1 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just a refugee

As others said, these are mostly all signs of some kind of executive dysfunction. Mine is from depression, not ADHD, but there's a lot of overlap. I obsessively keep my inbox empty which is a whole 'nother vibe

I've been thinking about this topic a lot lately and your comment is interesting. Your first sentence is definitely phrased in a more controversial way than the rest of your comment, but I can't help seeing it as very similar to "Being depressed is a choice the vast majority of the time, and I have a huge bias against depressed people." Is that an unfair comparison?

I know that treating fatness/obesity as a disease is kinda controversial but I feel like folks give people dealing with mental health a lot more grace than people dealing with health issues related to being fat. I've also heard that for some people they can be perfectly healthy at a higher weight (though this is clearly not the case for many fat people who are seeing health impacts). I guess I'm assuming that a lot of fat people would potentially like to be less so, but can't (for any number of reasons) quite get there. This seems really similar for me to people dealing with depression, anxiety, etc who want to change things but keep falling back into the problem.

I guess my question is do you have bias against people who can't escape other bad cycles like mental health or even stuff like alcoholism? Or is it more just that you think it's fair to judge people without the discipline/willpower to get out of a state they didn't want to be in, like you did.

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For folks who haven't read it before: Andy Weir's 'The Egg'

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Same thing is happening in Seattle and likely everywhere else.

Not_Rick has a great answer but I will add something. Your question about the quote you posted is based on a disagreement about what race is, between you and social scientists. The phrase "we can take a DNA test and get our ancestry, telling us what percentage of what races make up our overall ethnicity" already assumes that genetics = race, end of story. But this is an unfounded assumption. All the test can tell is our genetics. Not_Rick offered some good examples for the counterpoint, that genetics ≠ race. If you disagree with that basic premise then you will always be bothered by modern theories on the subject such as CRT.

Once you see that race clearly is not just genetics, you can start asking what it truly is and what things do determine one's race. These are much more interesting questions. For example, a new question might be 'what has been the historical relationship between ethnicity and "being white" in the US'? And let's not even start on the ridiculousness that is the census form.

Yeah I agree - the Activity tab and the DMs look like they are exact copies of the Teams interface. I mean, it's an intuitive way to display info but I don't see much design innovation with this announcement

Yeah this same thing happened to me. I rarely get messages in signal anymore and can't reliably know who still has it installed. It's great for folks you are in regular communication with though.

Here's an NPR article I found on one of the major opposition parties that is succeeding this year.

... 'its charismatic, Harvard University-educated candidate for prime minister told NPR: "Demilitarize, demonopolize and decentralize — that's how you democratize Thailand. That's the endgame,"' ... ... In the past two decades, [the establishment] has staged two coups while Thailand's courts have brought down three opposition prime ministers and dissolved several opposition parties. ... "You have to imagine a lot of Thais, powerful Thais, elites, they have a lot of stakes in the system that were set up over the last seven decades ... they bought into the system. And Move Forward is a direct challenge."

I downvoted because this is a popular opinion. MCU is the same thing. Most people probably don't have a strong opinion on Star Wars either way, but for the people who do there are plenty who think it sucks.

Dog is giving off ancient camel vibes. A tried and true method of transport

Thanks for your reply. I appreciate your personal take on the whole thing. As someone who has never been fat, I'm trying to figure out what's the whole deal with the various movements around it. I feel it's gonna become a much bigger cultural discussion in the next decade. And congrats on getting down to a happier weight for you! Setting and reaching goals is definitely something to be celebrated.

Not sure about the other but PoppinKREAM became known on Reddit during the Mueller probe for very long, very well researched and cited comments mostly related to politics. Their citation style in particular meant their comments got tons of Reddit awards and were highly visible.

If you say "There's a hole in my straw" I think it's always implied you're talking about an unexpected hole. You can also say "There's a hole in my sweater/pasta strainer/etc" and people would get you're talking about a hole that is not supposed to be there. Straws are the same. They have one hole and you'd be unhappy if another appeared.

If you want to be sure to catch it next year, sub to the Canvas comm on!

Le Guin prose is exceptional and would be nearly impossible to bring to screen well. I'm sure it will be tried at some point. Maybe a dark horse, but I actually think The Lathe of Heaven might be the most adaptable. It's the simplest story and has plenty of room for exciting changes and visuals in a film.

