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Joined 10 months ago

Damn I just heard he was sick last night.

7 more...

Must be nice to have legs to stand on, I'm handicapped you asshole!

Not really, but if I was, you'd be an asshole, you asshole. Plus, anyone drinking vodka with a straw is an asshole, man.

Meh, personally I only care if I missed a call, got a text, or an email. Only need 3 colors for that. Miss my Nexus 6 so much now...

Oh yeah, can you drink out of the glasses on my face??

Wife and I both got covid over the weekend. Very mild though, mostly just low energy levels and a sore throat.

1 more...

I was also 6. I received California Games on Nintendo. It has a barcode. I thought, "what the hell does Santa need a barcode for?" Mom tried to tell me the elves couldn't make video games and I was like yeah right, you fucking bought that.

It's all pixels you imbeciles, being looked at through glass!

The only voice of reason here

It's regulated in my town. They put all kinds of shit in it. For reasons.

Yeah but it's very clearly had a huge negative effect on this person. They "can't make it" 20 hours without constant stimulation. Being scared of not having to use your brain to entertain yourself is a frightening prospect for me.

One could even say a friend

Plus the whole, "why the long face.." and whatnot. Show is deep.