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Joined 5 months ago

Disco Inferno

I forgot to make a backup of a really complicated docker-compose.yml file yesterday, so I got to spend my Saturday reconstructing it

You know I keep that thang on me

You left stuff exposed is the only explanation. I've had services running for years without a problem

Because Bamboo expands by sending out underground runners you have to put some type of underground barrier to stop them.

Then why does it still break everything lol

So, Gnosticism?

I would much prefer to just ssh

Alternatively do this with bamboo (properly contained so it doesn't spread) and it will be giant in under 1 year

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I thought online gun sales already required a background check, isn't that why they have to be shipped to an FFL? So that they can run a background check before ownership is transferred to you.

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She killed her dog because she didn't know how to train her dog

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This is why I use the AR-10, it's much safer, it's 5 AR's fewer than the AR-15

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"nobody should have to go to jail for smoking weed"

-The person who made a career putting people in jail for smoking weed

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Oracle quoted us 30K because a small handful of our users needed to use a .jnlp application a couple times per year. It took me a couple of days but I got it working with Corretto and a program called OpenWebStart.

Climate change is going to create millions upon millions of migrants

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I cannot wait to discriminate against people who went to school in Florida in a few years when I'm hiring

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Yeah that seems pretty negligent on their part.

Israeli snipers were targeting children before the war too

They've done this with every new generation, I'm shocked that they aren't already advertising 6G

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It's like when your dad doesn't love you

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N100 mini PCs are where it's at these days anyways. Unless you need the GPIO pins or are running some weird niche configuration, you're better off grabbing any N100, they're cheaper too.

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The same Dell that just leaked my information yesterday because of their incompetence, that Dell?

I accidentally drank 20

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I'm shocked it's not more lol

The US Army War College published a paper outlining the plan awhile back.

To start, the United States and Taiwan should lay plans for a targeted scorched-earth strategy that would render Taiwan not just unattractive if ever seized by force, but positively costly to maintain. This could be done most effectively by threatening to destroy facilities belonging to the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, the most important chipmaker in the world and China’s most important supplier.

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It's also an el nino year which generally have warmer winters. If it flips to la nina next year we will likely have more extreme winter events in North America like the last few years. We're likely to alternate between very extreme hot and cold weather events every few years because of the ENSO cycle and global warming.

Terrible idea, focus literally anywhere Else

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Spez is absolutely complicit in the rise of the far right, regardless of whether this unsubstantiated claim is true or not

You don't artificially inseminate them with your penis?

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So we're doomed then

"Only for Republican Presidents"

First off, fuck all police. Secondly that looks like a pretty standard pat down.

Bats cannot take off from the ground (or have a very very hard time doing it), so he's kinda stuck there.

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Imagine archaeologists a few thousand years from now finding this

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All of them

The moment that broadcom bought them the writing was on the wall. Many people have already jumped ship.

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I didn't either until I found a bat that was sitting in the same place every day. I even gave him water and stuff but he was there day after day. After maybe a week or more I told my wife and she googled it and we found out that he was actually stuck there. I picked him up in a solo cup and gently placed him on a low hanging branch of a tree and he flew off.

I've been saying for years this was going to be what happens, instead of common sense gun laws they are just going to tax the shit out of it. Which sucks for law abiding responsible gun owners who just want to hunt or defend themselves. This is what happens when one side refuses to come to the negotiating table.

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If he would have just shot it to put it out of it's misery after it was run over I don't think anyone would have been upset. But duck taping it's mouth shut and then transporting it to a bar and then taking pictures for clout, and then shooting it, I hope this guy spends some serious time behind bars.

Damn Libruls trying to take away our poisonous lead pipes