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It has, you're simply unwilling to see that you are wrong because you're a troll. Your purpose isn't argument, it's to be a loudmouth crybaby and you excel at it. Also I literally just have you the goddamn reason you goddamn moron.

Accept it or go away, either way fuck off kiddo.

Bro you haven't left the "I refuse to see things that refute my dipshit position" phase. You're a troll or an idiot.

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You'd have to be incredibly dumb to not infer my point, you instead seemingly demand I draw it in crayon via simple to understand pictures.

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So incredibly dumb or troll, gotcha.

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It is. It's not, it's idealist because you ignore really.

If you can't answer the simple question I've stated about a dozen times now your point isn't facially logically and can be discarded because of it.

What makes you think given the history of invasions in less than 20 years that Russia will simply stop and not invade again.

Simple, just answer the question and stop hiding behind the rest of your crybaby bullshit.

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That's the literal subject of this discourse, you're trying to change the argument lol.

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It's a simple question. They've invaded twice in twenty years both resulting in treaties they've broken. What exactly is the reason they will not invade again this time outside of your goddamn feelings.

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Your friends aren't conclusive dumb dumb. Also no you haven't even tried. What exactly makes you think Russia won't invade again. Simple as.

You haven't provided anything dumb guy, you provided your feelings that fly in the face of facts.

Literally, the last what 15 comments dumb guy.

Trying to have a conversation usually involves , you know. Involvement. Now you won't shut the fuck up about your idealistic fucking feelings but won't listen with your goddamn face to facts that are unpleasant to your dipshit idealist stances.

Also I called you a crybaby because you were literally crying about name calling you started.

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Not at all cry baby.

I've explained it literally every time, you can disagree with the explanation but you can't say it didn't happen or you prove yourself a liar.

I explained it the first 5 times, I'm not going to do it every 15minutes for the rest of my life. You aren't willing to accept reality, we've gone over this so I'm not going to bother explaining it anymore. Simply refer back to older comments, history and I dunno an encyclopedia maybe, I'm not sure but that's at least the right direction.

If I haven't explained it why are you even trying at this point and getting downvoted into oblivion.

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You're a troll, we just went over all of those 6 times in the last two days.

And you can't help but insult people when you fail to defend shitty fucking argument that somehow cow towing to Russia won't end with Russia invading again exactly like the last time you goddamn moron.

Ed: also you called me a troll first you absolute fucking crybaby.

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I provided literal definition.

I've elaborated multiple times.

You are acting like a troll.

I can't help but notice you didn't point out a lie, lack of clarity, misunderstanding nothing. You've cried and bitched for 6 messages now about how I'm so cruel and mean because I won't elaborate but you can't or won't point out a single thing you've not understood.

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You should, they're not quiet about it at all. None of those were invasions prior to us intervention, you can blame a lot of shit on the US but Ukraine ain't one.

Nope, isolationists and doves stfu because they don't want to be involved. You're neither peacnik nor pinko because Ukraines surrender attains no left leaning goal, it does just the opposite in allowing an authoritarian shithead to take over yet more of the world.... Again. This has nothing to do with the war on terror, not being shitty in one area doesn't mean you aren't shitty in another, get a grip.

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Again isolationists isolate themselves, meaning they don't meddle... Like insisting their opinion on a matter they have no legitimate interest in. You're involving yourself right now dumb dumb, if you don't want to be involved... Don't involve yourself.

That's not an argument, that's deflection.

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You're not isolating yourself nor you're country, you're actively advocating for actions that weaken left leaning countries and strengthen right leaning ones and at the same limits the ability of us soft power. You're an idealist, you reject reality, history, logic and factual basis in place of the way you feel things should work out though you know in your heart they will not, they can not.

And when you can't provide it, as you've been evading doing this whole time, I will be proven right that you're just another liar.

Start with proving a single lie ya crybaby.

Also, don't call yourself a pinko, the far left at least has the fortitude and intelligence to know when their idealism illogical and the birthday to defend. You seem to have none of that.

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The last I dunno, 7 or so comments as I reply to you question by question each time. The fact you're confused about that fact does actually explain some things though.

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How? Russia won't leave and they aren't tasting anyone well, kidnapping kids during the war kinda tells you everything you need to know.

It 100% is, give in this time and they'll do it again just like last time.

So you're ignorant but insist your opinion is correct?

They've tried, Russia says give up territory or die, no middle ground. This is very well documented.

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Do you have another phrase or word for advocating for Russian regional superiority knowing their intent on reunification of the former Soviet Union.

That's exactly what you are doing though bud, you just don't seem to see it. The Ukrainian conflict wouldn't end with Ukraine surrendering, Russia will simply move to the next country and force Ukrainians to fight for them.

