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Joined 3 months ago

You switched distros because of this? 😆

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Turns out I don't even care about all that content that much.

Mind boggling. Like seriously, I am as left wing as they come and for me that is defined by anti-authoritarian views. Fascists aren't bad because they are the wrong kind of fascist.

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Not having to ever touch Windows again has made my life infinitely better. I can handle setting it up for a buddy on their new PC I'll build. Getting to build a new PC is worth it. These fools don't even realize how much I enjoy building their PCs. They don't even charge me for it.

You can play ads on my tombstone, quite literally over my dead body.

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Nah, just get some email provider with a good reputation and setup gmail to forward all mail. From there you can start to change the emails in all your accounts one by one. And hey, even if takes you 5 years to complete, it's still worth it. Oh, some else had the exact same recommendation. I should have read the other comments first. Oh well

I wouldn't, but I am calling animals it. Only in English tho, we don't do that in my native language.

You are not missing much. She just does that over and over again for the next 5 mins or so. Almost 2.5 kg of mayonnaise (that's 5.5 lbs)

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But blood I actually have.

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Slowly lowering fascists into a vat full of acid ☺️

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What, your kid isn't Yugi Muto and has got an ancient pharaoh inside of him?

And who cares about people like me who can't afford to shell out $50 each month to not be tracked by various services, right?

That works now, but from June to August the nights aren't all that much cooler and there is rarely any wind either. Still makes sense, but it feels so futile.


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That site isn't phone-friendly at all. I can't even zoom, all I can do is scroll left and right to read each line, even on vertical. That just hilariously bad.

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Wait a second, there wasn't even any social media sites back when Benjamin Franklin lived. Did he write that in his newsletter or something?

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Yup, we have mostly tried to befriend Russia, even after they took the Crimea. Hell, there are right wing parties who'd love to buy russian gas again even now.

Nope. Idiots of Gary's Mod predates it by 5 years.

No one leaves half an onion. You just put it in your food. More onion always means more good.

Watching the eye bleach I got anxious because for some reason I was expecting you to torment me with grave of the fireflies. I watched it once and my tiny little heart cannot handle it a second time. That movie scarred my psychologically for life or something.

Your move Satanist church.

Damn, I've disposed of my 3DS battery because it started to fail (and I don't play on it anymore anyways) and THIS is how I find out you can't turn the damn thing on without a battery? Well, I can at least get the ol' WiiU out and do it on there.

I think deep underwater there is enough pressure to push them all it.

I will stick to emulating 30 year old video game consoles and fan reimplementations like OpenMW and OpenRCT2. I am driven by pure spite. They will never get me!

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Didn't think about icons being on a grid, eh? Whoever made this had to turn it off to place the Chrome icon there. Amateur move

Well, live and learn :)

Idiots of Gary's Mod is from 2007. Almost old enough to vote now. I think I just fossilized.

"I don't need to vote. People will never let Trump get elected." Wanna bet she will never change her mind on this stance either? Like, "Yes, Trump got elected once, but people won't let him get elected again, so I don't need to vote." Ugh, I am getting angry at this straw man of your wife's mother now.

Works just fine with hybrid graphics. Nvidia only? Yeah, not so much.

Been using it for months now. Can recommend.

Everyone enjoys those. It's not controversial.

And the church!

( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )

The pie-police is here!

Boy am I glad I put my dad on Mint.

To prevent recursion obviously. It's like you have never languaged in your life.

To become chancellor you have to swear an oath on the "schwarze Null".

I am happy sitting alone on my computer. Sweden sounds amazing.

You can use it perfectly legally for installing your own physical games to your sd card for instance. Running CFW on the 3DS is objectively better as it has zero downsides once you have set it up. You can be a nintendo fanboy AND use CFW at the same time. I mean at least I think so. I hate nintendo, so I can't say for certain.

Quo vadis Israel? Like what the actual fuck?