10 Post – 873 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A soup.

This sounds like working as a North American public servant hahahahaha

I use an HDMI switch to connect my computer and my chromecast to my projector since it only has one HDMI in port. Wireless comes with all sorts of possibilities for signal degradation (interference mainly, especially from wireless controllers or any smarthome stuff you may have).

We’re witnessing an all out war on the working class. My workplace had 4 years of 100% remote work and we changed all of our systems and processes to be optimized for a distributed wfh workforce. We too just got the order that starting October we no longer have telework as a perk. 5 days onsite no exceptions.

We have studies and countless surveys proving how much productivity and employee happiness improved, but that literally doesn’t mean anything because senior managers want butts in seats because corporate real estate will lower in valuation if there aren’t butts in seats.

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I’m unionized and the union rolled over and let the employer do this. “The employer reserves the right to designate where employees work”

Wonder what I’m paying union dues for.

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I bought a 13600k a few months ago. Applied all the microcode patches but I think the processor is toast. If I’m able to boot up most programs just crash. Steam loads once out of every 10 times I try and open it. Forget games.

I spent $400+ CAD on this processor less than 6 months ago. It’s unusable now. I will never ever purchase an intel processor again, even if they fix this and this never happens again. I was sold a defective product and I have no recourse to get my money back.

I have an unusable computer.

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Appreciate the sentiment but it’s me vs thousands haha.

They won’t accept it because it’s out of the package and has been used for some months.

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I wonder if there are other more faster methods of writing text down… 🤔

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O man. That looks so beautiful. I want to grow my own but it seems so daunting. Literally accidentally noccing up a bag of Uncle Bens seemed/was easier than this. Gonna look at your posts now to learn.

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Oh me too. If you look at my post one of my most successful grows was the the little guy in a ziploc baggie 😂

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Why are people complaining over how a character looks??? You see her backside most of the game when you play anyways. Some people.

It’s my proudest.

I wonder if it’s going to take several hours to download all the world content before allowing you into the menu screen like MSFS2020 does.

I wonder if they’ll insist on using MS servers for the content and will be kept at MS server caps at 5MBPS, meaning that it will take 20+ hours of downloading before you can even play, pulling you outside of the 2 hour Steam return window.

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In Canada and New Zealand you can literally buy citizenship. You just need the funds. It’s a real and legitimate process.

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I appreciate you doing this every day! Always something new on my feed and you introduce me to games I don’t know about. Thank you!

Are you trying to imply that there aren’t state sponsored influence campaigns held on social media?

The ebike subreddit is modded by the owners of Lunacycle. They actively remove posts about bad customer service/other issues from Lunacycle. I witnessed them name and shame some random redditor and accuse them of fraud because they posted screenshots of email correspondence that pointed out shady dealings on Luna’s part.

They use the general subreddit for electric bikes to funnel everyone into ordering from them.

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In a previous generation, governments would go after this blatant anti competitive behaviour.

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Regulations work. Suck it, predatory businesses. Literally, eat shit.

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That’s the end result of a capitalist system once corporations have superseded governments in power. It will only get worse.

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It’s just a shame that there’s really only one government organization globally that will still stand up to corporations.

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It was the loudest and smelliest country I’ve ever been to.

I’ve never seen a country where the cross-country sleeper train bathrooms had literal holes on the floor to shit and piss out of. You saw the tracks wizz below you from the toilets. No plumbing, just excrete onto the tracks.

Chennai train station had the strongest most overwhelming diarrhea smell I ever experienced in my entire life.

Dudes were creepy as hell. They see you’re white and then you’re swarmed everywhere you go. People trying to scam, trying to appoint themselves as your tour guide and won’t stop following you and trying to guide you to “the mall”. Calling you Harry Potter because you wear glasses. I couldn’t imagine what would happen if I was a woman there. I shudder to think.

Crossing the street means walking into oncoming traffic and hoping and trusting everyone to just drive around you. Absolute fucking chaos. The people are not warm or friendly. They stare and get too close and touch you all the time. I kept having people touch my shoulders and try and touch my face when I was in public or queuing.

