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To quote (likely) John Swift, a lie can be halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.

But this assumes that people in survival or emergency situations are only going to look for themselves. In fact, in almost every emergency situation where there's been a breakdown of emergency infrastructure, the exact opposite happens - it just doesn't get reported on by the big outlets.

After Katrina, for instance, you heard "oh there was a huge rape and murder pit in the Superdome" on several news outlets. The​ Superdome was actually used by survivors as an ad-hoc camp, and the only armed people there were making sure people DIDN'T get hurt like that. People with boats went on sorties into the flooded city to get people back to the Superdome, where they had food and cots and medical care. The only real "looting" was for medical supplies, food, and things to help people SURVIVE, not luxury goods, and many tried not to scavenge in areas or businesses that couldn't take it - Walmart could deal with a couple dozen missing sleeping bags, small businesses in the area would definitely miss that medication though.

It turns out humanity, in an emergency situation, left to their own devices, GENERALLY will choose to help other people first rather than hurting them. Research has shown that this will to help is fairly deep-seated in most people, and it tends to fall apart when societal pressure is reapplied - in the case of Katrina, that camp fell apart pretty soon after the National Guard and police started shooting anyone who was "looting", no matter what they were taking.

Nah, he and the Duma have stated their victory conditions: total control over Ukraine AND the destruction of Ukrainian national identity. He doesn't want Ukraine thinking of itself as a sovereign nation, only a Russian state.

Especially this. Giving children the language and tools to communicate about sex effectively has been shown to help curb sexual abuse.

Yup, regulatory capture at work. You see this a lot in EPA and OSHA as well - "we'll take your word for it until serious shit starts happening a lot."

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Not entirely. Derailments like this were pretty much expected to increase at...right about this point after Reagan deregulated the entire rail industry. Take away any expectations of the railways to maintain their rails, cars, or engines, and couple that with an industry that believes in cutting everything to the bone in order to maximize profits in a way that's almost unrivaled, and you get this happening more and more. Already before this, railways in the US were averaging 1000+ freight derailments per year over the last decade - to put this in perspective, the entire EU averages half that in a year for their freight network.

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As Behind the Bastards pointed out recently in their Kent Hovind episode, the IRS doesn't give a shit about what illegal or immoral activity you commit, they literally just want you to pay taxes on it.

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To paraphrase the 10th Doctor, don't you think he looks tired?

And, they DQed her in a way that erased her win, making that Russian boxer still undefeated on the record.

But yeah, they claimed she failed a test, but won't reveal who did it, or the methodology used, meaning it's not replicable and thus NOT GOOD SCIENCE.

Musk has since come out and all but stated Hyperloop was specifically funded and hyped ONLY to kill mass transit initiatives in the area. It was a total vaporware project, they never intended to solve anything.

Not just the DEA, we've built a whole economy around drug offenses staying illegal. Drug testing companies, technology firms that develop law enforcement gear, law enforcement seminars, to say nothing of the thousands of companies that profit off of prison labor for what is effectively free, and the fact that a lot of the nonviolent offenders wind up turning violent because nobody will hire or rent to someone with a drug conviction.

Nah, sorry. I'm going with my favorite podcaster's take on this: mental health is not your fault, but it is your responsibility. Kanye is bipolar, and unmedicated, both of these things are true. However, that doesn't mean we should simply ignore or excuse his comments as "well he's still in a manic state." He knows what he's saying, he's backed it up and doubled down when confronted on it.

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Yeah, at the most, the Muslims in my life would've said "hey I find that disrespectful can you please not" and go about their day.

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The school's reasoning is "well if he ever took them down he'd be in violation, so he's in violation regardless".

Not even Russian hackers, just bored MAGAts who know how to work a few websites. If you know a few key pieces of information, you can find pretty much anyone in the US with relative ease.

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Also, they think they might need a decade to defeat a power that has a fifth of its military size, and which has, so far, roundly managed to make a laughingstock out of much of the Russian military.

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The issue is that this might not matter much in the short run anyway. Democrats have been playing well at the national level, sure, but they don't seem to notice that Republicans have figured out that state sovereignty means they can just have fascist fiefdoms rather than coast-to-coast national-level fascism. I don't see Biden or Harris putting their foot down on a state if shit gets real bad - hell, Florida literally passed a law allowing CPS to take kids from out-of-state parents and nobody at the national level so much as said boo about it.

China has been doing this for years. We're just playing catch up in the Horrible Things Olympics.

