3 Post – 784 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I hate Teams, give me Slack

Edit: I left an optional team in teams, and still got a notification for a meeting that isn’t on my calendar, my meetings page, nor do I have access to in any other way.

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No one’s going to say anything about “indefatigable”? Am I the only illiterate here that’s never heard of this word?

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I wonder if we can actually adopt technology so fast as to completely ruin our economy before we can notice that’s what’s happening.

Businesses are going to adopt AI and robotics to increase productivity and drive down costs. But it quickly becomes a tragedy of the commons if every business only considers their own selfish interests. Eventually there will not be enough employed consumers to be able to buy those products your pumping out at record rates.

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IANAL but, if it’s a publicly owned and operated library, and someone acting on behalf of the government fired these people for some sort of protected speech (which isn’t always just talking/writing) then I’m pretty sure that’s a 1a violation.

Though I could use some clarity on any distinction between a persons own speech, and speech that could be seen as that of the library.

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I can’t fucking read

Chess grandmaster Hans Niemann dies using vibrating sex toy to cheat

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Sounds like they just proved that some people left Reddit for lemmy and now like lemmy.

While this kind of work is necessary, confirming assumptions, it’s not particularly interesting.

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Can’t be that many on Lemmy at this point.

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Could be a lady, sometimes those hysters gotta be ectomied.

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So, national minimum wage is $7 something, so homes should be about $77k, right?

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That probably means that a ton of things are switching to 404ml cans, because I don't think those are usually custom made for a single beverage.

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I think straight is more about sex than gay is.

  • Hyper aggressive ads
  • Restricted access to moderation and admin features of wiki
  • Restrictions in layout/formatting to maintain compatibility with ad placements
  • Forced addition of an AI generated section in wikis which contained gibberish or straight up wrong information

Lower clarity, contrast, sharpness. That’s roughly it.

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No… no no no to this type of rhetoric. If law enforcement wants to spy on an American, they should be required to prove to a judge they have a very good reason and get a warrant for that shit.

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I thought it was just survivorship bias.

You mostly see the strongest outdoor plants thriving in their optimal conditions. Indoor plants are whatever rainforest wonder you tried to grow indoors, under watered and next to your AC.

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We don’t have to pay for the first year, interest accrues, but you don’t become delinquent. Either I completely misread the agreement I signed, and so did many others including journalists.

More likely, this particular article is garbage.

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“Google” not as much of a selling point anymore? Or are they gonna sell it off?

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I cancelled after the last hike, and my family has access to my plex server with great quality and reliability, and a simple request system. But they barely use it. They just got their own Netflix after I cancelled the one we shared that I was paying for.

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They have no fucking clue what they’re saying either

I thought the browser, my computer or something was slowing down. Turns out I just had way too many ublock rules.

I’m surprised Texas would even pass such a law.

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Actually, pretty well 99.9% of the time. And if a few people die here or there in a freeze or heatwave, well they shoulda use some of those electricity savings on a generator or something.

^ How the conservatives in Texas feel about the situation

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The stock market isn’t the economy… jic that’s what this article is referring to.

Uses a stupid fucking definition of unemployment, then tosses out a biased ass line disparaging peoples distrust of media.

But the poll found that 51% wrongly believe that unemployment is nearing a 50-year high rather than those who believe it’s actually low (49%).

Ai porn to come w this disclaimer: disclaimer

On the other hand, As a guy who’s great with computers, nothing is hotter than a woman troubleshooting her own tech problems.

I fucking hate teams, I swear every single day it iritatea me, and at least once a week I find something new I hate about it. This week, it keeps pinning my self-chat. Which I don’t use. If it lets me unpin it, it’ll end up pinned again within a couple of days.

That last comment is what ChatGPT told me to say.

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I’ve heard that when the movie came out, the Wall Street types didn’t get that it was a satire of them, they loved it and wanted to be more like Bateman.

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They’re just excited about posting this image online.

My brain is on a pendulum swinging back and forth between “nothing matters” and “everything matters”

Dark really sucks me into a dark damp place that is just really calming when I’m feeling down.

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I wonder what the prevalence of this kind of behavior is like in countries that aren’t so weird about sex.

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As someone with symmetrical 1gig and a home server…. Wtf do you do w 20gig?

Also, aren’t you going to need a rack of equipment to even use it?

::: spoiler . That’s clearly an exaggeration, but 1gig equipment is often actively cooled bc it takes non negligible amounts of compute to route that many packets. I imagine 20gig router is like a small PC :::

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I’m partial to freetaxusa, one of the IRS partners. They made it relatively easy to do my Uber taxes without paying anything.

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They didn’t have that?!

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I’m pretty sure this has that fancy transitioning glass, when you lock the door it goes opaque.

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Why are they quoting people with smaller social media followings than my grandma? Who gives a shit.

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They’re sticking to the existing standard tho

But you have to put the money into the treatment. Oregon isn’t quite doing that yet, and the lag between legalizing the drugs and actually increasing services has been pretty bad for everyone involved.

Hopefully we get it straightened out in the next year or two.