
2 Post – 542 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

I'd actually been wanting to check them out, but now that I have Nebula, nobody is plugging their affiliate links.

That's exactly it.

The lies in MSM aren't what they say, it's what they don't say.

The best place to see this is at Planet Fitness, or similar place with TVs constantly tuned to all the major outlets. Watch them all at once and observe what each isn't saying.

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Florida woke and brown? Half the state literally needs to take a nap, and the only brown is in their Depends.

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In a different hemisphere than my ancestors, my surname translates to "Go Fuck Yourself".

Found that out while working in a restaurant staffed by speakers of that language. Thought they were fucking with me but I googled it.

Pet peeve #209: implying DFW has a bigger furry scene than Austin. For some reason I doubt that.

Detroit failed because of automation and off-shoring. Things that could have been repaired or prevented politically, sure. But not directly caused by policies based in bigotry and ignorance.

If any correlation can be made, it's from white-flight. Which would be caused by Detroit's massive loss of jobs and Florida's massive loss of land. But white flight, imo, is the reaction, not the catalyst, of its downfall.

We've been getting tons of rain here, but we are still in an outdoor water ban.

Between 8-5, no lawn watering (except golf courses and businesses), no washing your car (except at a car wash), no watering your ornamental plants (except for farms and garden stores). No filling your pool (even a kiddie pool) or running through the sprinkler (except at the water park).

It's not because of drought, but because one of our water sources is offline due to elevated PFAS, so they are blending water from other reservoirs, and those sources combined can't make up the extra demand.

And also protecting businesses by making sure we can't wash our own cars or lollygag through our own sprinklers. Gotta pay for that privilege.

We have to pay...for the privilege...of lollygagging through our sprinklers.

I get the lawn part. I hate lawns. But my yard is also a barren mud pit. I gotta put something down. Trying for mostly clover and other plants that don't need a ton of water, but they still need to stay moist to germinate and start off, and that's real tough to do if you can't water it during the hottest parts of the day. I don't really care what grows as long as it holds the dirt together and it's comfortable to walk on barefoot.

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It looks like they really wanted to get both frames in one picture, so they did the obvious thing…load one frame on your phone, another frame on your partners, and then take your 2007 flip phone out of the drawer and use that to take a picture of both of them.

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Thanks everyone, I figured it out.

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NGL the new Jumanji movies are way better than they have any right to be.

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I don’t see anything on the scale indicating it was not tared. Nor do I know whether or not you took a noodle or two out of the pile before weighing

For all we know, you tared this +20g and this is feel-good anti-corporate propaganda. Which is fine, we all hate the corporations…but propaganda is propaganda.

Op, please post a video showing a calibration weight on the scale followed immediately by your pasta taken directly out of a sealed box. For science.

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Literally can't stay ahead of it.

My kid re-activated prime on me a long time ago, before I had even started thinking about parental controls, by selecting a movie on the Kindle Fire playing with the remote.

Thought I'd learned my lesson, but no. Couple years later he reactivated Audible by asking the thermostat to read him a story. He was probably like 4 or 5 by then. Not only reactivated Audible, but wasted a credit on The Three Little Pigs

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Always has been.

Our pig just has nicer lipstick.

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I disagree, a bit.

Base load is still hard to get with renewables, unless you can get a somewhat consistent level of power from them. That's basically just hydro/tidal and geothermal at this point, and all of those have very limited areas where they can be used.

Nuclear, on the other hand, can be built anywhere except my backyard.

We have four choices:

  • Discover/build another form of consistent renewable energy (what's left? Dyson sphere?)
  • Up our storage game, big time (hydrostatic batteries, flywheel farms, lithium, hydrogen, whatever, just somewhere to put all this extra green energy)
  • Embrace nuclear
  • Clutch on to fossil fuels until we all boil/choke.

We can do all of them concurrently, provided there's money for it, but we only give money to the last one.

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Dude what about Chunk?

That kid was fat for his time.

Nowadays that’s practically median.

Even 10 years later, Heavyweights was literally about really fat kids. They aren’t really fat nowadays.

I don't see anything about gas, brake, or steering. Next generation EU market Tesla will feature drive-by-theremin.

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Multiple wives might get you greater revenue but they have higher expenses.

Men, if you want more net savings, don't get multiple wives. Just get one husband. Problem solved. The gays figured out how to game the wage gap long ago. Lesbians still have trouble though.

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The new Jumanji movies aren't really a remake, more a reimagining. Really pretty much the only thing kept from the original source material (book or movie) is "jungle game called Jumanji that becomes real".

I'm sure the only reason why they waited this long is that they needed to make sure it's old enough that the companies they stole code from can't sue.

The Internet is a perfect example of why we can't have nice things, or rather, why anarchy could never work.

That's what the Internet used to be, and what it largely is. And it worked quite well, until people realized the Internet could be monetized beyond just being an extension of your brand.

