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Joined 12 months ago

Sometimes I wonder what it’s like to be this dumb.

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After a decade and a half of “just in case” box saving, I am ready. This is my moment.

The Linus that was promised.

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Fuck Ubisoft. Fuck major game publishers.

Do you live outside of the US and hate Ubisoft and the direction the games industry is headed towards?

Do you live in the US and have ever ‘owned’ a copy of The Crew from Ubisoft?

Visit stopkillinggames.com to help drive a dagger through their rancid hearts.


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Competitive shooter

Brooo I just wanna chill and have fun and play some games.

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My pay is barely enough to get by on, so I’m only going to do the bare minimum to get by at work.

I feel like one day the common practice to combat Microsoft’s enshittification of Windows (besides dropping it altogether) will stop being “download this program and disable all the garbage with registry edits A-Z” to “download this fighting AI that will be in a constant battle with Microsoft’s AI to try and stop it from spying on you”.

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“listen sweetheart, we’re in AMERICA right now, yeah? Well these were sent direct from the AMERICAN PRESIDENT, and you’re telling me they’re NO GOOD?”

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Commenting to save for later

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The subscriptions are out of control now. Sometimes we have to throw a tablet or phone at the kids, and of course they want the play the parts of the game they can’t click on because it’s locked. I have no problem shelling out something reasonable like $2-7 to just unlock all the crap and be done with it, but now most of these developers are asking for $10 a MONTH just to have access to all of the game assets. And they’re not live service games, have online, or even in-game currency; they just single player offline basic games like driving Thomas the tank engine around a map. Like, get fucked dudes.

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I never know if I’m supposed to click the squares that have a tiny bit of the object or not. I hate the ones like this where you have to do 3-4 screens and then it fails you.

I like some of the newer captchas where it’s like “choose the heaviest animal” and it’s trippy pics of birds, dogs, and elephants.

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All true, except those unread email/notifications are rookie numbers.

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Just like his idol, Putin.

This ranks low in the scam scale, and it’s been around for decades, which leads me to believe it works well enough to keep around. At (some) supermarkets whenever an item is on sale the bright attention grabbing tag will say something like 3/$6 or 10/$10 leading you to believe you have to buy 3 or 10 or whatever at the same time to get the deal, when really the sale price is just $2 or $1 for the items in these examples, and you can buy however little you want.

Maybe adults don’t fall for it, but it sure worked on me when I was a dumb kid spending my few dollars I had on candy or whatever.

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The cost of a gallon of gas? $3.25

The cost for yearly maintenance? $2,750

The cost of interest paid each month? $585

The joy of bringing a smile to children under the age of 10 pointing and saying “that’s a cool truck!”? $100k

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Just announce the next VR already, please 😭

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Portable power supply

Portable dvd player

Portable display

Bluetooth speakers

A copy of Morbius on dvd

Happy to see the game moving forward, and thrilled that so many players are happy about it. Idk why but CS stopped feeling like CS to me with GO. I’ll definitely try CS2 out, but I wish I was excited about it too.

Does anyone know if the custom server/maps community made a place for itself with GO? My peak CS experience (probably mostly due to my ages at the time, was 1.6 with the wacky custom maps, WC3 servers, super hero severs.. And then in Source the zombie servers were so fun, especially the ZE (Zombie Escape) maps. Few things in life are as memorable as successfully escaping the mines of Moria from a hoard of player zombies.

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I can still feel the pain when it’s 2 AM and you meant to Ctrl + Shift + T and you’re muscle memory leaks in and hits you with the Ctrl + Shift + W.

FYI there’s a confirm close option that will mitigate this terrible scenario, for anyone that’s been there before.

It’s good to have a dedicated user such as yourself on-board. We need more people like you, with the skills, resources, and time, to properly invest into the platform. Welcome 🫡

Discovering new weird sites that were super entertaining to middle schoolers like myself. Not sure how to best describe them, but sites like homestar runner, newgrounds, albinoblacksheep. There’s countless more but I can’t remember the names off the top of my head. I remember liking Maddox a lot at that age, but I realized later he was basically a POS iirc.

What a cunt. Virginia really needs to split in two. The top 20% of the state geographically makes up the majority of its people and wealth. The rest is rednecks and dumb shits who get retards like this elected.

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I’ve become increasingly weary about any heated foods in contact with plastic.

Near boiling hot soup from Chinese take-out poured into shitty plastic containers. Hard pass.

Also going to someone’s house and seeing they use those crock-pot plastic liner bags: 🤢

I also feel really bad about all the plastic dishes we have for our kids (we don’t microwave them). We’re actually going spend the coin on some stainless steel right now, thanks Lemmy!

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Get rekt granny

I saw Clip and was expecting to see Silencers somewhere. I also love that the laser sight will rotate as you’re firing.

The ship computer is a neural-net processor; a learning computer.

Republicans acting unethically? gasp I’m shocked

I’ve now inserted into my head that CBD = Cum Boiled Dash. I hope I can forget this.

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At leas toys had some idea of what was going on. There’s kids today who think Nirvana is a clothing brand

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And control, can’t forget that.

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I remember when I got the steam notification that a developer left a comment on my review. I had left some other ones recently so I was excited, then I saw it was Bethesda telling me all the “fun things” I can do after I said it was boring. When I think about it it gives me that cringy awkward feeling you get when you’re embarrassed for someone else.

Yeah I don’t get why someone would make a bot that removes 90+% of an article. It just spits out a disjointed mess of half thoughts leaving you more confused.

I’d rather there be a bot that just reposts 100% of it so I don’t have to click on the site.

If everyone being oppressed is rallied together then it’s an immensely powerful force, but those at the top are always working to keep us divided, uneducated, and poor.

You can’t unite the people together until you educate them more. You can’t educate them more until you remove them from poverty. You can’t get them out of poverty until you redistribute the wealth. You can’t redistribute the wealth until you forcibly take it from the ruling class. You can’t force my take it until you unite the people together, etc. etc.

That or you wait until food and water is so scarce that the majority of the population becomes concerned if they can survive in the short term. But that’s a wildcard situation that could go in any direction.

“committed to looking at our processes” but not committed to actually improving or changing any process.

I’ve noticed it getting worse as well. It ducking sucks now.

Well yeah, they were here first! /s

For all of its faults, I’m just glad the zip ties and the fucking saws are gone. Hated those in PD2.

I hope so. I was looking to get an Index but then saw rumors online about a possible new version, so I figured I’d wait a little longer for the new tech. That was two years ago 💀

I’ll definitely give this a watch later, thanks!