Have you told him the things you wrote in this post? That might be a good start. You could also suggest a substitute. If it's some sort of addiction he needs to work on, maybe he could try to donate money to a good cause or even buy a gift for someone who needs it (local charity or something like Might provide that same feeling and not cause you worry.

For folks reading through these comments, it's called DeArrow and is also crowdsourced, so the more users the better!

I think in the near term there will be a lot more discourse about fatphobia/body types as a protected class.

In the longer term, I think history will look back at current factory farming as absolutely barbaric.

Yep, it's certainly easier to actually get a response that sounds like it came from a human. I'm also seeing so many more links to interesting, niche articles and blogs. Especially on the smaller communities, people are posting substacks and blogs from some pretty alt-culture or radical thinkers. That stuff would definitely be drowned out on Reddit for whatever the top gotcha on Twitter was that day.

You are probably lucky, for now. I'm pretty sure they are rolling it out in waves. Boiling the frog and all that.

If you're referring to the city in English you would say "bo-LO-nya" to approximate the original. I've heard it on the radio/podcasts before. It's not very commonly referenced so trying to get closer to the original is probably right. Unlike Paris, where you are seen as pretentious if you pronounce it the French way.

Yeah it's kinda unimaginable to me as well but this seems about the same as other union elections I've been close to. Still a better turnout than most US government elections. It's probably good to note that some union-busting tactics are meant to decrease turnout or create fear that there might be negative repercussions for voting at all. This was a factor in the Amazon unionization drives that failed last year.

Scanning, it doesn't look like there are. I didn't see anything in a quick search of kbin either. Maybe Mastodon has something like that?

The claim doesn't seem right. We do spend far more on healthcare than other nations overall and our taxed spending on healthcare seems comparable to other rich nations like Japan, though that's only a fraction of our total spending - most is private cost. Quick back of napkin math says taxes directly spend ~4k a year/capita on healthcare expenses, mostly Medicare, and single-payer systems tend to cost about ~6k total. Data is a little old. Correct me if I'm reading wrong.

I haven't stepped up to using Nextcloud or my own hosted server, so I'm just using Proton Calendar. The free version is pretty limited though.

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It's the USA; Northern Virginia, capital region.


Chat is not implemented currently - a dev for Canvas mentioned it when this was last asked

Yes, this is true for subscribers. There are websites you can find that will show you total subscribers for a community if you are curious.

I'm pretty sure this can't be true for upvotes though. I regularly see posts that have more upvotes than there are accounts on my local instance.

The only reason I ask is because I’ve noticed the subscriber counts on some communities seem very low vs. the amount of engagement.

This could also happen because a lot of people are browsing All, and not subscribing.


I am now cursed with this knowledge.

Yeah, free tier only lets you have 3 total calendars and there is no color coding available so it's limited compared to Google which is what I was leaving. But export/import was seamless and it seems a good stepping stone to replace the one-click cloud megacorp offerings. Your stack seems perfect for when I have the time to get Nextcloud going.

This is exactly my primary use for them too. Although I'm gonna start using a ski buff, see if that's even better.

I also use Startpage and have been happy with it. It uses Google's search engine as the backend but cuts out the tracking and personalized ads so I feel like it is the best of both worlds.

Hmm, that link didn't work for me. You might need to fix it

Those numbers seem pretty high, but without comparison to workers in the tech sector as a whole and workers in the US as a whole, it's pretty useless data. This study does seem to show that these execs are using drugs at a much higher rate (if you trust the OP article methodology) than other information workers, but I don't think that should suprise anyone, since workplace stress is usual higher for execs. The other difference is that they have a lot more disposable income than most workers to spend on drugs and other coping mechanisms.

These data are used for lots of stuff, including guaranteeing rights for protected classes, which in the US includes race.

For example, you could use this info to prove that a redistricting is racist and illegal by showing that it unfairly groups areas of certain ethnicities into one district. Without official census data that includes race, anti-discrimination legislation would be harder to enforce in the courts.

Great rec

Hey, that's a really cool tool! Thanks for creating and sharing it!

What is that rule? For every 90 readers there are 9 commentes and 1 contributor?