I never ever want to return to India ever again. I don’t recommend any of my friends go there. There were very few positives about that trip other than it being an eye opening experience as to how over 1 billion humans on the planet live.

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Nielsen and Norman group know what’s up. I learned this at my first office job. Everyone thought I was a wizard hacker when I showed them inspect element. I got in trouble with my director who flagged IT Security when I showed my team lead an inspect element on some intranet page. I had changed a title to something else as a proposal and they had thought I had hacked their intranet and changed it myself. Triggered a whole security incident.

I thought everyone with a computer knew about this. I was wrong.

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Because streaming services are enshittifying and too many people are sailing the seas as a result. Can’t let that happen.

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It is called Auditory Pareidoilia.

Everyone is telling you that you are schizophrenic and it is very sad because they are absolutely wrong.

It is normal and common to hear additional sounds that don’t exist in white noise.

Read about it here:

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I had to prepare a high level report to a senior manager last week regarding a project my team was working on.

We had to make 5 professional recommendations off of data we reported.

We gave the 5 recommendations with lots of evidence and references to why we came to that decision.

The top question we got was: “What are ChatGPT’s recommendations?”

Back to the drawing board this week because LLMs are more credible than teams of professionals with years of experience and bachelor-masters level education on the subject matter.

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Every comment I would make on Reddit seemed to get challenged by someone looking to start a long-winded argument as they were, in fact, the main character of the universe.

I like it here because so far, people are nice. It’s like the first day of high school and everyone just wants to be friends and meet people.

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Yep just confirmed. The politics of free speech come with very long prompts on what can and cannot be said haha.

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Drop the subscription services because they will do anything to extract as much money from you while providing you the least amount of content possible.

Find a stream site or sail the seas.

Also check out LLM Studio and GPT4all. Both of these let you run private ChatGPT alternatives from Hugging Face and run them off your ram and processor (can also offload to GPU).

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Is this not a neo-Nazi/far right platform? I only ever see them linking antivax and evropa content on Odysee. That’s where I’ve heard of it.

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End of an era. Goodbye libgen, you single-handedly provided me my course textbooks for free, saving me over $10k CAD in textbook costs over two degrees.

Without libgen I would not have afforded my education.

Gotta keep this up! So much of my google results are Reddit forum posts

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Steamdeck game library

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I got grounded for insisting I saw these when I was younger. I am now vindicated 😎

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I’m 29 and work with people in their 40’s and up. None of them have their shit together.

The idea that you must have a fully set career and planned life in your 20s is a conspiracy and a scam made to make you feel less-than and worse.

Beat em. Live life at the pace it comes to ya. Don’t think about where you should be. There is no should. Society is a game of dress up and everyone is a nervous ape that just wants be to loved.

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I travelled to New Delhi, Jaipur, Rajhastan, Goa, Bangalore, and Tamil Nadu in 2011.

I hated every fucking minute of that country. It smelled so fucking loud there, lots of open raw sewage, very different interpretation of personal space, if you are non Indian you’ll be followed around by scammers trying to pretend to be your tour guide or sell you things.

You’d see huge marble houses that were very ornate and their next door neighbour would be lying on the ground underneath a thrown together tin tent structure. The wealth inequality was sickening.

I would absolutely never return to that country/subcontinent for the rest of my life. Once was more than enough.

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We kidnapped these plants from their homes and keep them prisoner inside some weird unmoist place where the sun is missing. Wat u expect

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I’m in Canada and I’ve had opticians do this. They are full of shit. You need your distance between pupils and prescription (and possibly cylinder measurements if you have astigmatism) to buy glasses. They are preventing you from buying from other people and are trying to convince you that you must buy from them.

Email them asking for the prescription and cc their head office if they have one. If they refuse, tell them that what they are doing is illegal in Canada. An optician MUST give a patient their prescription but it does not require the distance between pupils.

Switch shops and absolutely leave a bad review and mention what they did.

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I remember a couple days ago scrolling on the ufos and conspiracy places on some old site and seeing them all accuse anyone who thought this was sketchy as “disinfo agents” trying to distract them and discredit the obviously huge discovery for mankind this was.

It was amusing and sad.

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