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Joined 12 months ago

Make no mistake this is a case of ‘the guy we voted for to Fuck with the people we don’t like is going after us instead’. Needle dick Ron laid waste to the state of Florida so he could play politics and the people of Florida got exactly what they wanted.

Well now the state is worse than it’s ever been and ol meatball is getting absolutely clowned on in the national spotlight. Eat shit dickhead, you thought you were the natural next choice but that’s all over.

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This was a scam from the start. They fucked themselves because their trailer was popular and they promised the world. Their goal was to create a shit early access game with pre-made assets, get lots of buy in when it was released, endure some bad reviews, promise to fix things but then slowly dump support for the game. I've watched this exact thing happen probably ten times now.

What killed them was the hype and popularity. They were called out immediately for what they were doing and got stuck having to now make an actual game or face legal repercussions.

At the very least these cash grabs are getting spotted early and they're not getting to sneak by without facing consequences.

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I’ve been tracking the comments on all of this across various websites to see what people’s thoughts are. This genuinely might be the most contentious issue of our age. There are people who are vehemently pro Palestine and can dismiss the loss of civilian lives as’ what do you expect when people are pushed like this’ . Then others are hugely pro Israel and see this as an unprovoked attack by a terrorist group and any retaliation is justified.

I think everyone’s shitty here. Hamas is a terrorist organization. They use terrorist practices and target civilians. That’s a terrorist organization. There’s no discussion on that point. Israel is a right wing authoritarian state that regularly commits war crimes. The total Palestinian body count far exceeds the death toll from this attack by orders of magnitude so we can’t pretend like Israel was minding its own business and was attacked.

I don’t think you can point to one or the other as being the true hero or the true victim. It’s the greatest grey area of all time.

I absolutely condemn the Palestinians and Hamas for this act. I absolutely condemn the Israelis for their continued mistreatment and violence towards Palestinians. One will say they only act this way because of the behavior of the other. But at this point where does the original blame for all of it start and end.

The only thing that is certain is that there will be far more blood shed and every dead Israeli will be met with 10 dead Palestinians. I suspect this will be the turning point for this ongoing conflict. And in the future there may no longer be a Palestine as we know it. With the US protecting Israel no other Arab countries will dare intervene militarily. If the Israelis occupy Gaza it’s going to quickly become a quagmire with a never ending insurgency. It will be costly and in ten years Israel will be more unsafe then they were today.

There’s no good answers or good parties here. Just disgusting human nature and the consequences of half baked racist geopolitics from the 40s.

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The truth lies in the actual quote. She's only saying that they need a backup in case he gets arrested or goes completely senile.

Its more akin to, 'our evil as shit old guy is getting a bit too old to keep doing all the evil shit we want, we need another younger fascist dictator in play'.

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Frankly I don't care. The US wastes trillions of dollars on military spending. We have the most advanced military in the world by a mile but all too often it ends up using it to defend someone else's financial interests or to pad the pockets of people that make their money through a war economy.

Russia can get fucked. Every cent spent on the defense of Ukraine is a fully realized fuck you to our enemy. Ukraine did what we could never do. They essentially removed Russia from the equation. Yeah they have many poorly maintained nukes but they know we will fuck their ass if they touch them. They will not be posing a real threat to anyone for generations.

We aren't spending this money on the American people and we never were going to do that anyway. Our choices are we fund people actually fighting for their life or we allow that money to get sucked into the military industrial complex for no real return. They're already getting theirs out of this, the only question that remains is do you back Republicans that have made up a nothing burger about this money because they've arbitrarily decided this is the 96th hill they'll die on, or do you you want to see the money you pay in taxes actually get put to a meaningful purpose.

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The North Carolina GOP have sort of flown under the radar but are busy passing unconstitutional laws and usurping power following Donald Trumps playbook. These fascists are not hiding what they’re doing, and if they’re given complete control they will be scrolling through the rise of nazism Wikipedia page to see what they should do next.

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Rob is right around my age and the millennial influence is obvious. The progressive millennials have always ran circles around their foolish republican counterparts. The memery and clowning on silly republican bullshit is effortless. When it comes to social media the right loses every time.

No clearer evidence of that then let’s go Brandon. A true honest to god meme that the right got handed naturally. They lost their shit and beat it to death. I literally saw some loser in head to toe let’s go Brandon clothes.

Of course it got co-opted into Dark Brandon and they ended up only improving bidens image.

