
1 Post – 78 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My Dad’s friend in college had this happen, except with a plumbing truck and pipe, and it decapitated his wife and daughter.

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I always wondered why he wouldn’t sit behind those trucks, then one year he finally told me. Really tragic. I don’t know how his friend actually overcame that, or if he did, they fell out of touch, but that would ruin me. On so many levels. I don’t know that I would drive a car again, at the same time, I live in the US, how do you not? lol but that’s a rant for another day.

No kidding? What college?

I could be wrong, but, that feels like a weak position to run on. I’m not sure I want the government worrying about the unexpected fee at the hotel I cannot afford to go to.

Isn’t there a way to spend the money you’re going to spend on that to spend it on like food availability, or affordable housing, or education..?

Idk. Seems like a waste of resources but, I suppose they probably have a massive team figuring out what the country is worried about. Just seems like a weird thing to underline, it feels like a back burner issue.

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Ope I see we have different tastes lmao

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It’s a good video. He also brings up the internet historian and another vlogger I’m not familiar with. Internet historian surprised me.

It’s rather blatant. Then rather than face the music, these people go to great lengths to deceive people about it. I think it would help their reputation at this point if they came out, accepted, then never plagiarize again. But, who knows. Some of them have entire careers on it.

Also, illuminaughtii just chased trends till something caught on. I thought her content was good until it came out that she stole most/all her content either from other people, or, from her own writers lol she’s known for being a piece of shit and not paying her staff as well, so I’m not entirely surprised she doesn’t have good staff pointing out the obvious plagiarism.

That’s a cool logo. I wonder who designs them

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Pug Jesus, I just want to say, thank you for all of the content. Especially over at NCD. The majority of posts I see, come from you. Thanks for sharing to all the relevant places.

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So, I work in a gun store(part time), if you think bump stocks are unethical, look up(or don’t) a binary trigger. Those, as far as I know, have never been banned, and are far more effective when it comes to trying to attempt to increase fire rate.

To be honest, a lot of gun legislation is really ineffective. The amount of loopholes etc, are kinda insane. If we’re going to talk about gun legislation, it needs to be a helluva lot more than a part ban on “assault style” firearms, until then, it’s just pandering for votes imo.

(Please don’t assume I am a crazy arsenal wielding person. I actually don’t own any firearms at this moment despite my part time occupation.)

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Looks like a golf green and he definitely has a club, so, “reading the green”, he’s looking for any small hills or valleys in the grass to get to the hole. Golf greens are designed with many different slopes to make putting harder.

Yeah, I live here, nothing has/will change by this. The sheriff’s office is going to take things over until they sort out the whole PD thing, and we’re a super tiny town, nothing will change.

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I am using wefwef! My biggest hurdle is just finding all the communities, then, I used to be primarily a lurker, I have a feeling I’m going to have to contribute to content in some of these places until there are more users.

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Spez and Elon are definitely fuckin. There’s 0 way those two fuck over their user base at the same time on accident.

Well, I’m not an electrician, but, I work in a similar trade. Generally when customers ask this question the answer is because I had 4 customers before you, and one of them talked the entire time I was trying to work, and another I did a complete renovation of the system. Often times, it makes way more sense to finish what you started than to stay “on schedule”. Which is why there are appointment windows generally. Trust me, all we want to do is go home and your appointment is what’s between me and that goal. We don’t want to take anymore time than we have to.

Hm. At first I thought this was cool, then I realized both redM and fiveM are fucked now. It’s not going to be a passion project, just another way to siphon money through micro transactions inevitably.

Yeah it’s actually wild the amount of fanfare this psycho has. Deranged and put on a pedestal. Anyone that does that for him, hasn’t gone into actual detail on what he did, how he did it, and why. Just taken in rose-tinted imagery of a mentally ill man. That Netflix show, “manhunt” or whatever, is also garbage.

Woah. I’ve never heard of this website. Do you use it regularly? I’m blown away by the fact I just clicked a link to a recipe that doesn’t have a 2.5 page write up of the authors family, why they make the dessert, and when. Along with 4 pop up ads, a banner ad, and the inability to use an Adblock.

10/10 website. Will have to go back.

I take it all back. Clicked one other recipe. Looks like ads just don’t want to be shown with this thing either.

Ah. This blessed commenter shared the printer version. Pro move.

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Yes. Which is why I am here

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We need devs, like the maker of the Falcon 4 game to “leak” source code. Its the only reason the worlds premier combat flight sim run on a game released in the 90’s.

Should I be talking about a game that released the same year I was born? No. I’m so glad someone kept it all.

I live near Rochester, MN. This is hilarious. I’m sending it to many people I know

Gotta love another Perun video. This should be interesting considering the number of articles I’ve seen recently about how “RuSsIa Is GeTtInG rIcHeR wHiLe ThE wEsT SuFfErEs.” Hoping to see some actual data on this.

