9 Post – 529 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Lol, I dunno if it's them expressing their feelings so much as them taking advantage of a business opportunity.

19 more...

Jesus Christ. Why does it feel like tech industry is just getting shittier and more expensive, while all the cool consumer options are being axed. Intel Nucs were a relatively cheap way to get a cute little desktop machine or a home server. I am sad that they're going away. I guess there's always Minisforum, but still...

72 more...

God, it's like they don't want RCS to succeed.

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It’s always memory management

No wonder everyone's crazy about Rust.

9 more... long before Apple realizes that game devs are notoriously time-crunched and forcing them to target yet another proprietary graphics API is a stupid move for their gaming ambitions?

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The whole idea of investments always going up is an absurd idea that needs to go. At this point I infinitely prefer a private company over a publicly traded one.

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ProtonVPN is a no log VPN according to their privacy policy:

They have servers specifically for port forwarding and P2P traffic. I use them and I haven't gotten a DMCA request yet so 🤷🏻‍♂️

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If you use firewalld, both docker and podman apply rules in a special zone separate from your main one.

That being said, podman is great. Podman in rootful mode, along with podman-docker and docker-compose, is basically a drop-in replacement for Docker.

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Those are packages that lot of other packages rely on and so as a result just needs more testing. Sometimes Arch is faster, sometimes other distros are faster. This is relatively normal.

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Gotta say, it's weird seeing a iOS interface on an Android device XD, but it feels very smooth and polished, especially for a web app.

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The problem with PeerTube is that there's no built-in way for creators to get paid. If there are no ads or sponsors, then the only alternative is some kind of value for value system like what Podcasting 2.0 has. Until some kind of well integrated funding system gets built for PeerTube, creators really are not going to be incentivized to publish stuff on the platform.

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I really wish more PC handheld devices would come out with SteamOS instead of Windows. It'd make them a lot more appealing to me over the Steam Deck. The Windows experience on handhelds is a bloated and kludgy mess.

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I am not sure if it's just people being lazy. Steam legitimately is a good gaming platform. It just has so many features that really bring the PC platform to the level of consoles in terms of UX. Social features, discussion boards, reviews, matchmaking, chat, broadcasting, remote streaming, all this alongside a kickass store. That's why Valve could roll out something like Steam OS and not have it feel woefully inadequate compared to what consoles offer.

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This is why I love open source. The fact that a community can directly debug the code that's it's being hosted on and directly contribute the improvements back is just wild. Thanks for all the hard work and the rest of the team! The site already feels much more responsive.

No kidding. This solves a major issue with the Steam Deck as well, because now someone else can be playing on the Deck while you use your main PC for another game.

Your issues stem from going rootless. Podman Compose creates rootless containers and that may or may not be what you want. A lot more configuration needs to be done to get rootless containers working well for persistent services that use low ports, like enabling linger for specific users or enabling low ports for non-root users.

If you want the traditional Docker experience (which is rootful) and figure out the migration towards rootless later, I'd recommend the following:

  1. Install podman-docker. This provides a seamless Docker compatibility layer for podman, allowing you to even use regular docker commands that get translated behind the scenes into Podman.
  2. Install regular docker-compose. This will work via podman-docker and gives you the native docker compose experience.
  3. Enable podman.socket and podman-restart.service. First one socket-activates the central Podman daemon, second one restarts any podman containers with a restart-policy of always on boot.
  4. Run your docker-compose commands using sudo, so sudo docker-compose up -d etc. You can run this with sudo podman compose as well if you're allergic to hyphenation. Podman allows both rootful and rootless containers and the way you choose is by running the commands with sudo or not.

This gets you to a very Docker-like experience and is what I am currently using to host my services. I do plan on getting familiar with rootless and systemd services and Kubernetes files, but I honestly haven't had the time to figure all that out yet.

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It's because RSS doesn't allow you to serve ads and every tech company right now is either feeling the squeeze or feeling the greed.

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Yeah seriously. It's in their best interests to continue to ride on top of Redhat's work. Do not believe for a second that if they were in Redhat's position, they wouldn't do the exact same thing.

13 more...

It is so annoying how companies insist on dictating what we can or cannot do with the hardware we've already paid for. It's doubly annoying when you consider how it contributes to e-waste because it limits our ability to repurpose these things for other use cases. My old PS4 is just sitting in my closet gathering dust because I don't have an old enough firmware that let's me put Linux on it.

I guess the fact that consoles are usually loss leaders are a major contributing factor to why these devices are so locked down, but still...In this case, Microsoft is preventing emulation enthusiasts from running in retail mode and partaking in their game store! Maybe they just don't want the legal repercussions of dealing with Nintendo or something.

