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Satan accepts everyone

Not his fault that God is picky

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In other words, the branding is one of the main selling points


Capitalism demands perpetual and unlimited growth forever

The less-insane wing of the republican party knows that a shutdown just makes the republicans look even more inept

Unfortunately the maga part doesn't care

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We can thank Trump for commuting his sentence

Nothing like a little abuse of power on your way out the door

They know there's fraud because they're the ones committing it

Court records filed Friday show that the bond was guaranteed by the Chubb Corporation, an insurance group. In 2018, Trump appointed Chubb’s CEO Evan Greenberg to a White House advisory committee for trade policy and negotiations.

You're not rich if you own a home. You're rich when you own everybody else's home

Republicans hate the military

Why people think republicans support the military is beyond me

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Wasn't the old theory that he never wanted to win?

He wanted to run, lose, then start his own right wing TV channel or something

If you look at his face when they announced he won, that's not a look of joy

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Ah, the Philip J. Fry mentality

"someday I might be rich, and then people like me better watch their step"

One hundred billion dollars!

  • Dr. Evil

-- E. Jean Carroll


Democrats push for $17 minimum wage


DEA rescheduling marijuana

... Are you serious about the women's rights part? Republicans overturned Roe and they've lost every election with abortion rights on the ballot since.

You can look up the DeMoNcRaT cities that have started to send crisis response teams instead of cops for certain calls. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/state-policing-reforms-george-floyds-murder

They courted the crazy vote, only now there are true believers actually elected, and turns out that just screaming into the void and blaming everyone else doesn't actually make you a good politician

A female candidate can put Roe v Wade in the limelight the entire campaign, and that's a really easy winning message (based on all the special elections since it was overturned)

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Just allow user hosted servers like back in the day

Not a scientist, but I'd guess mostly B, maybe helped along with some of A.

The goal of a virus is to replicate, and it does that better when it's less lethal

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I grew up with well water as a child and my baby teeth were wrecked. Adult teeth had fluoride and are fine (for the most part)

So there's an anecdotal experience that counters yours

They really just say the most recent buzzword they've learned don't they.

How does anyone call the FBI a "communist organization"

Same with the "two-tier system of justice", people who take a single classified document go to prison, yet Trump is still free and walking around

"our company only made 19 billion, we expected to make 19.1 billion, we are not sure how we are going to survive this"

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Weird to think that $500million is a fraction of a percent for apple

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Optimization and graphic tricks

Shorter view distances, lower resolutions for things in the distance, fan base being OK with 30fps for the longest time, etc

He did a fair amount of shady shit in the shadows and let other people be the face of it

I wonder how he's going to deal with actually being in the spotlight (other than drying his tears with money)

I thought their big "smoking gun" was a wire transfer from China, from when Biden wasn't in office

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People have been trying that for a bit, it's not working too well

Also so many Linux memes

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If they've got a masters and 20 years of experience they're either a genius or almost 50 years old. Children are already a huge commitment, being older makes it that much harder

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Turbotax doesn't want that, if taxes are simplified their entire business model vanishes

To be fair with that one, that's purely Musk and his fascination with the letter X.

When you're one of (the?) richest people in the world, you get to do completely idiotic things and they never have any real negative impact on your life.

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I can't imagine a single cpu problem would cause them to lay off half their cpu and phone division

If anything it would probably cause more problems to happen in the future

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They can't compromise on anything, so have absolutely nothing to offer those that don't agree with them

Because covid destroyed the car supply chain and made new cars basically the same price as used

In some cases, used is actually more expensive because it's available that day, whereas ordering a vehicle still takes 6+ weeks

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Their problem with Jordan is probably that he's a loudmouth asshole who tried to bully anyone who didn't agree with him

This guy has the same/worse views, but hasn't threatened anyone

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Teeth are apparently considered luxury bones

Energy and money

Who are these fools that keep donating to the "billionaire"

Jill Stein is crawling out of her cave after her ritual 4 year rest between presidential elections

If there was a 3rd party that actually did ground work to be viable, they might get a realistic amount of votes.

Apparently when cable first came to be, there were no ads

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She is currently 90, and her term isn't up until 2024. Apparently she isn't running again, but she might think she is...

It is management

CEO or whatever used to be head of EA

I think it was a Nascar race or something, and the crowd was chanting "fuck Joe Biden", and the commentators tried to cover it by saying they were chanting "let's go Brandon" because the driver in the lead was Brandon (something)

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