is now out

thank God for misissipi

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We are a cheap garbage household 💪💪💪💪💪

I'm the rare Lemming that actually goes outside sometimes. It's too hard for me to read dark mode in sunlight, so I have it set to auto. Light at day, dark at night.

As it should be.

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Divide with a decimal to multiply. This is equivalent to multiplying 0.25 by 2.

The Gods be damned it can run Crysis

This image fills me with serotonin

System of a Down is an equal mix of the most serious and fun songs that I've ever seen.

🍌🍌🍌🍌🧱🍌🧱, 🧱🥧

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..It's actually a much better alternative, I can't even lie.

Butterflies, eh? Is this a metaphor?

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Better yet: Why do such a pathetic job doing it?