1 Post – 717 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Computers are neat. Burritos are good.

Meanwhile, Trump’s a free man, goose stepping around in his fucking lift shoes, with 91 Federal charges against him. This country is so backwards.

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The fact that he’s still campaigning with ninety fucking Federal charges against him is absolutely absurd.

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Here’s mine, come and get me

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Any only 200k for bond? They wanted to hang Snowden from the gallows for far less.

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“Several millions of Americans worried he won’t”

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Excellent public transportation

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Until Trump is behind prison bars with a minimum of 20 years without the possibility of parole, I do not have faith in any state or federal justice system that is or will be trying him.

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So, are spez and his goons gonna come after you now?

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Dying for big tobacco: omg what a tragedy

Dying for big oil: omg he’s a hero

Pick your corporate servitude carefully kids

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Trump and Giuliani are the high watermark tests. If they don’t spend the rest of their lives in prison cells for committing treason at the highest levels, that’s a clear cut signal that certain people can get away with anything, and that American justice has failed.

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Just gonna say it, he’s basically a Nazi. Is that accurate?

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“When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all”

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Grandpa was the 1978 regional Fingerblast champion in Fort Wayne Indiana

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Thou shalt not push to prod on Fridays

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Thoughts and prayers

Lol jk fuck that guy

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Last time on DBZ:


Next time on DBZ:


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Jeff bezos probably tastes like drywall and hooker spit.

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Pretty fucking rude of you to insult dog shit like that

Nope, they’re gonna do a “Weekend at Bernie’s” thing for at least a few weeks.

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If McCarthy was an underage girl Gaetz would’ve done it already

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Just download more storage

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Amazon makes approximately 800k per minute, so in about 45 minutes they’ve recouped their money. Make it one hour just to cover all other costs, lawyers, etc involved in this.

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I prefer YAML please

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Does he get nervous when he’s on his way to Cancun?

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Didn’t those stupid science people mention it once or twice

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So what you’re saying is, he’s a stable genius who’s more than qualified, and extremely fit to be the president of the United States?

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She’s usually really good on poles, what’s the problem?

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You’ve generated a synthetic reality for your cat. His life is a lie.

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Hello Wisconsin Incarceration!

Kinda looks like poverty

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“Imbalanced chemicals n shit, idiot. Go do drugs”


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US: We could easily destroy Russia in traditional warfare, we have the best weapons, we will never stop fighting them

Russia: Here’s a suitcase full of money

US: Oh, I love those! Never mind, do whatever you want

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Listen here fuckstick, you’re a junkie and your deck sucking is tearing this family apart

Eat the pizza and then form the union. No sense in fighting tyranny on an empty stomach.

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If you believe that, I have a Volkswagen clean diesel I’ll sell you

Will somebody please reboot Mitch again?

All that Russian malware in him is really fucking things up.

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Shitty photoshop, but I echo the sentiment.

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Taylor Swift did it, I saw her!

Did he get directions from that fuckin traitor Trump in the hallway?

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