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Joined 5 months ago

I'm downloading Tidal to give it a shot but I would also like to hear other options. Tidal seems promising from a 30 second glance but that doesn't tell me much.

I work a 5-8 flex, so typically I'll do 9 hour days, 7 to 4, where I get the 10th day off. In theory I could do a 9 to 5, but we're asked to be in during 8 to 2 for the mechanics and I want the extra day off. I work as an engineer.

Lunch is a little ambiguous, we can take a lunch in the office and it's laid back, but if we leave the office we can leave for an hour and go somewhere and come back, but that's not paid. Officially.

Things are slow now so our team went to Red Robin and spend a while there and discussed work for a few minutes. We called it a work lunch and a team bonding activity and don't speak of it to any higher ups.

If it's worth anything, Tidal has had great offline support so far. I'm missing a handful of tracks, but the offline support might be enough to move to Tidal. It's either generally better quality, better offline, better shuffling, and a dollar less per month, or a console/tv app and a few more albums.