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My understanding is that immunity for official acts WOULD cover an airstrike on Trump, or a death squad assassination.

But that possibly the speech in front of the capital where he said "we're going to go fight like hell to take our country back" is most likely NOT an official act? Maybe they could hold him accountable for that since it was NOT communication with one of his departments?

Interested in any clarification anyone can offer.

I liked the remakes of 2 and 3, and 4.

5 and 6 were fun to play co-op. I generally prefer third person games, which is why I haven't played 7.

5 was over the top, and I like how in 6, there was a marked difference between playing as Ada, Leon vs the more action heavy Chris playthrough.

They could do another game like 6 but go harder with that concept of picking your play style.

I instance blocked because of mods deleting my comments. I don't want to accidentally get involved in discussions and spend time writing comments for them to just be deleted because the mods don't agree with me.

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I've been waiting for a sale to buy it... hopefully there are still players but if not shrug

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It really is that bad. Watch the videos of Biden from the Democratic convention in 2008 if anyone has any doubts.

I remember in 2015 I thought the most pathetic ballot would be Hillary Clinton vs. Jeb Bush because it would be like we lived in a hereditary monarchy. I had no idea how bad Trump was and underestimated him bigly.

Still, since we know fascism is characterized by the near worship of a strongman leader, I'm perfectly fine taking the opposite approach. If Biden is in cognitive decline, so what? As long as his administration continues to do good work, his administration gets my vote.

Why not have a "no nipples" policy in general? I'm guessing that if parents think that their 7 year olds are going on Twitch to see boobs, they could lose some viewers.

But yes, policies should be applied equally.

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You're probably right about that, but he's so blatantly crossing the line in ways that would result in a regular Joe getting thrown in jail...

Can we survive as a society of he continues to make a mockery of the rule of law? Isn't it important to show that the wealthy are not above the law? Every day he breathes free air is evidence that the justice system is broken beyond repair and it gives fuel to those who want a violent revolution to burn the system down.

I'm at the same time horrified and fascinated by them. I saw a comment that accused NATO of causing he war to "drag on". When I brought up that Russia could just leave, I got people unironically replying that Ukraine was the aggressor in the war and that it was Ukraine committing genocide and attacks on civilians. I understand that I could be trapped in a western bubble... but really? I didn't bother asking for a source because I'm sure the only source for that misinformation is the Kremlin. What's crazy is that you would think the Russian shills would be spread out trying to infect other communities with disinformation, instead they all flock to this echo chamber apparently, so it seems likely that they genuinely believe this stuff.

The fear mongering and misinformation in the campaign against this ballot initiative was ridiculous. Opponents tried to take advantage of ignorance about how marginal taxes work.

If you sell your house for $1,000,010.00, under this new law you pay an extra 40 cents on top of what you'd have normally paid.

I agree but that would require Congress to do something. Trying to accomplish this through executive actions alone might not actually work, but it at least shows voters clearly which party is willing to take action on this issue, and hopefully we will end up with a Congress that is more in line with the will of the people.

If those people could read they'd be very upset.

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One of my cats will headbutt me if I say "headbutt", he's like a pokemon or something. Hard enough that I can hear a thunk.

20v to house DeWalt!

If definitely seems dystopian, but hopefully this ends up helping some people who are quadriplegic.

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Couldn't watch it without a cable subscription or signing up for a streaming service. That's probably at least part of it.

Home grow is a really important check against taxes and prices that are too high.

In MA, you can legally give away up to an ounce, grow 6 plants per person and 12 per household. Prices at dispensaries are still too high in my opinion, and taxes are still to high, so I don't go to them. Plus, home growing is a fun hobby once you get it going right, doesn't take much to cover personal use for most people.

Don't underestimate how important home grow is to the overall legalization picture. Vote accordingly Ohioans and make sure to talk to plenty of media, answer polls, and notify your representative that this is an issue you will be getting out to vote for. Pay attention to elections for your representative in the state legislature.

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Israel is even more popular on the right, he's more likely to lose by NOT supporting Israel. The Republicans would have a field day if there was any hint that he wasn't supporting Israel 100%. You know they'd have Bibi in front of Congress the next day calling for more Republicans to be elected.

Hunter Biden has not held and is not seeking public office.

After all this shit though, he probably should.

If they called it cleanup mode, or guest mode, it would be more accurate.

Use this when you are on a shared device so that you don't leave history or login sessions or mess with any sessions that the primary user has. That's it.

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Eventually there will not be enough human workers creating training data for LLMS to hallucinate with, and they will just be training each other with more and more incorrect bullshit.

I do find GitHub CoPilot helpful to save typing, but last night it took me longer to track down the mistakes it made than if I had just did a combination of copy/paste + regex.

might be able to genocide too will genocide even harder and louder

Fixed that for you. Vote for who you want, but don't pretend that there's any question about Trump's stance on the issue. He's publicly called for the final solution to be applied to Palestinians, and people in his party are telling their supporters that they think Gaza should be nuked like Nagasaki.

If Trump narrowly wins the election and the Palestinians suffer even more, wouldn't you feel the slightest bit guilty for staying home?

