2 Post – 502 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Not to worry, the wife will do all the cooking cleaning and housekeeping, as God intended. And if she doesn't like it, too bad, the Bible says wives are to submit to the will of their husbands, so she'll suck it up and do as she's told.

That's what they actually believe, don't hate me. I grew up having this BS crammed down my throat, and even as a kid I thought it was ridiculous

Freeze peach for me, but not for thee

In winter the sun causes really strong glare off of snow, and the sun sets sooner than in the summer. He probably started riding when the sun was up, and didn't think to bring a clear lens for his goggles for when the sun set.

I hope more of his victims have the courage to follow suit and he ends up bankrupt once he's out of prison

Two pees in a pod

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I never saw my school's guidance counselors as people of trusted authority. More like Mr. Mackey from South Park. M'kay

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Don't try and make him more relatable

Killing dogs is fine with them, but eating them is an affront to everything they pretend to hold dear

It's about time Dems started using the same tactics the GOP uses. Whiny hypocrites can't stand when the tables are turned.

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Mueller concluded in 2019 that there was no evidence of a criminal conspiracy between Trump's 2016 campaign and Russia.

That's not what Mueller said at all. Did Bill Barr ghost write this paragraph?

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Hold this asshole in contempt and throw him in a cell until he agrees to behave. And when he doesn't, throw him back in for a month.

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What a sad, pathetic, impotent old man

The only thing old racists hate more than minorities is multiethnic minorities. It confuses and angers them

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What a shit stain on US history this whole trump era is. I can't think of anyone or anything I hate more as a US citizen

motive is unclear

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I don't know if it's possible to literally die of embarrassment, but if there's anytime I'd wish it was it would be in this situation if it happened to me

They're just mad because they thought when Biden stepped aside the Dems would devolve into infighting and chaos. You know, like Republicans would.

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Faux News and Alina Habba were pearl clutching at the thought of Trump's "boys" being prosecuted for their role in the organization's fraud, which was weird because they're in their 40s, but then an actual child gets mocked and the right wing nut jobs are okay with it. It's always hypocrisy with these motherfuckers

Looks like the kids are doing the hugging, and he's just basking in the pure joy of it

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This is the same, tired argument Sarah Palin and other Republicans made here in Alaska when it didn't go their way. How stupid do you think voters are? If they're that easily confused, maybe do a better job at educating them, in say, a classroom when they're young. Maybe bring back Civics classes.

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He wouldn't even visit a cemetery for our fallen WW2 soldiers because it was raining

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Who cares what this orange turd says about any subject? Especially ones on which he's woefully unqualified to opine

Yeah he actually "Truthed" (lol) that he thinks the Dems owe him compensation for Joe dropping out due to all the money his campaign has spent attacking Joe. What a cunt

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ITT: No one read the article and thinks it means tRump can't go after the prosecutors, rather than the reality of tRump's attorneys now being gagged about talking about Engoron's staff

Oh no, I'm facing the consequences of my actions


The fact that a party that has deified an adulterous, lecherous, lying, vulgar fraudster thinks it has any moral high ground on any subject is laughable

He called it an "inverse startup". So, a shut down?

Looks like they want users to buy MeowMeowBeenz

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I'm looking forward to shorting the shit out of this stock

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Strawman says what?

Well, Walmart can go fuck itself. Not for this, but for it's other terrible business practices

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It's sad that I learned about this event from the HBO show Watchmen. It was maybe a brief paragraph in US History class in high school. I'm in my 40s and white. A rather telling indictment of the US education system.

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Let's see, she went to Howard University, a HBU, and while there was a member of a black sorority, but you know what? Let's let you (presumably white male) decide who is black enough to be black

STFU and GTFO of here