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So you're saying you are Ukrainian? If you aren't then you're not an isolationists, you're an naive idealist who seems to think surrendering to a country who is literally beheading and sledgehammering surrendering troops.

You'll have a Russian with more resources, more people and more territory. The last two times the world let that happen we lost over 15 million people... Each time.

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I gave you my exact reasoning. You're certainly not pricing that other fellow wrong here boss.

You are. You can be cynical and an idealist, I'm not sure where you got the idea they're mutually exclusive. It is, they're doing an incredible job for a country that when invaded was not a near peer to the invading country at all and still by the numbers technically aren't. They're idealist because you ignore the unpleasant reality that Ukraine already ceded territory once before and Russia invaded a few years later. They will not stop, they are murdering troops rather than taking pows, they're beheading people on fucking video, they're sledgehammering their own troops to death, surrendering and losing territory just means they can expect it to happen again.

When exactly did I say it was at all morally correct bud? Reality doesn't play morals the right choice is almost never the ideal nor in fact often the most moral, it is simply the best choice. Also no that's realist, but nice try with the bad assumptions.

No I said you show accelerationist behaviors, which you do. It's out of naive idealism but still it's outcome is accelerationist. You aren't an isolationist, you're an idealist.

I've explained it all bud. What part are you confused about specifically and I'll elucidate it for you. You aren't opposing intervention, we aren't intervening. We're a capitalist country with an incredibly large and profitable arms industry, we're making a very good sales pitch and protecting an investment. If we intervened Russias Navy as a whole would be gone for good within 72hrs, ask Iran.

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Totally, except for having factual or logical basis in reality.

Are we going to add troll to that list as well just to prove that other guy fully right. You're the type of person that makes people laugh at .ml for being blindly idealist idiots.

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You understand that stopping fighting would in no way benefit the average Ukrainian and I think most people would agree your nation no longer existing would be the least beneficial thing for Ukraine.

I'm genuinely curious: we all want the way to stop but I really do want to know what's your solution?

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I mean judging by what I've seen it doesn't seem like they're wrong.

Your stance is at best naively idealistic or at worst incredibly ill informed, stupid and legitimately dangerous.

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Prove my point for me why don't ya.

They're deliberately unwilling to confront facts, as you can see by the suggestion of Ukraine negotiating with country notorious for failing to honor its treaties.

That is accurate, their opinion of you isn't something I can verify but calling for Ukraine to surrender is actually accelerationist behavior so.....

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a personĀ favoringĀ a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries.

Is the literal definition bud.

That's not a logical assumption dude, your lack of understanding of anything has nothing to do with the veracity of my position. Again, you're deflecting.

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Ask the japanese how well that goes over.

It's modern art most of it aimed at a moral.

As a guess I'm going to assume the point is that it's a fragile extremely delicate vase with literally no purpose as a vase.

You can't put anything in it or on it, it's vapid and empty like.... Art.

I'm gunna guess this is collaborative in some way between the two.

And Republicans don't? They're seen as a commodity by Republicans and one they aren't willing to invest in hence every argument being about money at heart.

Astoundingly dumb, I mean it's actually a bit remarkable.

The idf keep killing their hostages in what seem like very purposeful attempts to do so.

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That's fairly common, 2fa w/loc is after password in a lot of cases.

The effects of economic policy usually take between 2 and ten years more often than not 4 plus years..... You know the term of a president. They do this as often as possible, they'll fuck the economy with dumb shit their base loves not ultimately ruins the economy only to blame it on the next president.

Its exceedingly transparent but people are apparently ever more exceedingly stupid or myopic.

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Have you ever been booked? It's because it is almost certainly a webcam and a very old one at that.

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Or sovereign immunity, absolute immunity and qualified immunity. They're just shit the court made up.

Correct me if I'm wrong but releasing nudes against someone's will especially ones that aren't sent to you is a crime.

Georgia 16-11-90 nonconsensual pornography.

I don't think 100 years is insane, it's life without parol without actually saying it. He shot two people tried to shoot another and actually killed the youngest.

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No. Just no. The federal court and new York State Court have both thoroughly debunked his net worth and it ends up with "probably not able to afford to pay debts even with selling his most valuable property".

Fears? He's literally said this directly.

They're usually dudes who got bumped there for being injured, for being psyched, or being incompetent but well meaning. Don't be mean to them, they legit don't want to do what they're doing they know how stupid and shitty it is but they still have time left in contract and gotta trudge it out day by day like the rest of us.

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What do you think about Israel never ceasing hostilities?

For real, read a book every once in awhile.

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Not to diminish anything else here but have a look at how much they look like American police uniforms. You can tell we're a police state because we quite literally export it to authoritarians.

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