I hate that we even have to talk about political meme strategies but here we are. And there’s no one better than the dead inside chronically suicidal for the lulz millennials to lead the change.

Let them clown on the right. They deserve it.

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I work as a hospital supervisor. I honestly don't know of any facility where you can't get saline iv flushes. Most nurses have pockets full of them each shift. If you didn't have that for some reason you could get sterile saline and draw it up yourself, also would be easily obtainable.

My only thought here is that the person didn't want to leave the room when administering drugs and so they used tap water as an easily sourced replacement for the drugs they was stealing since there is a sink is every room (at least in most hospital rooms).

The real answer here is that drug addiction overrides rational thought and they either didn't know or didn't care that tap water is not safe at all for iv administration.

We see lots of cases of diversion unfortunately because these drugs are just so damn addictive and there are only so many safe guards you can put in place to protect against it. At the end of the day no matter how many checks there are you will eventually have a clinical staff member drawing up the drugs and administering it. As long as this remains the case you will have people that abuse that weak link in the chain.

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I just want to point out of all the things here this is the least alarming, although context is key. Trust me when I say your medical professionals are googling and YouTubing all kinds of shit. I’ve watched doctors google procedures before attempting them, especially if it’s a rare procedure. YouTube actually has hundreds of hours of manufacturer hosted content designed specifically for this. Now again context is key. They say someone died after they attempted the thing they were searching. That’s def a problem especially if it were some procedure they should be fully competent to perform.

If your mechanic is googling how to change some obscure part on a car he rarely works on, mmmm that’s reasonable. If your mechanic is googling ‘how to turn on windshield wiper Toyota Camry’ we got problems.

I remember sitting at the nurses station one day and someone asked the ER doc if she was familiar with this extremely rare genetic disorder. She goes ‘how dare you ask me that question I am a MEDICAL DOCTOR.’ There was a bit of a pause and she goes ‘ haha just kidding I have no idea but I’m gonna look it up’ .

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I was really worried about dipshit mcsweatervest getting full control of this state. He made sure we knew he was going to ban abortion and he would have railroaded all kinds of legislation through from book bans to bills to make voting more difficult.

His plan was to turn Virginia into Florida and then use that to justify his presidential run later on. Get fucked ya dick head, you're not running my state into the ground for your political benefit. Enjoy being a massive loser for your entire political career.

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These people are not fucking bright. Some covered their tracks but you know some of these traitorous rejects called from their cellphones. I cannot wait for the FBI to start knocking at their doors and introducing them to the find out stage. It will be January 6th all over again.

I have to assume making death threats against a judge carries some hefty consequences. These people only learn by watching their reject friends get 10 years in prison each. Make America Great Again? More like make these traitorous dumbfucks know fear again.

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You can see the world class legal work coming from Smiths office and the hastily thrown together mess of a response from Trumps 8th string legal team. Jack Smith follows established legal protocol. They fire back saying he can’t do that because he never asked them. He responds we did Fucking ask you and we made sure the judge was aware. The judge has to once again waste more time so these shit dicks can try to technicality their way to a victory.

And what’s so frustrating is that really Smith and Chutkan can make zero mistakes but we are expected to tolerate the ravings of a psychotic maniac and the absolute piss poor legal decisions of his lawyers. If there’s even one fuck up they can appeal it to hell and get him off.

Put this man on trial. Show that he is a fucking criminal. Send his ass to jail. Just this once, the planets need to align and these people we have trusted with the duty of enforcing our laws need to get the job done.

Which is exactly what they want. If they can get trump to ban them they’ll easily show that they are a bunch of snowflakes who are full of shit when they talk about free speech.

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But Disney themselves donated plenty to R candidates for years. The state and its inhabitants are finding out what that gets you.

I’ve spent far more time in the sunshine state than i ever would wish on anyone, Im not saying everyone in the state is brainwashed but there are plenty of people who cheer on as their state is imploding.

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Once I got Memmy it was done. It’s everything I wanted without all the extra bullshit.

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Trust me when I say police should have absolutely nothing to do with anything healthcare related. They shouldn’t be making decisions about bodily autonomy. They shouldn’t be ordering blood work. None of it. Stay in your Fucking lane.

If you want to be a doctor go to medical school.

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Well if what the guy said is true and nobody from twitter is working on it that should be exceedingly easy to prove. Elon will get creamed in court and have even less money than he did before. Let’s keep that train rolling. Dude thinks he’s fucking Jesus Christ. He’s just a little bitch boy that used daddy’s seed money and got insanely lucky with PayPal . That’s it.

