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Credit scores don't measure how responsible with your money you are. They measure how much you're willing to pay lenders.

Someone on his staff told him he needs to appeal to black and Hispanic voters. So his usual rhetoric changes from "They're coming here and stealing American jobs!" to "They're coming here and stealing Black jobs and Hispanic jobs!"

This is the maximum level of nuance Trump can handle.

Yeah, I watched it the other day. That cop was nuts. "I thought maybe you were signaling me because you needed help." Bullshit. He just wanted him to admit he'd flipped him off because he thought he could charge him for that.

If an offered is not accepted or whatever, HR should have some record of who the other top contenders would be.

It doesn't work that way. We search until we find one person we want to hire and we offer that person the job. If they decline, it doesn't mean we go down the list until someone accepts. Everyone else was rejected for one reason or another, so we continue our search. I'm not saying OP definitely did not run across some fake postings. It's a possibility. But there's also the possibility that they're not as qualified as they think they are, or their resume doesn't make it clear that they are. Or whoever is screening applicants is screwing up. Job searching is tricky, and so is candidate searching.

“It is appalling that someone would show up to an emergency room and not receive care – this is inconceivable.”

You keep using that word... I do not think it means what you think it means. This was all predicted as potential outcomes from overturning Roe. It's not even the first time, because this is what things were like before Roe. You know that quote? "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it." I used to think it was kind of cliché, but it seems to be more and more relevant all the time these days.

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I think it's hilarious that the Texas officials are trying to spin this as "We drove those evil child mutilators out of our state!" while SCH is just like "We never actually did any business in Texas. This doesn't impact us."

Note that the writer did not apologize for what she said. She only apologized for using Dolly Parton as an example of someone who is "unaligned with God’s vision for humanity". You know, because she doesn't tell queer people that they are going to hell just for existing.

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Ohio law requires people running for political office who have changed their name within the last five years to include their former names on candidacy petitions.

That's not entirely unreasonable, but It seems like that's the sort of thing they should make clear in the paperwork when you file a candidacy petition. "Have you legally changed your name in the last 5 years for any reason other than marriage?"

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Dudefella is trying to claim he's a whistleblower and should therefore face no consequences. Last time I checked, whistleblower laws only protect you if you're reporting illegal activity. If the hospital stopped providing these services when they were made illegal, then he's just doxing people for no good reason. (not that I think it would be a good reason either way)

I'm just really concerned that, in the political environment of Texas right now, he'll get away with little or no consequences. Hell, there are probably a ton of people looking at him as some kind of hero right now, and that just makes me feel ill.

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Why is there never a simple follow-up question: "Mr. Rubio, how will you personally determine the fairness of the election?"

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You have got to be fucking kidding me. This shit stain actively planned to go shoot someone, said he could get away with it by claiming self defense, then went and did it. There was no evidence produced beyond his own claim that he was threatened, and several eyewitness accounts contradicted that claim. It was a slam dunk case of murder. Good people of Texas, I'm sorry, but your collective heads are up your collective asses if you think that pardoning this monster is serving justice.


"We'll see how we do," Trump said as the jury began its deliberations. "It's a very disgraceful situation."

You are correct, but not for the reason you think.

Oh, I know all that. I still think "inconceivable" is the wrong choice of word. "Monstrous" is good. "Horrifying" works. Even "Heartbreaking", though that's maybe a little soft. Unfortunately, it's all too conceivable.

And the leading cause of injury/fatality for police officers by far: vehicle accidents. Not being shot at.

My team at work recently instituted a "flex time" Friday policy. Basically, as long as we're maintaining productivity we aren't expected to work on Fridays. A lot of us still work half days to keep up but it's nice to know that if I work a little more earlier in the week I can just take a three day weekend.

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After her 10-hour shifts, Mayron visited Elayna as often as she could, sometimes sleeping in her car in the hospital’s parking garage.

Oof. And keep in mind that they had another infant at home.

If they have started charging this service fee customers will be less inclined to tip on top. So if the money from the service fee is not entirely being used to increase staff wages, then the restaurant management is effectively stealing their tips. That is wage theft in spirit if not legal definition.

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Why the fuck is a public school principal lecturing students on faith and God's will?

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I would think this is a perfect example of why the government has to step in sometimes. Hyundai/Kia failed, and because there's no regulation in place here, consumers are left holding the bag with no penalty for the corporations.

My read was that she was trying to bypass the line of cars dropping off kids, and he was trying to stop her so she wouldn't run over a kid exiting a vehicle. If you've ever dropped off kids at school in the morning, you know this is a major nono. The problem is that, if you rush someone yelling "STOP" in that situation, you run the risk of making them panic and do something even more unexpected (like accidentally turn into the bus lane). It would have been better to flag her down calmly, and explain the problem. But this guy was so obsessed with enforcing The Rules that he got aggressive and created a much worse situation for everyone involved.

