Being a douche bag candidate and a douche bag campaign is definitely part of their strategy.
No one said it was a winning strategy
I never took a guided tour. But I did read Dalis biography, and owned one of his etchings
WAPO "Such pugnacity has come to define much of the tone and image of Trump’s 2024 campaign, reflecting the personalities of many of the men leading it as well as the candidate. Trump has long valued being viewed as an alpha male who never apologizes or shows weakness.”
“In many ways, that campaign culture mirrors some of its strategies. Trump and his advisers are calculating that, at a time when polls show voters dissatisfied with the direction of the country, and with turmoil abroad revealing the limitations of America’s global influence, they can win the White House by projecting a particular kind of strength — with a distinctly aggressive vibe not seen in presidential campaigns before.”
“That posture also fits with the campaign’s focus on appealing to young men, who advisers view as a key untapped voting bloc that could help tip the electoral college in Trump’s favor in a closely divided electorate.”
There are 787,500,000 reasons to say no.
That's cool. Themods took down this story when I submitted it.
Unoriginal but highly germane point: the people who think that anthropogenic climate change is ridiculous on its face believe that Democrats have weather control satellites.
It's interesting that the Kremlin felt the need to confirm this. Why?
Different source. The original source of this story is the NYT, which my source credited.
What should be questioned is if the Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee knew this. Hint: They did
Rule 2 is the catch all
Plus it’s version of the US Constitution is missing several Amendments.
It's common for the VP to make contact in natural disasters. Reason being that the President's office must remain open to other events of higher priority.
A bit surreal to be waiting for a storm and reading stuff like this...
Yeah, I know it was the AP. I'll look for it for you. Standby
Here ya go...
Actually, mother nature has her own sharpie.
These storms wobble. Yesterday it wobbled but also veered south, changing it's path just enough. The core will now target closer to Sarasota, which is a great town. Hope they protect the Dali museum. End result is I won't get the core. Rain sure. Wind ~80mph. But no core. Time to make my hurricane gumbo. Electricity will be out tomorrow
Fact check true.
Holy crap, didn't know that. Guess I was looking at the paintings and not paying attention to the building.
More conclusive evidence that Trump is Vladimir Putin's personal asset inside of the US government.
The Republican solution is for the olds to die in order to save the economy. Except if it's them, of course.
In 2020, Woodward writes, Trump had “secretly sent Putin a bunch of Abbott Point of Care Covid test machines for his personal use.”
“Please don’t tell anybody you sent these to me,” Putin said to Trump, according to Woodward.
Citing a Trump aide, Woodward reports that there have been “maybe as many as seven” calls between Trump and Putin since Trump left the White House in 2021.
The Right completely lost it's shit when a black man won the White House. The election of a black Asian woman will make them catatonic. They just can't accept what is happening in their dystopian little fantasy world.
Biden knew Bibi was a shitbag probably since the day he met him long ago. Obama called Bibi the biggest liar of all the world's leaders
In today’s NY Times/Siena poll Kamala Harris has a 93-point net advantage with Democratic voters while Donald Trump has just an 80-point net advantage with Republicans - an indication that the unprecedented number of high profile Republicans opposing Trump are having an impact.
You don't have a party anymore Mittens
Relief this morning when looking at the current track. At least I won't get the core. For now.
I love how they always think their messaging needs to be better, not that their policies are shit.
First of all, both could arguably be true. Secondly, in the case of conditional sales of weapons to Isreal, you're asking Biden to do what Sen. Bernie Sanders couldn't get congress to do. Which amounts to be the expenditure of immense political capital during an election year. The big chair is not that easy to sit in.
An absolute goddamn waste.
The budget for NASA is $24 billion. Think about that for a second.
From another source I read that they were ISIS and had constructed a plan and had admitted to it. They got caught. Sorry if you're sad.
Biden has lost no credibility on the world stage, only on your very small stage.
Bernie couldn't even get close to having Congress act on weapons condition. Congress is a representation of the people. So, the people have spoken and you don't like what they said. So, of course, you blame Biden.
Thank you President Biden. The infrastructure guy.
But no matter how it ends, Nate will try and tell us all the he predicted it all along.
Liz Cheney has bigger ones than he does.
Dats the way it works. The FBI loves their stings.
Luna's district is on the gulf and the western edge of Tampa Bay. If Milton beelines to Tampa, her district will be destroyed. Not by a little bit either. They'll be lucky to have building foundations with a Cat 5.
So, do you vote?
Yup, six hyper-partisan, uber-extreme right-wing members of the Supremely Corrupted Court.
Wew. The eloquence of Comrade Lenin (and I don't mean John)
I'd have to have a lot of spare time to explain the demographics and political mechanisms of Florida. Plus the experience of the population with storms. But, that's not true.
Just a reminder...There are natural disasters everywhere - and more to come in the era of climate change. Wildfires out west, earthquakes along the Pacific Rim, tornadoes across the south and midwest, blizzards and ice storms in the north, heatwaves everywhere.....