
1 Post – 167 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

Unironically yes, those are less likely to siphon your data to US letters agencies, and those are the ones you should be worried about, not China.

Hahaha i read the 102 current comments and basically 90% of those that name the absurdity is just "capitalism" or its consequences.

Poverty is not romantic.

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Teachers and social workers

Well the updates to Skyrim, Fallout and lack of modding tools for Starfield seems to indicate that it is now a reality. I seriously cannot fathom why they would sabotage themselves like that. It's absolutely obvious since at least Oblivion that mods are lifeline and reason for success of Bethesda rpg games yet here we are.

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Terry Pratchett (first book 1971 so barely counts haha)

In polish, calling people with the neutral gender. It's a grave insult which implies lack of agency and dehumanisation, and thank to some rightwinger assholes in parliament is also a specific transphobic insult now.

While in english it's completely normal thing to say if you're not sure of a person's gender.

So definitely not my "favourite", i would never said this to anyone in polish and i occasionally get a hiccup of misgendering someone in english because of that, but interesting from language point of view.

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Please discord die already

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EDIT: also i read the other comments and hilarious amount of other things mentioned also boils down to "capitalism" or their illegalisation would basically needed for capitalism to be outlawed too.

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Beards are great. Shaving was the greatest crime of Romans.

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Imagine getting new teeth but all of them are wisdom teeth.

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In their place i would rather prepare for scenario of unexpected collapse of United Kingdom.

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The function of a public company is to create growth for its shareholders...

And that's fine

Dammit the duality of man

Medieval aesthetics also really had cloaks, but big detached hoods were more common.

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Wdym, reddit already joined fediverse, it's called lemmy.world.

Dentistry. This shit is always hard to get for free so you should do everything you can.

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I need to survive for 3 days without pooping, and eating as little as possible. I can pee, but not very often. It can’t take up too much space. What food do I pack?

Please stop asking because I am not telling anyone the reason.

I mean, working overtime in Amazon is no shame

Not surprising. Also fucking Bethesda shelving their own best selling IP lol.

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No, i'm not a tankie, i wasn't even born yet in 1956 not to mention i'm not British.

Anthem was a warning to actually fucking don't make yet another generic shooter and instead continue to make RPG games.

Joke on him, often game gets delayed under this exact pretext and it suck anyway.

What is the current state of Lemmy?

After reddit flood, Florida. Maybe Virginia.

Freemium games are kinda hit and miss. But if it hit, the cash can be absofuckinglutely huge. And the misses aren't even that costly. So they try again and again. Good marketing is the key though, because in the flood of similar products the ones on top of the feed gets downloaded, hence i wouldn't be even very surprised if that marketing costs were greater than actual development of the game.

I don't even remember all the trash games i tried to played just to delete them after few minutes.

But the ones being remembered are instead the biggest disappointments, games which were supposed to be great or were supposed to be improved sequels of great games.

In this cathegory trashcan lid medal goes definitely to REBEL GALAXY 2. I played first part like 10 times and only ever wanted more of it, but 2nd problem was not that it was bad or not (it was though), but that it was entirely different game.

Dishonorable mentions for few more:

  • Dragon Age Inquisition for being a solo player simulator of a boring MMO instead of a awaited resurrection of series and even sub-genre
  • Marvel Midnight Suns, again for being supposed to be next X-Com but in reality being poorly optimised card game
  • Pandora: First Contact, supposed spiritual successor to Sid Meier Alpha Centuari. Well it was spiritual in sense i wanted to get drunk on spirits because no chance to play this turd while sober.
  • Starfield, i don't think i have to comment on this
  • Less specific but every Dune game since Emperor: Battle for Dune and probably every Dune game in the future as long as the unFuncom have the licence
  • Gladius: Relics of War: for a game that had so much development and DLC's it's still shallow as puddle. Which, along with Pandora above leds me to:
  • Everything published by Sltherine i played maybe except Armageddon in good way and Pandora in bad way. Somehow nearly every good idea for a game that this company make into reality turns out to be the mediocriest of mediocrest game ever.

EDIT: oh and the one i tried to forget so hard but other poster made me remember it: "X-Com" Chimera Squad. No, just fucking no, the pathetic death of series after glorious predecessor is just too much.

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If i divide my income to two people, both are gonna have to seek "leisure" under some bridge.

Considering their preparations for other things, like brexit or covid i would say LOL.

Yes, every workday the owner of company i work in steal from me.



That's an unholy merge of:

Cybermyconids rise

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Don't eat the yellow snow

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Hunt for the Red October


Don't you dare to even blink. I did and suddenly i'm 30 years in the future for some reason.

Polish: śnieg (snow) or kasza/kaszka/kaszana (groats)

Truly is, the amount of zionist bootlicking and call for extermination of Palestinians we see on lemmy sharply dropped overnight when we stopped seeing new .world posts.