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Joined 8 months ago

Historically, OnePlus phones have always had an unlocked bootloader. I don't see why that would change with his generation.

Since wind does riding an ebike require a license?

It's gamer girl bath water all over again, but the adult version.

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Isn't that the site that's AliExpress but worse?

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There is no best justification for vandalizing a library.

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I can definitely see a lot of potential in using LLMs like a templating service. The entire point of an LLM is to generate something that, on a surface level, looks correct, which is basically what a template is.

Alternatively, the model 3 is ~700 lb heavier than a Toyota Camery (which is actually a vehicle with the same use case as the Tesla)

Assuming it's a single volume dictionary, probably not. It looks a lot later than g. If I had to guess, I'd say it's on the page with murder.

I once read a Harry Potter fanfic where his scar was basically that.

Later: All 195 employees of OpenAI in support of board of directors.

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Half a second is a really, really long time.

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The ideal solution is multiple competing services with the same content.

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It turns out that paying people to observe every second of a shopping trip is a lot more expensive than paying people just to check customers out.

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Regular deodorant works just as well as antiperspirant for stopping scent, and if you don't sweat all that much, there is relatively little difference.

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I just honestly answer that I don't know.

Lemmy is probably the worst social network in terms of discrimination against Windows users.

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Hey, at least the indie games are still good and cheap.

Hey, clear expectations were set from the very beginning.

Wow! It's something nobody could have ever guessed!

Thankfully, Firefox is still a thing. If that comes out, it's going to be a hell of a lot more popular.

Turns out they don't like people disabling their adware.

They make too much money from data harvesting to scrap Gmail, though.

To be fair, you do have to get the explosives some other way. (Not that it's hard to get explosives).

Yeah, but when we did things like that we actually had to finish games before we sold them.

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Since when do you get factual statements from normal chatbots?

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Chatbots aren't designed to return correct answers. They're designed to return answers that sound correct.

Because I have a hoarding problem, and channeling it towards data hoarding prevents me from having all the conventional problems that come with hoarding.

There's a very big difference between "dude", referring to someone you're talking to, and "a dude", referring to someone you were talking about.

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Wait, so their solution to people using adblock is to add a 5sec delay to everyone's videos?

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I can see the enhanced navigation being a subscription service, since it sounds like something that requires an external service to function. Adaptive cruise on the other hand...

If you look at the chair, you can see that it's been occupied by a single person, who occupies most of the chair.

Also, I feel at home but I don't feel at house.

When the pot calls the kettle black, it is technically correct.

No, I think he means that even if you don't run for president, it might affect you if you've cheated on your pregnant wife with a pornstar.

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I don't think driving's really an activity that people get into, except in a small percentage of enthusiasts. Most people just drive because it's less inconvenient than the alternatives.

Just make sure to install Graphene.

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Used pixels are surprisingly cheap for how well they hold up over time, and graphene works well.

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He might have been a sex obsessed hoarder, but at least he was a considerate one.

I'd argue that someone making porn of someone their own age is not pedophilia.

It's okay, this time it's a horizontal split, not a vertical one. That makes it okay and completely different.

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