2 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Good thing I already knew Iphone wasn't private.

I mean, they make you sign in with an Icloud ID

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I'm gonna miss vimms lair, never told a soul about it. And I'd help but my internet is terrible rural internet.

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The show keeps living! Glad to see it still around.

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I wonder what's happening?

For me, It's linux mint on my main PC, goodbye windows.

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Yep, the AI will be watching, including porn. (not confirmed since not out)

I'm just baffled, why am I not free to install whatever crap I want onto my phone?

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Holy crap, I thought I hated AI and I was uncertain. Now I'm sure I hate AI

They took down the fucking don't be evil sign! Google used to be a good company but I don't trust their actions. I've only found out about the spyware level chrome browser, not to mention that Google has been coloring my searches on the internet.

But what do I expect from a ADVERTISING company first and for most?

Don't authenticate to a search engine.

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My lifespan is shorter than 30 years so yes.

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Couldn't you just move to another lemmy instance? or host your own?

I'm already seeing more traffic across reddit and youtube

Haha, yes I'm an eggplant, thank you BTW, I enjoy seeing you posting! I think you were a reason I stick around lemmy.

Stick too long, make shorter

Microsoft learned the right lesson, everyone has internet! \s

hahahahahahaaahahaha, the future of gaming!

Not a big Privacy concern, Can you just go turn on recall on the store PC where they sell these?

Privacy Matters

My last straw was the privacy and lack of control.

I didn't like software being released by Microsoft telling me my choices were bad or unoptimal, I like my software, I made my choices from listening to others and forming my own opinion. I had a shift in thinking recently, I wanted to start selecting my software based on my values rather than just choosing whatever works.

Thanks for trying linux!

I don't use pop os or gnome personally and I'm not part of any cult or whatever.

I found a accessibility setting that changes stuff to be white but I don't think I got what you wanted 🥀

I know kde plasma has a white general look, and can be themed much more than gnome in pop os seems to be.

it also has 3 finger click in its setting under the touchpad option

Also, try Fedora 39 kde spin I mention this because fedora has the new linux tech in it so your laptop might behave better with this os.

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I'm typing this from Linux mint, I play mainly video games and websurf but I choose this distro for the community support! Since I don't know everything about linux I go here on lemmy, or reach out to the members via hexchat

I rate this meme accurate. Also, why are countries more free on the internet than america?

-concerned american

I never even thought that automating a browser would be a thing!

True, I can go get it still from the aurora store.

Linux mint user here.

Sound works even better then windows, Printers needed terminal work to install, but forums were very helpful.

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I've been just recommending Lemmy out there as the new internet, which us what this feels like to me, IS like the old internet again!

It's so fucking stupid

Its a selling point for me privacy wise no? The program Doesn't need the access to everything like my graphene phone.

I'm on a different instance, I think that let's me see all of the Internet's sides.

The only regular people I can think of are gamers and my mom but I would like the idea of PC's returning to techie and specialized use cases

This one had .zip and that's why I choose it.

Gonna be honest here, I can get the same effect from shaking my head looking at my monitor.

I do lean to having privacy and freedom to do whatever with my tools as "good" things

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I use computers for a bit of entertainment, but I've taken a turn to rediscovering the internet, it took reddit going south for that to happen though. I'm actually reading these nicely written articles on the Geminisphere I think there's too much on the internet now, its flooded with low quality stuff, I am finding the reason I came to the internet was the long well written dialogs!

As long as the ads are good ads, I'm using Adnauseaum to block most though.

If we could tackle the idea that Privacy matters and get more common folk aware of what they are losing, then I would like that very much.

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You made my day!

Do note that POPCNT instruction is required.

If you were to install windows 11 on some Intel core 2 Duo's

-Linux mint user

Yeah, its sad that it'll take something happening to the common person to take Privacy seriously.

Yeah, reddit just isn't as free as I thought it was.

Usually I just go to the appstore on linux mint, kubuntu has a appstore called discover as for setting up a network drive, I have no idea so I asked

Open the File Manager (Dolphin)
Click on Network in the left sidebar
Click on Add Network Folder
Select the type of network share (e.g., SMB/CIFS, NFS, etc.)
Enter the network drive's address (e.g., smb://username@server_ip_address/share_name)
Authenticate with your username and password (if required)
Click Add to mount the network drive

Honestly, tell me if asking AI helps you at all, because I got no idea if it's hallucinating how it should be done.