Now it's quite obvious that regulation is necessary. People are idiots and they can't be trusted with a dopamine-injection-button run by greedy corporations. That gives those companies really unprecedented power.

Can we start some viral alliteration to get people off Facebook for a few weeks? Or maybe get them more mindful of their social media consumption?

Make Memories Matter May?

Just Journal June?

Just Jibe July?

Authentic August?

Send Stamps September?

Offline October?

No Negativity November?

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At first I was like “yeah doesn’t everyone know that?” And then I realized that I didn’t know that until I had kids.

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You know what would be a nice thing to put into windows?

A fucking decent way to search for files.

Also, grep and tail, as implemented in Linux. It's 2024 and there's no native equivalent to tail -f *.log. How embarrassing.

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Nobody who cares about RCS cares about the bubble color.

People who care about the bubble color are tech-illiterate Apple fanbois.

People who care about RCS care about being able to send high-resolution photos, group chats, and video calls with their tech-illiterate Apple fanboi friends and family in a default, common messaging app.

Also the non-fanboi Apple users, and the tech-literate Apple users, and the Android users. All in one default app and an open standard. Amazing.

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Of course they are. Why else would you oppose immigration, except to be able to exploit illegal immigrants?

By virtue of being here unlawfully, they have little recourse. That fact alone is essentially leverage for any “employer” to exploit them over.

It’s clearly not because they are a drain on the system, because that’s been disproven time and time again. Their economic contributions far outweigh whatever little social programs they’re able to obtain.

So it must be because they are a great pool of cheap, under-the-table, sub-minimum-wage, exploitable labor. Just like prisoners and prostitutes (except for the sans sub-minimum wage part. Plenty of illicit sex workers that are unpaid victims of trafficking, but if the John is paying less than $7.25 an hour, they should really know better)

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I used to go to a laundromat that used something like a smartcard to keep your balance. You'd refill it at the kiosk and swipe it at the washer/dryer.

I had a reader/writer around somewhere from a few years prior, when I was messing around with old Echostar boxes.

Wish I could have found it. Those machines didn't look to be connected to anything. I didn't see any wireless networks in the area and the equipment didn't have any data lines.

I'm almost willing to bet the balance was stored as an value on the card and gets read/rewritten with every swipe, and essentially just security-through-obscurity. Meaning I could either back up and rewrite a $20 card forever, or rewrite the balance to having FF credits or whatever.

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You only need to flip it one time. Assuming it is laying flat on the table, flip it over, bam.

Totally a USA thing. Dandelions and Clover are seen as undesirable to our eugenicized monoculture lawns.

The terrible part is the clover and dandelions and these other early season flowers "weeds" are a very important part of a bees diet.

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Honestly, I feel like if there'd be implants, that's one of the basic ones we can try first.

You've essentially described cochlear implants with Bluetooth.

Went to the (rec) dispensary the other day.

There’s a house across the street, and their kids had a table set up, selling Girl Scout cookies.

Honestly nobody cares. And I hate that it’s illegal for me to park at the dispensary and leave my kids (with my wife) in the car. Under 21 not allowed on the property.

But I can bring my kids into a liquor store. I’d rather bring a bull into a China shop, but I can do it. Can’t even have them in the parking lot of the dispensary.

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No. Every American should be able to have 40 acres and a mule.

What do you mean, that’s more than 5x the total acreage of the US? This is a minor problem, we’ll just make more land or steal some more from the Indians.

There's accountability. Judges can be impeached by Congress, in a very similar means to presidents.

However, the GOP has a real tendency to party before country, and they certainly wouldn't let him get impeached while the president has a D next to his name. And if there wasn't a D next to his name, all the better, just "ask" him to retire, no need to go through a trial and let everyone see just how slimy they really are.

What the fuck are you on about? You take the fucking scenic path! At least that buys you some time and maybe you’ll crash into a tree along the way and manage to have a few survivors.

There’s no brakes on the trump train. The rails are headed right towards the cliff, it’s downhill, and somebody lubed them up with McDoubles (the rails and the conductor).

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So basically a first trimester abortion. Will these be available in Texas?

High school nerds pay attention. This is how you can make some money and have an excuse to talk to the hot girls…by installing a vpn on their phones so they can still have their tik tok.

Get one popular girls phone set up and every girl in the school will be hitting you up within a week.

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Only when iPhone users need to send a message to literally anyone else.

Oh man this hits hard.

I've been working on a project at work lately and everything I explain to people about it (namely people above my boss), I feel like I have to give like 5 years of backstory first.

Perhaps the gun nuts know they wouldn’t qualify for most common sense restrictions.

Or they’re concerned that the restrictions will be tailored against them on a political basis.

Ahh. Conservation of Energy. I’d like to see the modern party of “law and order” refute the foundational laws of physics!

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