If emulation is your jam, I highly recommend just building a small form factor PC or going with a mini-PC instead. More expensive in the short term, but less troubles and more flexibility in the long-term.

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I also think instances just need to have more sane urls. It sounds silly but like it or not branding does matter. Instances like beehaw and just rub me the wrong way during first impressions. Even some of my friends who I've tried to introduce to Lemmy are just like..."what the fuck kinda website are you making me go to?" I am not surprised that is big, partly because the URL actually sounds official.

We also need super-communities that pull in content from multiple communities/instances, better multi-instance search, and a way to migrate between instances before the masses will be okay with smaller instances.

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changing settings in Network Manager.

What's wrong with this method? I feel like this is the main one and it works well for me. Even if you were using systemd-resolved, I believe it still works.

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Yes! I've been waiting for more devices to ship with SteamOS. I am tired of these unpolished handheld experiences on Windows. It always ends up being a mishmash of random vendor apps and lengthy Windows updates.

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If this is true, NSA might be shooting themselves in the foot when they inevitably have to deal with Russia and China.

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No reason why western countries also can't subsidize EV car companies to remain competitive.

Like...what are we supposed to do? Be content with ridiculously priced EVs and be willing to pay a small fortune for them? Fuck off with that noise.

Western corporations have had no problems fucking over the average consumer for decades or laying off thousands of employees at the first sign of trouble. Let them adapt or die I say. Competition is always good. Western corporations have the smarts and the resources to compete, they just need to be forced to.

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He's right, a product like that would have failed dramatically. At this point I just want them to release a dumb AF, streaming-only, inside-out tracking VR headset that connects to PCs. Forget trying to cram an expensive Qualcomm or AMD chip in there, it will never give you the ideal VR experience. Make something that's $200 bucks, connects to any PC running SteamVR, and just does extremely well with streaming and low-latency. Both Airlink and VRDesktop have already shown that its possible to get extremely close to a cabled experience. All that's left is some polish.

19 more...

I hate how he cuts the video whenever an app is loading. I want to get a feel for how fast apps are launching. The fact that he's cutting makes me think it must take forever for apps to launch.

I mean, I don't think I would mind forced updates if they didn't take so damned long and fail half the time. And then, just when you think you've finished installing all updates, you reboot and there's more updates! Why can't they just install it all at once?

Plus, after each major update, Microsoft wastes your time by advertising to you about Edge, Office 365, and OneDrive before they even let you get back into the desktop.

Forced security updates is addressing a symptom but not addressing the root cause, which is that the Windows update process is just painful for a myriad of reasons. In Linux, I run one command, wait 5 minutes, reboot, and I am back to work.

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I think there was some bad vibes when they got bought by a less than reputable company a while back. I know a lot of people, myself included switched to Mullvad. I am on Proton now though for the port forwarding.

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Was it posted now? It says posted 7 months ago. Weird that such an old post got into my Hot feed.

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Yeah, I pay for Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime and yet, I am still downloading shows that are on those services because their shitty DRM schemes limit me to 720p. It's insanity.

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I just hope they're using EAC and remember to tick that box for Linux support.

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This post is from 2 years ago and its popping up in my feed today. Lemmy really needs to fix its algorithm...

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Their success is well-deserved. I really hope Valve doesn't let the momentum slow down though by working with hardware partners and getting SteamOS onto more devices. That'd make the lack of a Steam Deck 2 in the near-term a lot easier to stomach.

Lemmy really needs a concept of a "super-community", some way to group different communities together and have that grouping be subscribeable. Maybe creating a post within a super-community will give the user the ability to automatically cross-post to all the individual communities, although this could be abuseable.

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Maybe they just don't want to give up on a community in which they put so much time, effort, and passion to help shape.

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Is there a way to do this for shutdown? It'd be great to debug shutdown hangs.

I am still shocked that so many people are okay with cloud-based camera systems. It just seems like a security and privacy nightmare.

Granted, setting up a DIY NAS to host a server and store footage is a whole technical challenge for most people, but still...

they’ve been pretty good stewards of the Java open source project

I am pretty sure Google (the company itself) would say otherwise.

They've also been pretty horrible stewards of VirtualBox.

Oracle is not friends with open source. To be honest, I trust RedHat over Oracle and that's saying something.

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Oooh, I can not wait! I've been waiting for both Horizon and the new God of War to make its way to PC.

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"Officer, I am telling you those are my ABS! I've just been hitting the gym a lot. Hey, don't lift up my shirt."

How the hell did this guy think he was gonna bypass the scanner?

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