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Joined 12 months ago

The book of Job is wild, I remember as a kid thinking this is my god?

How else are establishment Democrats gonna stay in power? They're afraid they're going to lose to progressive candidates. Voters are going to vote more confidently in the candidates they believe in rather than the ones they believe will win. In rank voting there's less fear that the worst candidate will win since it's not a 1 or the other anymore.

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Won't even bring up the brands I like unless I search for them specifically, even then they're not the first result. Amazon gives the ad space to brands that are around for 3 months then poof.

Tbf when I worked at BK they told me everything I would be doing as a line cook. When I started my shift the first thing the supervisor told me to do was clean the washrooms. I told them no, I was hired as a line cook and no one told me about washrooms. So the supe says I can clean them or he'll get the manager involved and I'll probably be fired. I said sure call him. Supe comes back and tells me to start in the kitchen. Turned out line cooks were not supposed to be cleaning washrooms and the manager came in the next day to explain everyone's duties.

But later turned out that supe was going out with one of the cashiers.

Supreme Court is dragging their feet on that decision. Probably not gonna decide til after the election. If Trump wins they'll decide presidents get total immunity, but if Biden wins they shoot it down.

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What if I uploaded the complete comedy stylings of Rodney Dangerfield in text form?

Yeah I remember listening to that WAN show, double speak for sure.

Old? I'm 38!

Sir, this is a dollar spatula.

Some car companies are going back to physical buttons. A screen for everything is still my most hated thing about modern vehicles. I wanna look like I'm operating the millennium falcon or a Gundam when I'm driving, gimme back muscle memory.

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Get gud, world.

Welcome to Costco, I love you.

It's kinda hard to cut out something like reddit 100%. I technically stopped using Reddit, I've only been on Lemmy since RiF was shut down since I'm mainly a mobile user. I logged into my reddit account once and that was to commission an art piece. And that's something I'll probably keep doing because it's been the best experience for commissions.

There's also search inquiries that you can get actual answers to just by typing reddit at the beginning of your search. Like when my TV started having an issue I tried normal search results and forums, absolutely zero help. All the answers were either buy a new TV or call a tech, and the people that dealt with techs said it was minimum $300 for the tech to tell them they had to take the TV for a minimum 2 weeks. So I tried a search by typing Reddit in front and I found a solution within the first two posts. Lead me to a YouTube channel where the guy showed how to fix the issue in 10 minutes with just a piece of tape.

Reddit will keep getting worse, but there will still be useful posts from it's better days. I wouldn't say that it's that consumers have no spine, but rather it's a mix of old habits and sunken cost fallacy. But it will reach a point like Myspace and Facebook did and lose a large amount of users.

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Ain't nobody printing much anymore, just shit companies finding ways to squeeze what customers are left. I got a b&w brother printer years ago and it's been doin just fine without all the extra "features". If brother went the way hp is going I wouldn't have a printer at home anymore.

So a union?

Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about

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And he was never a boy named Sue!

Imagine reporting that someone was being inappropriate with you only to have that person come berate you. That's levels of fucked up and goes radioactive when it's your boss.

I have no ragrets paying full price for this one. And I don't get why missing the launch week means you have to wait for sales.

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I wish our construction was like in Japan. Instead we have the worst, slowest companies in the Chicago area. How does it take months or even years to fix a road AND they start a new project a mile away on the same road at the same speed. Then somehow the road end up bumpy anyway cause they didn't fix around the manhole covers correctly.

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I'm new to all this. Got any recommendations how to learn about Jellyfin?

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Well that's dumb.

I don't mind encumbrance in Baldur's Gate. I think people are only thinking of I got all this cool stuff why should I have to choose between it all. I see it as limiting cheese mechanics. It could limit infinite money by not letting people pick up every single item to sell. Or if there was no encumbrance why would I use tactics when I can just use barrelmancy? I have to fight these powerful opponents? Nah I'm just gonna hit em with x amount of exploding barrels till they die since I can carry every barrel ever.

I don't like encumbrance, but I've never felt it negatively impact my enjoyment of a game. I didn't even know encumbrance was this much of an issue honestly. It just makes sense in certain games, imo.

Edit: Could also be made a toggle-able feature or unlock?

Yup we got a mid main storyline when we could've had more Jackie.

For the model S and X the handles look normal, but not for the model Y and 3. The handles for the model Y and 3 are in front of the window buttons, easy to miss. On top of that using the manual release handles for the model Y and 3 could possibly crack your window trim. Stupid, but true.

Try looking up the models they're talking about in the article before assuming things hmmmmmmm?

But seriously, everyone should look up the emergency info for your vehicles. May you never need it, but it's good to know. Like not all Tesla models have a back seat/trunk escape if you find yourself in a serious front end collision. Or how in the Model X you have to pry off the speaker grill to access the manual release wire.

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You know it! I'm just thinking what's the point? I don't like Biden, but I gotta vote for him anyway cause the alternative is way worse. I DO NOT want to go back to seeing 24/7 news feeds about Trump doing something worse each day or playing golf for the nth time.

You know one of the few things I liked about Biden was that I was able to go days or sometimes weeks without hearing anything about him. Campaign seasons suck.

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I think Paizo would be a good collab. Personally I'd love to see Larian do something with Starfinder.

It blows my mind that you think the average streamer knows anything about pirating. It's so much easier for the average person to download the app, put in your email, link a payment, and you're in. Majority of streamers have never even heard of Plex or jellyfin, let alone participate in any pirating communities.

People need to learn how, but I doubt most people with a full-time job would care to learn. It ain't really jumping through hoops when it's easy to subscribe to a streaming service.

Also what's left of overwatch players, it's just an abusive relationship at this point.

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Or if it's followed by welcoming you to the jam

It's got like 4 toggle switches, and for whatever reason they run on 4 D cell batteries

We need more trains in North America. From my experience between planes, trains, and automobiles (and boats) trains have been the best experience.

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Some small number of people love being married to their work. And some of these people think since they enjoy it that others must feel the same, and when they see their employees quitting it's surprised Pikachu face and denial.


Gotta use the good barricades

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

That and showing my niece and nephew shows I liked when I was a kid and them also enjoying em.

I miss who my uncle used to be. No idea how he can do a complete 180. His father, who was an illegal immigrant must be rolling in his grave.

How do you go from attending your friend's gay wedding to telling that same friend they should get divorced and seek help?

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Lmao, absolutely. Imagine being the reconnaissance that had to report this to command.

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Don't, worry bro.

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