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Everyone here is getting tunnel vision. Person obsessed with true crime podcasts kills someone makes for a good headline but it's not the reality. It should really say mentally ill person who happens to listen to podcasts kills someone.

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Mmmmmm no. This is the justification many trump voters used. It implies voters are completely off the hook for the consequences of their actions and it's only the 'scheming criminals' who fooled them that can be held accountable.

Just as ignorance of the law does not get you out of your speeding ticket, allowing yourself to be fooled as a voter doesn't absolve you of the poor choice you made with your vote. It's a collective fuck up. Own it.

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Yeah they need the community for that. They needed the community for everything. And you know what? Go on that site right now. It’s just endless dribble. Reformatted TikTok videos posted by bots. People endlessly repeating the same shit over and over again. Bots copying those endlessly repeated comments on the subsequent reposts. Where’s the stuff that made Reddit special? Has there been a chuck testa meme or noteworthy cool event like a good ama or the Christmas exchange that’s occurred recently? Is there content coming out of the site that’s making the news like it once did? Is the spark there? No

Now it’s just another corporate whore of a company where a bunch of sparkling water drinking pussies with erectile dysfunction sit around trying to figure out how they can best game the system to exploit their pageviews.

The ceo of this company comes out embracing Elon Musk, whines about how the community is cutting into his bottom line, and we are supposed to sit around continuing to provide this man with the content he needs to keep his website alive?

Fuck that.

I think the people who create the gold that makes the internet what it is have sort of scattered to the ether and they’re waiting for the next thing to pop up. When it happens you’ll see that spark come about once more. Actual interesting content. Good topical memes. A fun atmosphere that doesn’t feel exploited by some pretentious pricks.

I want it to be lemmy and the fediverse. We are lying to ourselves if we think this caught all the people stepping off the sinking ship. But I think with some collective upgrades and a way better ui that can be marketed to the average person. This could and should be it.

Here’s hoping we see that happen.

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Glenn Youngkin is such a snake in the grass. He distanced himself from trump during his election without ever fully condemning him. Then the day of the election sent out a flyer saying Donald trump endorsed him for governor.

He’s been thankfully kept in check by a democrat controlled legislature but if that changes in this next election we are in big trouble. He’s already gutted virginias path to recreational marijuana and suggests he only wants a 15 week abortion ban but make no mistake he will enact a near total ban here if he can get the legislature to back him.

He likes to pretend like he’s a moderate conservative but he’s an extremist just like the rest. The problem is he’s hugely popular here because he checks all the boxes for people. For the moderates he doesn’t come off as too extreme. For the maga republicans he’s just enough of an extremist for them that they back him. He’s doing all of this by design, building a ‘reasonable republican’ image to set himself up for a presidential run.

He’s a piece of shit and my only hope here is that he only loses more control in the next election. But we will see.

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The veneer cracked the day he got into it with the Thailand diver. He just assumed that since he was the smartest richest man in the world that he would naturally be tapped to solve the problem and save those kids. But he found out that no, there are actual professionals with actual experience that were needed for that job and it wasn’t a point where there was time to jerk him off and let him off easy. He had to be told to get fucked from the outset because he would just complicate things and his plan was stupid as shit. Turns out you can’t just money your way out of every problem.

Once he started calling the diver a pedo and losing it everyone sat up and took notice that something wasn’t right. But I’d say it hasn’t been until all the twitter shit that everyone else caught on fully.

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It was obvious which side they were on when they answered Putins call.

Fuck India.

So I've done lots of cpr. First off it's kind of a misconception that you'll break ribs from cpr. You are more likely to break cartilage than actually break bones and appropriate cpr isn't going to break bones unless they're the smallest most frail person and the individual doing cpr is going crazy doing compressions.

Even if you break ribs you're probably not going to have a displaced rib fracture as there's muscles and tissue holding those bones in place, it's pretty rare to have ribs break so bad they risk puncturing organs and it usually involves catastrophic trauma, not what you get from cpr.

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You can't even have your mobik bro suck your dick behind a bombed out building without someone filming you both getting blown up. I suspect we would know fairly quickly if they had them up and running. Not saying it's not possible but I'd be very impressed if they did and we had not seen them on the internet by now.

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Polls are completely unreliable, especially this far out. They predicted trumps loss the first go around and we endured 4 years of that POS. They predicted red waves the last 2 election cycles and it never manifested.

