37 Post – 83 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

How curious, it is almost always the other way around.

How can the NRA justify this?

It was the work of Haitians and democrats /s

Obamium is still powerful

How viable would it be for the government to set up its own state-owned ISP company with minimal or no political influence?

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I think the FEC and EAC should be merged to form the FEA, and then given more autonomy so that it is not at the mercy of the Democratic and Republican parties.

Russian ultranationalists have gone on vacation until further notice.

I find it inconsistent that Vance would criticize Walz for his military record, because he also has a military record.

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Let's explore the scenarios

Scenario 1: GitLab is acquired by Google

Scenario 2: GitLab is acquired by Apple

Scenario 3: GitLab is acquired by a State government

Scenario 4: Gitlab is acquired by Amazon

Scenario 5: Gitlab is acquired by the Linux Foundation

Scenario 6: Gitlab is acquired by the Federal Government

Scenario 7: Gitlab is acquired by IBM

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There is already the Ladybird project, which is a fork of the SerenityOS browser. We can say that it is a spiritual successor, although its license is more permissive than the Firefox browser.

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Well it seems that Trump was a Biden 2.0 in this debate

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Why to Venezuela?

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I feel bad for because those pages are tarnishing that domain.

Cuba has three sides of the coin: one for foreigners, another for citizens and finally for politicians.

What if Kamala puts that guy in charge of the SEC?

I ask out of curiosity

Russia is having a war against inflation and they are not controlling it well. Because there is a shortage of manpower due to the war and that causes wage increases which means an increase in things in a cycle that if you don't manage it well, it will explode in your face.

Added to this is the fact that it has a higher war expenditure than its monetary reserves.

A guide on how to get food without the IRS catching you.

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Kamala was so quick to find a VP candidate that I'm impressed.

Now I wonder, who could it be?

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They made populism in a nutshell.

Servo is now being looked after by the Linux Foundation in Europe, but is only maintained by volunteers. But another project has arrived that is not based on Chromium, Webkit or Firefox, which may be a hope in this somewhat confusing situation.

Could there be a Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae 2.0 coming in this case to automobiles?

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In short, more housing must be built.

RT News...

No comments

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The Russian government is saddened by this fall.

I respect those Republicans, because they don't want their party to have the overtones of a personality cult with Trump. As for his ideologies and policies, that's another matter entirely.

I just read the article and I'm telling you that the Supreme Court caused this executive order.

It would actually be considered lobbying.

Well, this strike only affects the video game industry in the United States. The video game industries in other countries are still going and can use AI in development, we just have to see how this plays out in the future.

For example, in the future, if American actors decide to participate in Chinese or Indian video games and they use AI, they will have to accept the terms that the developer wants in their project or let someone else take their role.

If it happens again, the government will bail out several companies and in some more serious cases they will end up under state guardianship. However, politics will be turbulent in that scenario.

It is a double-edged sword, because it would leave them blind to certain news without propaganda. Which could have direct and indirect consequences.

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It looks like a RDR2 landscape.

They became what they swore to destroy.

How likely is Trump to show signs of being a Biden in this debate?

The debate will be interesting

There are many types of AI Bros. They can be researchers who like to explore and develop the potential of AI, others who like to see AI-related research and like to explain how AI works to people who are not into the subject. Finally, there are those who say you can make money with a few steps or by doing nothing.

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To what extent could it be acceptable?

It is a trap that is hidden in the details

Do you mean the other software projects or the other non-software projects?

If the former, there is the Open Technology Fund (OTF), but it is affiliated with USAGM which is part of the government.

It would also explain that group's opposition to the construction of public transport.

There is a term for it called "Perennial Candidate"