For me it means I don't need any propane deliveries in the summer, and it helps dehumidify a damp corner of the basement. I'm not sure if it actually saves me any money though.

This directive seemed like a trap from Schumer which invited Republicans and conservative Democrats to show off how out-of-touch they are with millennials and Gen Z. Looks like they fell for it.

This is great for citizens!

I'm not sure they get bragging rights about a smooth site launch for a tax preparation application when most people don't even have their W2s yet...

We'll see whether this is another when people actually try to use it, but this is a huge win for people who qualify.

Public opinion was very much in favor of the war in Afghanistan after 9/11. Maybe not so much Iraq, but it's hard to blame Bush squarely for those wars when they had bipartisan support.

Bush is done doing damage to our country, and might actually be considered a voice of reason compared to today's Republicans.

It's definitely already Trump, and he's not even done doing damage yet.

Even if Republicans elect someone who is identical to Trump in his words, views, and actions, that person would still be better for the country than Trump. It's critically important for the justice department to hold him accountable for the insurrection and trying to overthrow our democracy, or it WILL happen again.

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One of the defining characteristics of Southwest is that they ONLY fly 737s (Boeing). That and their focus on domestic flights helps them offer good rates and low/non-existent fees. I guess their maintenance only has to focus on one plane. However, it seems like they got caught up in Boeing's "737 MAX is the same plane" scam because they fly some of those too and I believe it affected their stock.

Gens Y, X, Z, and soon A are being taught by conservatives that capitalism can't be reformed, and therefore are digging capitalism's grave with their own hands.

You want reasonable restrictions on firearms? Conservatives say that can't be done because of the 2nd amendment. They're basically teaching gens Z and A that the 2nd amendment needs to be eliminated and those generations might actually have the numbers to do it eventually.

It will be the same with capitalism. You want reasonable regulations and taxation to reign in the abuses of the rich and corporations? Conservatives say you can't do that because the free market must be supreme.

Conservatives will dig the grave of capitalism by continuing to fight against any reforms that would make capitalism more livable for future generations.

All the people vehemently defending ICE in this thread are missing the point.

All the expensive maintenance/problems with my current ICE are with things that do NOT exist on a BEV:

  • head gasket
  • timing belt
  • catalytic converter
  • oil change

Also, the scumbag dealer straight up LIED because I specifically asked about the common head gasket issues with Subaru and they assured me that they had been fixed, and then proceeded to sell me a car with the exact engine which had that issue even though the same model year had started shipping with a new engine that didn't have the problem.

So I do NOT give a SINGLE fuck about the environmental tradeoffs between lithium extraction and all the dirty fluids involved with a ICE. If you have a hard-on for breathing smog, I won't kink-shame you.

In summary, I'll be getting a BEV because:

  1. It won't ever blow a head gasket and spew coolant and oil all over itself for no fucking reason while I'm just trying to get home from work. The battery will slowly degrade over many years, but that's very predictable and can be planned for.

  2. It won't ever force me to replace it because it needs a catalytic converter that costs more than the car is worth and can't pass emissions. Again, I won't kink shame you if you get off on breathing smog, but I also don't believe you have the right to force that on everyone else with your bypass kits and rolling coal BS.

  3. I will NOT have to deal with lying scumbag car dealers. These middlemen add NO value to the transaction and they lobby to force the state governments to keep them involved.

  4. I'll never have to go with a gas station and deal with their bullshit gas pumps with poor usability, I can charge at night and while I WFH

  5. My car will be able to run on any fuel that can generate electricity: natural gas, nuclear, solar, wind, etc. ICE cars are dependent on a very specific nasty byproduct of petroleum refinement which is constantly price gouged for windfall profits by greedy corporations and our government just lets it happened because they are bought and paid for by the same industry, they'll even send subsidies their way as an extra fuck-you to the taxpayer. I'll stick with my local, municipal electric company which is held accountable to provide me electricity without padding the windfall profits of the 1%.

  6. An electric motor is a much better engineering solution to the problem of creating forward momentum than an ICE. There are some things that you need to burn a liquid fuel for, like if you're going to try to launch a rocket. Turning a wheel is NOT one of them. Do the ICE fetishers even know how an ICE works? It's immensely over-complicated to create an explosion and then harness the power of that explosion to create rotation, which is trivial to achieve with electricity. So many moving parts which all have to be properly lubricated and aligned or it will literally explode and spew metal and toxic chemicals everwhere. No thanks. Kids can make electric motors in science class.

All that being said, I'm still not going to drop 3x the cost on a BEV over an ICE, the prices DO need to come down. Thankfully, with lots of options in the market it looks like they will.

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I second the recommendations here about finding an activity that you like. For me it was rec sports. Gets me out of the house a few days a week, and for me it was an activity to help me stay active but also a reason TO get fit. I wanted to feel less beat up after playing, so I started working out and stretching regularly.

I also had trouble with getting to the gym, and had trouble with focus and picking workouts, so I had success with P90x. It's all workouts you can do at home with some adjustable dumbbells. I think I got a deal on the streaming subscription to Beachbody for 100$ for the year. Then I just followed the program and the workout calendar. They have a number of different programs on there, if you want to get ripped I recommend P90x, if you just want to do some sort of workout for 30 minutes a day I'd recommend p90x3 because it's easier to stick to.