Its a problem with the techniques they're using to gather data I guess. Whether it's the cold calling or what, I don't know, but it clearly isn't effective to get honest assessments anymore.

That being said it will never not blow my mind that it's even slightly close. Last election millions of Americans sat through 4 years of trump and said yep that worked out great for me. Everyone I talked to who was in that camp had various incorrect reasons but you don't need to be right, you just have to feel like you're right.

I think the reality is that Biden is not and has never been a popular candidate. His age works against him. Kamala is equally unappealing and doesn't help things either. The biggest problem right now is that Biden has come out very strongly pro Israel (which every single president has done including Trump) and he has not done enough to condemn the Israeli genocide. Millenials and Gen z are at the very least anti genocide and largely pro Palestine so that's not helping his case, although they're short sighted if they assume Trump would be the better answer here.

If Trump wins our democracy is over. 'Oh you're overreacting'. Yeah they said that to me before Trumps presidency and I was correct then as I am correct now.

We have to get through 24 and not have a deranged traitorous lunatic take the reigns of the country again. We can discuss the next steps in the post Trump era but we won't get the option to discuss it if Trump somehow wins.

Vote like you value this country. Convince others to vote. Apathy is a vote for Trump. Choosing not to vote for Biden because you're anti Israel is voting for Trump, who is also going to continue right along supporting Israel.

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For starters the decentralized nature of lemmy means no one person or group can control the narrative. An instance with good moderators can remove bad actors and there’s no good way for a large group to get a footing and spew bullshit to everyone.

The best part is those bad actors get to still be a part of the larger picture, can still engage with each other if they choose, they just cease to have any impact on everyone else. I believe I remember reading about how when the red pill q anons moved in and got mass defederated they complained because it’s just no fun to be a troll if the only people they can talk to is each other.

It’s why we as a global society need to swap to this platform and ditch twitter. He’s literally making it so verified accounts can set it so only other verified accounts can respond. The only idiots with blue check marks are racist conspiracy dickhead trolls. If we are going to continue to call that place the sort of global commons, we are fucked.

Decentralized networks with strong moderation tools are the only future for the internet that isn’t a cesspool of shit. Right now big corps fear this adoption because they cease to be able to buy their way into whatever they want. I do hope one day to see lemmy and mastodon spread further and gain a true foothold, we as a species must have this if we even remotely stand a chance of not spiraling into madness.

This isnt even factoring in the mass extinction event that was the covid pandemic. At first it hit everyone equally but once the vaccine came out and they decided to die on their stupid little hill the numbers skewed disproportionately towards the unvaccinated being the ones impacted in subsequent waves. We have confirmed this now in a few studies and I saw it first hand working in the emergency department.

That absolutely accelerated the trend you're describing and I think they are just now realizing that the maga train is careening towards its demise and their bold strategy to worship a conman is going to cost them everything.

This year will be the final deciding factor on that. If we can rid ourselves from trump we can prove that there is still hope for this nation. I'm not so naive to think that there won't be a new conman to take his place and we won't find ourselves in an endless fight. But if we can't stop trump and he somehow gets back in power then there's absolutely no hope for this nation.

Antisemitism was not an invention of Germany. It was very much the status quo across the world at the time. We didn’t go to war with Germany to free the Jews, it was honestly just an inconvenient task that had to be dealt with by the Allies.

Of course the pope knew. Loads of important historical leaders knew. Had it not aligned with their goals of defeating the Germans it would never have been a major concern to the rest of the world.

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Exactly . This looks great for Gaetz since he only cares about pandering to the Nazi extremes of his party. He doesn’t care if the government shuts down, to him that’s just stopping the democrats. He will spin it that way and his base will lap it up. Most won’t be impacted and the ones who are he figures won’t matter.

Our government is effectively frozen and at the end of the month it’s going to shut down entirely. A handful of maga fucks have figured out how to do that with our antiquated rules set in place by men who believed all men would forever possess a conscience and morality. These shit goblins possess neither.

We need a democratic super majority so that we can pass sweeping reforms and ensure this doesn’t happen again. We need the ability to oust these cucks so they’re forced to scurry back into whatever hole they crawled out of. Trumps going down. Rudy is broke. Johnny MyPillow is eating shit. Keep that energy, focus in on the rest of these traitors. Send them back to the dysfunctional states that shit them out and remind them that their federal funding is dependent on them not being complete ass hats. No more pandering to these idiots. Bring the hammer down hard.

