1 Post – 330 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

If they come up with some way to make it as hard as possible for the buyers to share these cracked games among them, they could make a lot of money with this.

DRM for Piracy? Disastrous

Only now?
My Windows computer stopped felling mine when 10 came around

From shipping almost stock Android to this...
OnePlus fell so far...

Portal Revolution has a native build and it works great, highly recommend!

This is something I'll never understand. If I won the lottery tomorrow I'd disappear in a puff of smoke. You wouldn't catch me dead making a Tweet about it, much less fighting people over random bullshit

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It's impressive how modern companies with thousands of professional designers manage to make increasingly goofy designs lol

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Ooh, someone is about to make BANK!

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How on earth did Musk manage to get the proper authorization for testing on humans???
Anyway, I hope everything goes well for the patient. Those reports about the monkeys planted horrible images in my mind.

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Imagine having to fight your OS to do what you want. True Windows experience.

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Reinventing the wheel is what they were doing without Systemd.
On their announcement they cite various instances of having to write polyfills and ending up with basically 'Systemd at home' but buggier.

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During a recent Q&A video, Huffman argued that he was totally justified in paying himself more than the CEOs of Meta, Pinterest and Snap combined.

"If the company does well, I will do well," he said. "If the company does not do well, I don’t either."

Motherfucker is saying NOTHING. Generic ass, MEANINGLESS STATEMENT

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Perhaps if he hadn't committed so many crimes he could be chillin' at home instead of sitting in court all day

Nintendo? Like fuck they will

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What are we supposed to do? Give bad products good reviews so the poor little million dollar startup doesn't get its feelings hurt?

If we were talking about dishonest, malicious reviews, I'd understand.
That's not the case here though, not only is Marques' review honest, multiple reviewers reached the same conclusion as him.

Maybe try making a good product next time.

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Oh cool, another useless gimmick just like the 'Office Key'

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1 - Plug in USB-C Dock
2 - Plug in Monitor, Mouse and Keyboard
3 - Switch to desktop mode

Wow, you do not need a whole article for this.....

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Thank fucking god they're selling Bandcamp before they had a chance to ruin it🙏

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This is just peak enshittification at this point.

It's a free service, and a game streaming one at that...
I'm the last person to be defending companies but this one really doesn't sound unreasonable

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You see, sometimes you see some fucked up shit in a movie and you think "oh ok, this is just for the sake of story, there's no way this has ever happened in real life"
Then you read an article like this.

The groups were used to share ideas for custom-made torture videos, such as setting live monkeys on fire, injuring them with tools and even putting one in a blender.

How... How do you even come back from this? Is there any hope these people can get rehabilitated? I'm struggling to believe the answer is anything other than "NO."

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Disguising the virus as a corrupted test file then 'uncorrupting' it is crazy

From the post:

as of now; I can't play any game that requires a network connection (Basically making all the money I put into MW3 over the last 6 months even more worthless)

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I know right? The article touches on this:

Google said the inspiration for the original Web Integrity project was Android's Play Integrity API, which already scans your phone for root privileges and denies access to things

^^^ this should have never, ever been a thing!

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Nowadays Twitter breaks itself spontaneously, no celeb needed

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Home as a Service

This has triggered a Fight AND Flight response in my brain. I want to smash everything with a mallet then run to the mountains.
I hate "as a Service" so much!

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we are looking for a better forum and will update when we have found one.

The only acceptable forum for this garbage is the deepest pits of hell. Fuck off forever.

Fuck you Epic for many reasons, but for this one in particular

Nice but also kinda worrying no? What is up with this private-unprivate dance?

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"Quadruple-A" lmao
Just the other day there was an article with the previous creative director saying that they had to axe the Single-player campaign because they just didn't have the team to do it

He probably can't change it without breaking something lol

You see, stuff like this is why I never understood the wave of "Android Go" and "Lite/Go" apps a couple of years ago.
On my old low end phone, the native Twitter app ran infinitely better than the Web based "Twitter Lite". This applied to almost every "Lite" app compared to their regular versions.
I feel like whoever started that "Webapps are great for low end" concept never actually tried to run a modern Webapp on a slow phone.

Edit: My comment is focused mostly on the push of Webapps on low end phones. I'm sure there are great, proper "Lite Apps", and I quite like the idea of Android Go, I just think the implementation missed the mark and that a lot of companies pushed out a crappy, poorly thought out webview just to cash in the "Lite" trend without caring about the end user.

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Man, what I really want is a e-ink smart watch....

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Hm, maybe there should be an option to always disable the executable permission when extracting

It was probably the wave of phishing apps that scared them tbh

Image Toolbox

Basically anything you could ever want to do with an image, you can do with this app.
Crop, rotate, resize, compress, draw, stitch, apply filter, remove background, watermark, OCR, remove EXIF, pick color, generate palette, turn into PDF, turn into GIF, it's a lot.

will open web links from Teams chats in Microsoft Edge to enable a new web and chat side-by-side experience.

I am so sick and tired of this fluffy language every tech company uses these days. "New experience" this, "New experience" that, the only new experience I want is the experience of kicking a shoe up Nadella's ass.

Fuck Disney, Fuck Copyright laws and all of that, but there has got to be something more interesting to do with Mickey than a schlocky horror movie with a budget of two paper clips and a pack of gum

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Their CEO is also Kirt McMaster, a name some might recognise from Cyanogen.

Ah of course, coming from one of the people who had the chance to make something great and absolutely fucking squandered it.

Nothing gets me more hyped to buy a new device than a shot of bad memories straight in the vein.

The best part of this 'hacking tool' is that it's 5 lines of Python and the rest is just fluff lol

Oh yeah I forgot about the whole "baby account" thing. Man why are rich people so weird?

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Buys publication
Immediately fires what makes it tick

I don't get it. Am I dumb? Are they buying other publications just for the branding?

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