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Joined 1 years ago

If only the president's position was not just a mockup in the hands of the establishment...

Well, then you should sue them.

But it doesn't eliminate the problem, it merely passes it to the media center PC etc

Campaigns should be publicly funded.

Then you would just have proxy donors.

Ok, now I'm interested

Most of us just afraid. There're more and more cases of prosecuting people for "discrediting Russian army", for refusing to be conscripted and so on.
Fear of going to prison is almost in genes, due to the loong history of being heavily oppressed by own government.

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If you are too afraid and unwilling to fight back against the architects of your current torment, are you not already imprisoned?

That's a lofty sophism. There's a huge difference between some philosophical imprisonment and a real one.

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I'm a Russian.
Even if NATO has aggression in mind, that doesn't justify current war. There's hypothetical aggression / geopolitical threat and there's real one.
Current war brings nothing, but a shame and death and is throwing both countries under the bus - all for some delusions of old ex-KGB maniac.

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Glue is what keeps us together!

Secret of passivity of an average Russian is in eternal "maybe" in our heads: maybe government won't notice me, maybe I will be spared, maybe a situation will fix itself somehow. We even have special term for it: "авось".
It's all learned helplessness.

As for me personally - I have decided that if they will try to conscript me then I will try to flee or go to prison rather than actively participate in that war.

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No. Stop your government right there, while you still can.

Or else you'll have the same shit we have here in Russia.

His appearance is irrelevant. There's plenty of us ugly guys here. But not everyone is such a jerk.

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English as a Lingua Franca

I bet frenchies are so salty about it

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I hate you

Because of the hideous haircut

They have no problems with sanctioning war criminals of my country (Russia) (rightfully so). But Israel suddenly has carte blanche.

I know i know, It's not about justice, it's about geopolitics.

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people experiencing homelessness

How is that term better than "homeless people"

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When someone has peanut allergy it's not a reason to ban peanuts.

What's the logic here?

English isn't my first language, and I struggle to understand the last sentence.

Could anyone explain it?

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Oh don't bother. Medvedev is a joke. Always has been. I tell you this as a Russian.

What's with meth and teeth absence, anyway?

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Pencils of colour?

In a situation where she is incurable ill and suffering and asks me to kill her.

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But was tankrolled

Could it be? 🤔

Sir, this is Wendy's

Are you kidding? Proton is much, much more than "icing on top".

Well, I have the same experience as tills13.

Fucking therapy? I'm interested

Food isn't the only resource in the equation. Most of the resources are limited and even diminishing.

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Maybe they're Indian.

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It's still vulnerable to dictionary attacks

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Incorrect. It's not the same set of germs. And there could be parasites' eggs in poop. And they are very resilient.

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Because I can customize Gentoo to whatever I like

Can you customise it to support AAA videogames?

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That's the joke

You must do it while pizza is frozen.

Yeah, another 900k, and you'll be ded.

RAM is not meant to be wiped. It's just we haven't found a way to make it constant, but still as quick as it is now.