Yeah, I can definitely see it. Idk, at that point, a lot of places are just going to increase prices I would imagine. Again, could be wrong. But, there is definitely merit behind going after it, especially after your reply and the other I got. I suppose I didn’t think through to the entire scope.

Though, if it is bipartisan, and basically an easy win.. why not just do it? I hate politics lol.

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As am I. Also solo. I’ve talked to a ton of small business owners, and the difference between small business owners and corporations is you have to be willing to fuck people over to become more than “the little guy”. So, I think people like us are in the “not evil” category because our goals aren’t just to simply “make money line go up.” However, because of that, we will forever be “the little guy”

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Infinity blade

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I’ve seen a lot of posts like this across multiple instances. Now, obviously it’s up to individual owners/mods/communities. But, do we just defederate from everything we don’t agree with? Sounds kinda like when mods would ban people for interacting with another subreddit.

You can block them and move on, without banning all discourse.

Not trying to defend them, cause I have many tirades against Putin sympathizers, but, defederating as a first impulse feels wrong imo. That should be left for security issues (see lemmy.world) or things like corporate entities (meta).

Honestly, beats me. I shouldn’t say I live in goodhue specifically either, I live in goodhue county. Zumbrota specifically, we also have our own PD too. Not sure the rational behind it. Goodhue has a population of like 1800 and zumbrota a population of like 3000. Maybe that’s big enough to warrant a PD, but I wouldn’t think so.

City politics aren’t really my thing, but, now that I’ve lived in this small town for a couple years, it’s becoming more crucial. So, maybe I’d have a better answer if I’ve lived here longer.

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What is this from? I got hit hard with nostalgia and can’t quite place it.

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I will say, Harvard professors were busy running a US backed psyop on the students then, which, may have contributed to his mental downfall.

Part of me would rather have it with capitalistic sociopaths that want to extract my money rather than an authoritarian government that is provably responsible for (multiple?) genocide(s). Like, in a perfect world, there’s a better system, but at least our government still, in theory, can control the businesses within our country. They won’t though.

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This is borderline iamverybadass.. do we have that on lemmy?

Ahhhhh yes! Thank you

Well, I, like many many, others am playing Baldur’s gate.

But, honestly, I still find time for ol’ trusty falconBMS. (It’s a tiny but very loyal playerbase, thinking about starting a page for it on lemmy somewhere)

Okay, I see where you’re coming from. I agree with it too. Thank you for typing this out! (So beautifully too. I’m on mobile so expect abysmal editing and a wall of text. Sorry not sorry.) I will say that I was definitely coming from it from the perspective of “you’re allocated x number of $ to do your work.” Which, as you’re getting at, really isn’t the true issue. It’s a systemic one.

Interestingly, a lot of my “politically charged conversations” basically end up going down this path. But, how does one fix a systemic problem? Every time I try to come up with any sort of solution it basically turns to “damn I hope someone smarter than me has ideas cause mine are ‘burn it down’”.

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Just curious, do you live in one of fewer than 10% of districts that’s actually a battleground area? Otherwise, sorry, your vote is meaningless anyway. Gerrymandering guarantees that! Sorry if your feeling of moral superiority fades now.

At the end of the day you can’t blame the user for making do with a systemically broken process. For me, someone like 90+% of Americans, my vote actually, provably, does not matter. At all. I would rather be a part of the record setting number of 3rd party voters, signaling to the system, that we know it’s fucked, and we’re not going to play anymore.

If my vote mattered, I 1000% agree with you. But it doesn’t, so I don’t.

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Given the number of aircraft that I’ve seen crashing, across the Azov sea. I would say they’re operating next to no aircraft in range of ATACMS. I’m not totally sure they have much of an air presence these days…? I can’t say I’ve kept hugely up to date, but, the only times I hear about the Russian Air Force now, they’re crashing into their own apartment buildings or blowing up dissenting officials in transit.

Who is this person and what did he do to get this reaction from my fellow Lemmy users?

Edit: Nevermind, I have google

My biggest thing personally is the UI. Which is also getting a facelift. It’s not super intuitive. I think the overhauled tutorials, along with some UI changes are going to make this game exponentially more accessible.

I’m not a X4 vet either. I have a couple hundred hours. Which, the X4 vets will have saves with hundreds or thousands of hours. But, I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface. I’m not sure what the price is. I bought it on sale about a year ago. Though, even if I spent $70(which it is not) I definitely have gotten enough enjoyment to justify that! I think it goes on sale fairly regularly though if the price is a bit too much for you now!

Ew. As an American, and a midwestern at that, I’m happy to say I’ve never heard of that, though, honestly, not that far fetched either unfortunately.

Lemmy seems interesting. A bit confusing, we’ll see as it grows.

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Not sure, pretty sure it knows where it isn’t tho.