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Mitch McConnell has a long history of changing his opinions to suit whatever he thinks will get him more votes. He won his first election in 1977 against a Democrat incumbent by making promises to abortion rights groups and labor unions that he would support them. Then he turned around and voted against their interests when he decided he could drum up more support from the conservative voters in his district. Why do you think he has always been in favor of allowing the wealthy to donate as much as they want to campaigns? Because then he wouldn't need to bother making promises to lots of people to raise money. He could just go to a few people and he'd be set. No need to bother with actually representing the voters.

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Slightly off topic but this is a perfect example of why school staff should not be carrying firearms.

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Golden rice was developed as part of a non profit grant. Seed is distributed free of charge to farmers with an annual profit of $10k or less, and they are permitted to keep and replant seed as much as they want. Nutritionally it is identical to normal rice except it contains high levels of vitamin A for which large portions of the population in the Philippines (and many other countries) have a critical deficiency. Vitamin A deficiency has a major impact on childhood mortality rates.

The only criticism they have is that it's a gmo crop and they don't trust its safety, which is really just a PR issue because it has been thoroughly tested for human consumption. Your response is a perfect example of making the problem worse through your ignorance.

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Since the school is so up in arms about their production of Oklahoma, they should switch gears and do a production of Peter Pan. You know, where the lead is a young boy traditionally played by a female actor.

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Trump’s cash and his overall wealth are separate from his campaign finances, which by all accounts are still strong, but that money can’t be used to finance these verdicts.

That's adorable. He'll probably claim it's a legitimate campaign expense because these cases are all "clearly political attacks". So there will be another round of cases keeping this all locked up in courts for another 2-3 years.

I don't think that's entirely fair to the judge. There is no precedent for imprisoning a former president or someone who is currently running for president . There are real legal and logistical problems with doing so. Meanwhile $1k is literally the maximum amount the judge can legally fine him for each infraction. Judges get a lot of latitude in deciding how to deal with people who are violating a court order, but in this case he risks setting off a political shitstorm and I do not envy him.

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Golf courses in the middle of the desert are even more stupid.

Look up, that's the point going over your head. Also, she's a senator in the Arizona state legislature, not the US Congress.

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Cities' populations have declined as they've seen birth rates decrease and residents leave over high cost of living.

I suspect the cost of living is a larger factor than decreasing birth rate. Raising kids in the city is becoming less and less affordable. While city schools are underpopulated, schools in the suburbs and rural areas are terribly overcrowded.

No thank you. I've had enough internet for today.

And yet, he did continue to spout the same nonsense and nobody stopped him.

His lawyers have already been quitting left and right. His lead counsel in the E. Jean Carroll defamation case withdrew in January, leaving Alina Habba, who has very little trial experience, to handle the damages portion of the case. Her inexperience got her in a lot of trouble with the judge. She kept violating basic trial etiquette and trying to argue facts of the case that had already been established (remember, Trump had already been found liable and they were just supposed to be arguing the amount of harm to establish damages).

Sure, but the only way to stop other people from reading is to take the books away.

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Water fluoridation is one of the most successful and evidence supported public health initiatives in history. It was initiated by dentists, not corporations or government leaders.

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Technically, you don't have to. You can always file for free by filling out and mailing in the paper forms. It's just a major PITA and the money you save is rarely worth the amount of time and effort it takes.

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Firing someone after telling them they need to improve their work performance and giving them a chance to do so?

The thing is, there's a difference between being let go as part of a mass layoff and being fired for cause. I've seen several of these videos where the employer is telling people they're being fired for low performance, but they were also firing a large number of other people at the same time, and they hadn't been employed long enough for "low performance" to be a realistic claim. In some cases, being fired for cause means you don't get access to unemployment benefits. If they're actually part of a mass layoff they should be entitled to those benefits. But the company doesn't want to admit that they regularly lay people off, so instead they list the dismissals as firings for cause.

Because we don't have laws to cover every conceivable thing someone could do (no pun intended). Until relatively recently, there was no way to even know this was happening.

Yup. We live in Washington, and our town has a QFC, a Fred Meyer, and a Safeway. If this deal goes through, Kroger will own all three. Not only will prices probably go up but they will likely shut down the Safeway (where we prefer to shop) because it is just across the street from Fred Meyer. We might end up doing our regular shopping at Grocery Outlet, which is the only other option in town.

Different states have different laws but generally there are strict limitations on the types of jobs that a person under 18 is allowed to work. It used to be really popular for manufacturing companies to hire kids because they are small and can fit into tight spaces in the heavy equipment. Plus they were considered expendable.

There are also tight regulations on the hours they can work. Because those children are supposed to be attending school. In all of the cases I've seen recently the kids are illegal immigrants who are not in school at all. They're just working full time jobs with extremely dangerous machinery in violation of pretty much every regulation around child employment. So yes it's a problem.

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“The idea that Ms. Cox wants so desperately to be a parent and this law may have her lose that ability is shocking and would be a genuine miscarriage of justice,” Gamble said.

I can't decide if that's a clever choice of words, or a really poor choice of words.