That was a good start for me, but I ultimately settled on just picking my favorite moves from the program and I switch between upper and lower body workouts every day because I found I was consistently skipping certain days of the programs.

Live Nation apparently supports this bill, which is suspicious. Their statement in the article makes it sound like this situation is NOT their fault, when we know that it is. Seems real fishy to me, similar to Apple's support for the right to repair bill that continues to allow them to screw over third party repair shops.

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I personally recommend that people (men especially) stay away from them.

I always struggled with confidence and self-esteem, so for me dating apps were just making that worse. I spent months swiping and the breakdown for me was something like 200 swipes before I'd get a match, then out of those matches, at least half were spam bots or fake profiles, then out of the other half, probably only 1/5 would answer my messages. The ones that did answer either weren't very engaged or just never responded at all often the initial interaction. All of this just contributed to lower self esteem and more bitterness and depression.

I found the women on these apps would put in 0 effort at conversation, and yet would say things like "We should get to know each other first" when I tried to set up a date.

Then the dates that I did get, I felt catfished but more likely it was my own wishful thinking and being willing to overlook obviously misleading photos. I had at least one date with a girl who matched her picture but then was a complete psycho.

I don't really blame the women, it's just market forces at work. These apps tend to have way more guys on them than girls, so the women are (generally) able to just sit back and the men are expected to wow them with fantastic opening messages or have the exact right physical characteristics. For this reason, Bumble was the only app I had success with and would have recommended.

For me, I had hoped dating apps would be a useful tool for meeting other singles in person to get to know them, but I ended up with the impression that many women were just using them to inflate their own self esteem, and loved to chat and get compliments but never actually wanted to date.

Anyways, it sounds cliche and I'm sure someone has said this to you, but you should work on building yourself. What worked for me was to find an activity that I could be secure and confident in and also meet women in that setting. I found two different long-term relationships through coed rec sports, and it's not like I was some superstar at sports impressing the women or anything. Just go into it thinking about improving your own mental and physical health, work on getting better and meeting more people.

Both women I met through coed sports told me that I was much more appealing in person than my dating profiles, so maybe some profile improvements were warranted, but I concluded that it's just not possible to get a good sense of someone you might want to date through pictures and a chat. Dating apps are only useful if they lead to meeting people in person, so if they aren't enabling you to do that then you just have to get out there and meet people without them.


This is an unpopular opinion that I share. Everyone loves to talk about term limits as a solution.

Term limits will just make the revolving door to cushy corporate jobs spin faster, it doesn't solve the roots of the problem.

We need to do something about citizens united and lobbying.

The reason that congresspeoe get paid well is that we do NOT want a system where you have to be rich to be in Congress. You SHOULD be able to have a career as a politician, otherwise who would do it? That's right, only the rich.

If we wanted regular people to be able to serve in Congress with low term limits, we'd have to make sure they can go back to their career and not have to sell out to corporate interests and set up a job on K Street. Maybe if we treated public service like military service, where your job is protected by law while you serve?

Two that I watched on Netflix a while back:

The Untold History of the United States - good overview of US history with an emphasis on conservatives fucking us over and liberals not really doing a whole lot about it

Winter on Fire - striking footage of the Maidan revolution in Ukraine prior to the invasion of Crimea

I remember it looked really good for a PS3 game, I think the physics of the sand was a tech demo for the PS3's dedicated physics chip or something like that.

Some of those people either can't afford to retire or have actually returned to the workforce due to a combination of inflation, inadequate safety nets, and the fact that 401ks have not filled the gap created when companies stopped providing pensions.

I've never heard a single politician propose banning guns. I've only ever heard Republican pundits SAY that Democrats want to take away your guns.

Sensible gun regulation can be enacted without banning all guns. It's only the extreme right that interprets the 2nd amendment as disallowing ANY regulations.

The right uses the 2nd amendment to cut off ANY discussion of gun reforms, and the eventual result COULD be that the 2nd amendment is eliminated using the methods you described, since it could be seen as the only way to enact sensible restrictions.

I don't want to lose the second amendment, do you? I'd rather see sensible regulations put in place while still largely retaining the right to bear arms. If those of us who are interested in gun ownership fight tooth-and-nail against ANY regulations, then it will make efforts to eliminate gun ownership entirely more likely to eventually succeed.

I'd prefer be part of the conversation to determine where the right line is on gun rights, rather than trying to cut off the conversation entirely by invoking the 2nd amendment.

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I'm no fan of Musk or Teslas in general. However, my next car WILL be an EV, and I will NOT be purchasing it through a car dealership.

If there's a way for me to buy a Ford or GM without the middleman, I'll think about it.

Why do they care what Hamas is armed with when they're primarily killing civilians?

I haven't seen an AWD EV more affordable than the M3 yet, and the last I checked the nearest supercharging station is only for Teslas.

For me NOT buying from a scummy car dealership is also part of my criteria.

So it looks like it's basically a choice between Tesla and Rivian for me and there's a big price difference.

Would be interested to check out some other options though.