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It does but generally only when there's a major looming threat and/or we are asleep at the wheel and let them spread bullshit without challenge.

What they've failed to account for is the fact that women can surprisingly vote. And women are overwhelmingly not voting for the anti woman party. I suspect even the most vocal right wing ladies are closing the curtain and choosing not to vote against their own interests. Since right wing women love to secretly get abortions, it tracks.

Abortion is the issue that the right never actually wanted to win. It made for perfect performance art. You could sing all day about it and get the Christian vote and you never actually had to do a thing but just promise you would keep fighting the good fight. Except the super religious nuts used trump to get cultist judges in place and they actually fucking did it. Now they're dealing with the consequences of their own actions. Rich Republicans never wanted to get rid of abortions. They need abortions on account of all the women they impregnate that aren't their Christian wives. Sure they can still get them but it's suuuuper inconvenient to have to send the cleaning lady on spirit airlines to a blue state.

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Siding with this cuck is never going to be the play. He wants to oust McCarthy but only to replace him with someone more extreme. Better to let these idiots keep having a gasoline fight than to pick the literal pedophile nazi caucus in some misguided attempt to resolve this issue.

Let the country see which side is consistently driving them off a cliff. Many won't care. But others will take notice.

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Yeah my understanding was that these were post conviction. And if that were the case why weren’t there a bunch more letters from all the other cast members. Unless they knew. I bet Topher knew..

Ah yes, win over evangelicals with your political grandstanding but alienate the entire U.S. armed forces. I’m not saying all of them are going to flip their votes as a result of this, but if I had to guess there’s more than a few that are furious by this charade. It only helps secure more votes to combat these fools.

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That doesn't sound like burnout. That sounds like cyclical depression or maybe even bipolar disorder.

You should discuss this with your doctor. There are a lot of things that could be driving this and while it might be job related, it doesn't sound like it's specific to one job.

Most people aren't exactly excited to go to work. Finding something you are passionate about might help a bit but it's not always viable. Better to find a way to reframe work in a positive light or find a career where you are helping someone or teaching someone. I work in Healthcare and while it can be stressful long hours it's rewarding when you help someone or I have a student that I can teach.

I think if other options are exhausted you might benefit from medication to help with the extremes you're describing. Although that's of course a discussion you should have with your doctor.

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I can forgive some Trump voters in 16. A lot of them were just following the time honored script of republicans good, democrats bad, go team. I knew a few that eventually saw it for what it is and had enough character to admit they were wrong.

But that’s pretty damn limited. We knew who he was in 16. There were no surprises for most of us during his presidency. If you then voted for him in 2020 you had excuse. You were just a fucking idiot.

If you vote for him in 24. You’re not only an idiot you particularly hate America and you’re a joke.

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If he had never been dumb enough to run for president he could have committed as many crimes as he wanted. The only reason he’s in so much shit is because he insisted on putting himself in a situation where he would forever be under a magnifying glass.

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Munchausen Syndrome is very rare. You might see one case in a decade if not your entire career. If this doctor is reporting multiple cases the problem likely isn’t the parents, it’s the doctor.

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I mean I respect the opinion. I honestly think the design just needs to be workshopped. You could absolutely market a futuristic all metal pickup with bullet proof windows and all the other stupid shit it does. It’s just the design that’s the problem. It’s all Elon, and as we know now Elon is actually dumb as fuck. He’s a guy who mistook his type two bipolar symptoms as ‘flashes of genius’, got lucky in the dot com boom, and is now too rich to be told no.

You need that guy in your corner that says ‘I like the first draft Elon, but what if we changed a few things, I think you’re on to something’. Elon fired all those guys. And he probably flatly refused to change his initial design. So we have this stupid shit.

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But that’s using rose colored glasses. In the past if you said only look at people’s economic status guess what would have happened, there would be a few more poor whites going to college but still no minorities.

Institutional racism runs deep, it doesn’t go away because someone says to stop being racist, you have to physically take the wheel and correct the ship. Was it perfect? No. But is there a concerted effort by multiple bad actors including sitting Supreme Court justices to gut long standing protections that have shown that they work? Without any doubt. The most recent Supreme Court cases that have had the most devastating impact were knowingly fraudulent but allowed to advance anyways. That stinks like major shit to me.

You can debate the merits of affirmative action all day, in the end there are extremists gaming the system to overrule the will of the people to benefit a select few. That’s dogshit and unamerican, full stop.

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