Matt Shatt

0 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

And some people will be hoarding money until the last, bitter second.

This right here. As a firefighter I’ve seen it. Also nowadays if the door is open I can’t sleep…I just keep opening my eyes and seeing that open door…

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“Don’t like it? Move”

That’s the same dangerous logic. Heaven forbid people try to make things better.

15 years ago it was THE place to mindlessly scroll and see cool tech articles and other things. Before they got greedy.

I put the Memmy icon right where Apollo used to be so now Memmy is where I go. The main feed isn’t as plentiful yet but it’s growing…

And leave that poor bat with $13,000 of medical debt!?

It can be given days later. It’s not an emergency. OPs doctor didn’t need to recommend an ER. A clinic with the shot would have been fine but I understand the mentality OP is/was in for sure!

Wow that’s a cheap surgery! Definitely not US.

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The masses of people there who never learned PEMDAS (or BEDMAS depending on your region) is depressing.

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Not sure why yours doesn’t let you see more than 4 people. I’m in a call with 12 and I see them all. That being said, Google docs, etc. beats Word and Excel hands down in the area of collaboration and a few other minor points. I hate being stuck in one ecosystem that way.

Anything for a dollar

Pretty much. As a young, educated transplant in a tiny rural town (random job took me there for a couple years), I had a completely different world view than the locals. There was a promising 16-year old asking me a lot about college and what it was like, etc. After I moved away I found out he never left, got a girl pregnant, and now lives and works in that small town like everyone else. Alas the cycle continues. They all continue to fly their trump flags while being unable to afford healthcare and groceries.

Seriously. It comes up every couple of years. Then the residents of Grimes county get all up in arms, put signs all along highway 6, vote against it, and then it dies a silent death.

The shortsightedness is mind blowing. What happens in a generation when the US can’t produce enough scientists and engineers? We have to bring in smart people from other countries. And they won’t like that either. It’s astonishing.

They just want to let the local municipalities have the freedom to treat their own water how they want!

Unless it’s Austin or Houston or any blue city. Then the state will tell them how to not do it.

Do a kick flip!

Ran when parked!

Team? I believe you mean family

Could you expand on that? I want to be clear that this isn’t a bOtH sIdEs argument I’m making here. I’m pointing out that “both sides” call each other the same thing but it’s clear to me that one side really is engaging in fascist acts while the other isn’t. The opposite of the bOtH sIdEs argument really…

Anything for a dollar

Nice, he’s grinding on Soaps!

Adding onto this, the ability to choose to not come in and/or come and go as needed. In 5 years I haven’t had my kids in day care and it’s important for me to be able to take them to school and pick them up.

What just happened? Where am I?

Was he WAS west coast, man. He saw it happen with his own eyes all the time

Wtf is that music overlay?

My employer is trying to do this too and using the same logic. I’ll just have to report to an office to video chat my team. Luckily my boss and I are in agreement and until they somehow force both of us, I won’t be doing it. I will, however, be updating my resume.

We’re number 1!

…in mass killings

Mine was even a bit before that and had a similar experience. However we were able to type up reports and essays which was great. My handwriting isn’t very good and I’m much faster at typing.

Not even if we downvote extra hard?

Wait…a texting app killed texting?

It’s 3 months for me and I’m not in a high COL area. $5k/mo is easy to hit (cost-wise) in a lot of cities. US or not.

I never noticed that. Thanks. Now I hate it.

And here I thought the airport in Roswell, NM was the smallest but this just took the cake there.

How about “un-hired”?

Is that GIF as in GIF, or GIF as in GIF?

Baseball is in mid-season right now and it appears each team sub has a bot posting game threads and live updates. American football will be starting up in a few weeks as well.

At least give us Space Balls!

did you level your bed first!?

Well not if the dead guy actually won!

We’ve all been lemmboozled!