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Joined 1 years ago

How do you know it's funny when there isn't a comment that says so?

Mine would always be red.

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You do realize you can "test" it and stop before dying, right?

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Lol no she won't

If you think 2024 exists in a vacuum and that Israel has no part in the "tensions" in the region, then there isn't much to talk about.

When Iran joins the war in full capacity, the US needs to give them full attention. That leaves Taiwan open for grabs. Which they also need full attention for. Then there's still Ukraine and Russia making plays. I imagine if Russia ever wins in Ukraine, and there are wars happening in the Middle East, Taiwan, elsewhere, then they might make a play on the Baltics for instance. So US now has 3 fronts to deal with against multiple nuclear powers. And that is of course as long as the US stays the course and doesn't end up isolating from the rest of the world.

World wars happened because of a series of alliances pulling multiple countries into a large, singular war. Israel provoking multiple of their neighbors by attacking them and commiting genocide can absolutely draw the world into a war.

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Are you angry because they are right? Neither Kamala nor Trump plan to stop the weapon shipments and support for Israel.

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Who tests the useless survey? Everyone with regression tests. Like dude, everything you talk about has been written "in blood" from years of hosting production systems. If the useless survey is needed, then write a test for it, or a testcase to manually try it. Don't just upgrade, see that the app is up and push to prod, that's not testing, that's asking for trouble.

Of course you are. But people who ruin other people's property already don't give two shits about others.

That cap is there to protect a hole from getting rained on. Usually vents or something. The thing is there but no hole.

Closer to peace than people think. Which doesn't say much when people think it'll be going on for a long time.

Okay, let's be angry at the company and frown a lot at what happened. Gurr, bad company, evil.

And now think of what you'd rather have - a working system, or a reason to be angry? If you have something that integrated with something else, lock it down at a specific version so you control the upgrade and know those versions work 100% of the time together. "Latest" is just asking for trouble - be it in a docker image, in dependencies or elsewhere. It's absolutely not a "best practice" if it isn't even a code smell or an outright bug. You could've had a slightly outdated version, which won't be "exploitable" - you wouldn't have enough time to exploit anything in that time, especially with smaller companies and obscure exploits.

Instead of putting out the fire, you could've been now looking into the upgrade, seeing on UAT or Test or whatever that forms aren't supported, chilling till they are supported or complaining that they aren't.

Upgrades breaking shit is like programming / devops 101, and a huge reason for technical debt in very old projects. Leaving all that to chance is just irressponsible.

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China can fuck off to its 200 mile part of their own territorial waters. Otherwise India apparently owns the entirety of the Indian Ocean.

3 kids in a trenchcoat

Osram literally means "I'll shit on it" in polish, they are the definition of a shit brand

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It's a joke in Poland - what shines and actively threatens you? A lightbulb made by Osram

Show me a platformer as good as Mario Odyssey not counting A Hat in Time, and I might stop buying from Nintendo. Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are great games too. Saying that they don't offer anything valuable is misguided.

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Valheim actually sucks with how they handle death - you lose a very significant portion of your skills each time. It isn't a problem when you have 10 in woodcutting and it goes to 8, but at 100 and it going to 98 is a very huge deal that takes hours to get back.

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I don't. I just pull it out of my pocket roughly in the middle by pinching with my pointing finger and thumb. Get an unlocked phone each time I get it out.

My under the screen fingerprint sensor allows me to take out my phone from my pocket already unlocked. No button presses, no fiddling with finger placement on the back, it just works and is fastest.

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They do kill and hunt humans. It's a fact, not an assumption. It was a threat to people, going closer to inhabited areas. What were they supposed to do, check if this one is a vegan?

Polar bears are absolutely not wary of humans. You keep talking about the topic as if you don't really know anything about them.

It doesn't look AI generated

It didn't sign a deal with the unions and tried to strongarm its way through it

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No, you need 555 posts about the shit that a billionaire said about stuff he knows nothing about

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Well, yeah, and he got a gift from someone who heard about his penis.

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Adding copyright to your posts is cringe and ultimately doesn't do anything more than the facebook message chains saying "I don't consent to X Y and Z"

The article clearly states "advocate for Palestinians, then Hamas came for her" like it's some "voting for the face eating leopards" situation. It's a valid distinction. Also, no, the Israeli army isn't all Israelis.

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Probably ironically, just as Red Dead winning it despite the shennanigans behind it.

Indie devs: suddenly I'm a millionaire thanks to this one-hit-wonder game that I spent 6 years making. I think I'll keep updating it so people keep buying it.

AAA companies: We need to pay 400 people over a course of 2 years. 30 million is less than 10% of the budget

It's funny how people overestimate what a person that never gamed can do. OP, Factorio is constant precise clicking with an unintuitive UI if you haven't played any games. So is Satisfactory and similar others.

Start with things casual gamers play. There is a reason Sims is so popular. If you want to later (muuuch later) introduce her into the FPS genre - Portal 2. It has very little controls to remember, and very rarely is there any action that needs to require dexterity in aiming. Also, Valve invisible tutorials are awesome for new gamers.

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They're careful. They probably don't want a tag, about which articles will be made, saying "valve evil they make fun of dwarfism"

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You just described a raid...

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If all it takes for you to lose sympathy is damaging some art of a coloniser, they didn't have your sympathy to begin with.

My grandpa was forcibly recruited in Poland and defected later to fight against nazis. The funny shit though is - my grandma was German. So dad applied for German citizenship for the entire family. We all got it, except for him (the person who had the most emotional connection to the country). Reason being? His dad betrayed the German state.

My dad got denied a citizenship cause his dad betrayed Hitler lol

There already is a humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

I mean, Israel is getting sympathy for punching Palestine for the last 75 years.

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Russia giving up would solve everything tho, so let's do that instead

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Instead of paying for 50 streaming platforms, you pay for one that has it all. Convenient.

Okay, sure. But the alternative would be "someone gets stabbed"

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