2 Post – 129 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

This, Clive Barker's undying and parasite eve. Wish all 3 would get proper remakes.

Depends on whether they start making shows with ad breaks in mind. Because the cut where the ad was, while not nearly as annoying as an actual ad, still diminishes the quality of the show imo.

Microsoft has been a fucking blight on gaming. Paid online, and timed exclusives both started there. No resale if we didn't throw a massive fit about it. Buying up studios to kill them. I mean Sony has their share of being fucks as well, but at least they're making good games. Microsoft has barely any decent games the last 2 generations, and hellblade 2 which is looking great was a Sony game that they had to buy and make exclusive.

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Why not just switch your site redirects? Instead of opening make them go to x, and eventually stop the redirects and put a landing page on Twitter with a link to How do you expect people to stop calling it Twitter when that's literally the site name even if you type in

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The fucking USPS stamps the date on there. How is a hand written date that I could put whatever more valid than a government agency stamping when it was mailed? Fuck your voter suppression crap.

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I also got this on my stand alone roku. And it's forced arbitration. Only way to opt out is by sending a written letter saying you don't agree. If I can be forced into an agreement with a click of the remote, opting out should be just as easy.

I don't play, and have never tried this. But from the instructions I'm seeing online, is either microwave method or heat up the oven and then turn it off before putting the glove in.

That's also looks like it's melting, is it actual leather?

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Swift would probably sell out with $500 tickets.

1pm ET. So it already happened?

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This is some bullshit if this is in compliance. I had to enter my address for the quote, still doesn't show what the fucking taxes are, or real price.

Edit: Not in compliance "The labels must include any additional monthly charges, one-time fees, early termination fees, and taxes." filed fcc complaint. Fuck Comcast.

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Isn't combatants dressing as medics considered a war crime? I'm sure holding up in a hospital basically using innocent civilians as cover is as well. This entire situation seems completely fucked by both sides.

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If you need to ask, you probably don't know enough to keep yourself anonymous. But it starts with tails, tor and not doing anything stupid like reusing user names that you use on the clear web or signing into something like Facebook. If a nation state has reason to find out who you are, they most likely will. All it takes is one little mistake that you most likely didn't even know was a mistake.

My YouTube use is going down because the algorithm absolutely sucks now. I went to the gaming tab 2 hours after the state of play and it was nowhere to be found. But outdated years old crap was being shown.

But never had any ad issues with ublock origin or revanced.

Ublock origin + sponsorblock on Firefox or revanced on mobile is still working fine for me.

I use

If it's blocked and I don't care enough use my normal email, the site isn't worth it imo.

During oral arguments before the D.C. Court of Appeals in January, the former president’s lawyers argued that presidential immunity should cover everything, even having political rivals assassinated.

Maybe Biden should take one for the country. You know the court would rule against absolute immunity for something Biden did. And he's old enough, that he probably wouldn't even see jail. No more Trump, no question as to if the president is above the law. Win win.

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Nothing. Give me a million dollars a day I'll do any legal job there is. I'd retire after a day or seven depending on the job, but you could absolutely pay me enough to do any job.

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So basically the single player offline game made bank, but they keep pushing this live service crap thinking it's going to be the next GTA online and not what 90% of the live service crap ends up being.

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Ars article was posted on the 10th. This was taken on the 11th.

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Granted, Nintendo does know how to make their sub par hardware seem better than it is. But can you imagine what they could do with actual up to date hardware? Might not be as easy a sell at $400-500 though like PS/Xbox. So if they can keep sub $300 system it's an easier sell as a secondary system to the others or pc.

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McDonald's already has different prices from the location next to my house, and the one 10 minutes away by my work. Aren't they franchised as well?

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And the FAQ.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Isn't crypto terrible for the environment?

Not all crypto is the same. Different blockchains work in different ways, with different amounts of energy consumption. In our case, Community Points is built on a network that leverages the is built on the Ethereum blockchain, which is upgrading to a new version that uses 99.95% less energy.

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Why didn't I get Points?

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What if I get banned? What happens to my Points or my Special Membership?

Your existing Points will forever remain tied to your Vault address, but you will get locked out of Vault. You’ll also stop receiving distributions, and any Special Membership renewals will be cancelled.

I don't see Vault in the app.

Vault will appear in the left drawer when you meet one of the following conditions:

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Have a non-zero Points amount

Subscribed to a subreddit with Community Points

Make sure your account satisfies any of the above conditions. In some cases, it can take up to a minute for the Vault to appear in the menu after starting the app.

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I'm not seeing my Points on my account.

If you have just created your Vault, your Points can take up to 24 hours to land to your account. When 24 hours have passed and you still don't see any Points, please file a ticket.

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Please file a ticket.

I converted my Points into Reddit Coins, but I don't want them anymore. Can you revert the transaction?

This is not possible. Conversion into Coins is final and cannot be reversed, since Points are burned in the process.

Why can I no longer convert my Points into Reddit Coins?