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Also, the body that DQed her in 2023 apparently ONLY found out "she was trans" (which she isn't) after she had fought 9 other matches under the same federation, with testing before each one - her defeating a Russian boxer and immediately being DQed after that match, while fighting under the auspices of a Russian boxing federation, is totally coincidence, I'm sure.

There's also the fact that Russia never really seemed to account for most of its monetary and material taps getting turned off. When you're (ALLEGEDLY) throwing conscripts out there without even a single full magazine of ammo, you're burning through old post-WWII ammo stocks, and constantly having to beg old SSR states "hey can we buy/borrow some of your tanks and APCs please," it doesn't look great.

Neonazis love Sabaton, despite Sabaton doing multiple press releases that say "fuck you Nazi scum aren't welcome". Same with Rammstein, people hear things about Germany and assume you're on the side of the genocidal fascists.

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Honestly have to agree. You've got him on TV, and after that remark, you should drag that line of thinking all the way out. Make them justify it, don't just accept "oh they should've known better".

He's also ditched all the gold after helping during Hurricane Katrina. He felt it was wrong and disrespectful for him to be wearing all that wealth helping people who had just lost everything.

Think of the lowest point you can imagine and still have a functioning society. Realize there's at least a solid third that want to go lower than that.

Also if you seem too knowledgeable on pesky things like labor rights.

Honestly have to agree. It's weird, but fine.

Oh, and in respect to that: don't forget that it was Trump's administration that signed off on unmarked federal vans black-bagging protestors in Portland, and Trump himself who had DC Police disperse a protest just so he could take a photo in front of a church, AND that Trump actually wanted to deploy military force against the protests - he explicitly wanted the military to "machine-gun them in the streets" like he's Tsar Alexander.

Even if you're in a solid blue state, vote for Biden. Because you don't know if it's your vote that pushes your state over that line.

Unironically, they absolutely do. Children are the punishment for having sex out of wedlock, and not only must the woman suffer for having this child, but the child must suffer because they're the product of sin.

I knew a number of people at my old church who ABSOLUTELY thought this way.

There are already states that have been trying to criminalize miscarriages unless they can be "proven" to not be the result of an abortion.

It's even weirder, because it was a flintlock - likely because you don't have to actually register those in California, and Elon is paranoid about interacting with the government in a way that isn't begging them for cash.

Nah, the Trump campaign is rapidly running out of places they can do rallies, because a lot of cities are requiring them to pay up front. This is normally unusual, but Trump stiffed SO MANY PLACES that he still owes $500kish from his last two campaigns.

Normal businesses are easier to keep away legally than cities.

I imagine they cranked into high gear after someone took a shot at Trump. Assassination attempts tend to beget more.

Don't forget that Trump has pretty much called for a genocide right here at home in the US, against trans people, against immigrants, and against pretty much anyone who doesn't share his views. This doesn't even count the stuff that his donors and PACs already have lined up for him to sign as soon as he sits his ass in the chair, or the fact that several US states have attempted to decriminalize murdering certain groups of people.

I knew a few women that played airsoft at a local field I used to play at, who made a habit of wolf-packing around the field in 2s and 3s. I asked them at one point how they learned to coordinate so well, and it turned out that they had to institute an actual buddy system because some players (long since banned from the local community) decided to get handsy with one of them at one point...and got a broken arm for his trouble.

He also claimed the war didn't leave him with any bad memories, but he's got a whole marsh where dead people pull other people into the bog to drown.

Weirdly totally not about the Somme according to Tolkien.

States now do bear an amount of the cost of EBT programs, but it's pretty negligible. I think I saw on another thread that she's basically only saving $2.2m doing this, when IA is already ending the year with an enormous budget surplus (because she and the GOP have cut everything to the bone and then started sawing).

Don't forget Abbott also "joked" that he'd just have the border patrol guys shoot people if he thought they wouldn't get charged for murder.

Rage Against the Machine doing this concert would just be Tom Morello beating every one of them to death with his guitar.

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While I don't fully disagree with you, these towns being funded by the ultra-rich, usually by people who already have shady business practices, are looking awfully like company towns. Amazon's already trying to build company-provided housing near a lot of their hubs, which is bad in that now your healthcare AND your shelter are directly tied to your employment. Imagine if they get their way with building a whole micro-city that runs on that idea - where every last bit of wealth an employee might spend goes STRAIGHT back to your company. Their utilities get dealt with by Amazon-built power and water plants. Their food is provided by Amazon grocery stores or deliveries. Your healthcare is provided by Amazon, and your housing is at the whim of your employer. All of this is provided at jacked-up prices, of course, so you're effectively just a debt slave until you die or the company decides to kick you to the curb.