Reddit Coins (including monthly coins from Reddit Premium) are winding down September 12, 2023. Learn more.

How do I delete my Vault?

Because Vault is a digital wallet on the blockchain, you can't permanently delete your Vault. While you can't delete your visible public address for Vault or any prior Community Points transactions, you can sign out from your Vault through the Reddit app, which will delete Vault from your local device and delink it from your Reddit account. To do that, go to Vault —> Setting —> Sign out.

I haven't found my answer. How do I get support?

If you have questions, please file a ticket.

Didn't opera cache images on their server and feed you a lower res version instead of what the website had? Granted with the limited bandwidth available back then, that was fine but now I don't think many people would want that.

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It would give the president the legal authority to assassinate political rivals including Supreme Court justices. Hopefully even our currently corrupt SC understands that granting absolute power to any one person is a horrible idea.

Sounds like personal use amounts though. One of Marijuana and the other meth. I can understand impounding the car and having to pay the also a crime tow amount. But to just take the car, when it's not being used to traffic drugs is complete BS.

Did you play Alex with the free movement or the jump to location? I can't do the free movement modes but jump works fine. Similar to beat saber in that you are stationary.

They can sure figure it out to bill me. But monitoring my data usage was too hard, so I switched providers. Lucky me, I have exactly one other to choose from, but at least they don't have caps.

As someone that was on oxycodone for years, I understand that things have flipped and a lot of people that they would help can no longer get them. Which sucks, but what you're saying isn't the issue. The issue was the pharmaceutical companies straight up lying to doctors about how addictive their drugs were. Not caring how many people they killed as long as the money flowed in.

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Article/post whatever

Introduction It is time for communities to break free of walled gardens and take ownership of their existence online. Imagine a crypto future The Future of Online Communities

Communities are the lifeblood of the Internet. They are the places where magic happens online — where people meet others like themselves, think and talk about the same things, and laugh at the same jokes. From newsgroups and chatrooms and forums, communities have always been the centers of the Internet that draw people in.

But online communities are much more limited than their counterparts in the real world. In the real world, communities are independent entities, free to choose where and how they hang out. No one tells them what to do or where to go.

Today's online communities are not like this. They are trapped inside apps and platforms, where they do not have independence or control anything of value. This limitation makes them second-class citizens, unable to chart their own destiny on the Internet. It is time to put communities in their rightful place as the foundation of the Internet.

It is time for them to take back ownership and control. It is time for a change. Community Points

Community Points are the first step towards a better future for online communities. In order to be truly independent from platforms like Reddit, communities need to be owned by their members in ways that platforms cannot take away. With the advent of blockchain technology, we now have a way to establish this freedom in a decentralized and secure way.

As blockchain tokens that are owned and controlled by communities themselves — not by any app or platform — Community Points represent a way for Redditors to own a piece of their favorite communities. They are earned by making contributions to the community, like creating content and moderating. They not only represent ownership and reputation within the community, but can also be used for community governance, moderation, and unlocking premium features. They can even be used in custom tools outside of Reddit and on other platforms.

Most importantly, Community Points are a flexible tool that each community can shape to its needs. Each community has its own Points that it can customize with its own name, symbol, distribution rules, and uses. Every community has its own needs and we expect each to use Points differently and in novel ways that help take them to the next level.

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I was actually wondering if anything like this had happened before when I bought starfield. Starfield and a lot of games will have a deluxe version that you can buy that includes the dlc when it comes out, for cheaper than buying the base game and dlc separately. I was curious if any game that pre sold dlc like that failed to release the expansions and if so, what the outcome was.

I haven't heard DEI until a day or two ago, and now it seems constant. Is this the new "woke" term used to blame everything you don't like on?

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Google data mines the fuck out of me, even with all my blocking of ads. So yeah I think YouTube without ads is fair trade for all the money they've made off my data. They don't get my money as well as being able to do whatever they want with my data.

Still annoying, but hit back and restart the episode. So far that's caused it to start without the ad for me.

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Doesn't really sound like a job but ok. I guess I also wouldn't do anything that would likely kill me. Like sherpa everest.

Some are. BG3 could have been double and still worth it. I'd say most capcom games are overpriced as is.

This is the one studio I'm pissed Microsoft bought. First one started as a Playstation and pc game. Id buy 2 on pc but my GPU recently died and I'm not buying another until the 5070 probably. And my fallback gtx 970 isn't gonna cut it.

Isn't this always online? Because they just added denuvo as well which seems pretty dumb if it's already always online.

Can we at least just get a 60fps patch for the ps5?

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If you're just looking to try on your own, and not in a medical setting like what is legal. Uncle Ben's or brf (brown rice flower) methods are the easiest way to get them. Spores can be purchased legally in a lot of places online. And there's a lot of knowledge available on growing if you look. The worse version of lemmy ie reddit has several subs devoted to this and at least used to have safe online vendors to buy spores. There's also some great YouTube channels, even ones that are strictly about legal mushrooms have knowledge that transfers to cubes.

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Mid tier. I only have extra and got it.