1 Post – 251 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

One of the parties have people like AOC, and Bernie Sanders. Those with you know, history of fighting for people. The other? Can't name any one.

Personally, I don't care if Trump and conservatives go to jail. It's not like any of their politics is anything more than imaginary white grievance and 4th Reich. They aren't a legitimate political party. They're like one of the few illegitimate political party I can count on my hand and feet.

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There are some democratic politicians that might be interested into taking the offer up, but it isn't public, nor they won't reveal it. Can't name any, but I can imagine at least 1 is out there. On the other side of aisle, we already know Republicans wants to enact the fourth reich and just about all of them wants to execute their political opponents.

Show us a mugshot by then.

This is the result of raising a leopard. Should had cut him loose.

You could argue that AIPAC is partly responsible for the mess we're in, as well as other PACs. So, I don't think that they will stop. Hell, one could hold that stance while voting for questionable politicians on their side. You just gotta make sure that the threat of being primaried remain.

Dear Ohioans,

If you voted to support abortion, and you're a Republican, then look at this and recognize that you're supporting a political party that does not enact the wills of the people.


A Lemming

And to others, I know, this won't reach them, but that's on them.

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In your dreams, Donnie.

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  1. Nazis
  2. Republicans

They're the same.

They always have been pretty weird about sex.

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This. I'm against Hamas, and I'm also against the current government of Israel. I'm at a point of only caring for civilians of Israel and Palestine after reading up on the history of the conflict. Any one else? They're part of the problem.

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Well, Hakeem Jeffries will become speaker before the November elections. Ukraine might be getting some aid, which is what I want to see.

If the Republican is calling Democrats 'Pro-Criminal', that makes me think that Republicans are the Pro-Criminal Party as we all know they love to project their sins.

They'll have fun losing by trying. She shouldn't recuse herself because we all know it's their last grasp of power in Wisconsin. Let the voters choose, and they chose liberals, not Republicans.

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Does this guy knows there's no way to take that back? It's all out in the open, and he can't really run away from his history.

Embrace it, Johnson. We all know who you are. We'll just vote accordingly.

I'll be voting blue so hard when the time is correct. Great motivator he is.

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Same if he says he's a moderate. Moderates do have questionable views.

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You all should see the picture in "Jim Jordan fails to win the speakership on first ballot" at CNN. Absolutely hilarious.

Oh man, my day has absolutely been brightened.

EDIT: Here, I'll try posting a picture:

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I really wish I could vote for someone on a basis other than lesser evil.

Down-ballot exists! That's where I'm most enthusiastic about voting. There might be some places where it's just lesser evil option in some down-ballots, unfortunately, but you're more likely to have a representative that represents voters within the down-ballot which makes lesser evil choice less likely.

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What's bad news for the GOP is good news for United States of America and its allies.

They dug themselves that deep, huh? They should keep digging that grave. We hope we can move on without their regressive beliefs affecting others.

There's a third alternative for those who won't vote for Biden, but don't support Republicans. Primary. Essentially, picking democratic candidates that aren't endorsed by AIPAC on the downballot. We do have people like AOC, and Sanders whom that are against Israel, and Hamas.

That's more reasonable than voting against Democrats.

As far as consequences goes, Israel has been facing the prospect of decreased international support, but that will take a decade at best for it to be significant. Gen Z and Millennials don't really have good feelings toward Israel after their actions within war, and Israelis know it. It's on Israel to change policy along with a trial toward settlers and people that supports Netanyahu, and if they want them back, that's the only way to do it, otherwise, I don't see Israel having the longevity to avoid that.

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Reading a bill is part of a normal procedure and the outcome is more important. So, while I don't condone the action, at the end of the day, if the outcome benefits people other than himself, then I can understand his action. The thing is they weren't given enough time to read as Republicans violated their own 72 hours to read the bill rule.

Yeah, sure, show me the bridge first.

Here's a new approach suggestion, Ms. Boobert: Resign. That's it.

I know this isn't going to happen, but at least 5-6 Republicans should vote for Hakeem Jeffries. If the speaker vote isn't going to end, that's their only choice to ease suffering. Meanwhile, I'll just be laughing.

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If conservatives are trying to ban something, then it's probably a good thing they were banning. Ranked voting should be more of a thing.

I welcome them to try. It is just going to lose them votes. Proceed, please.

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To be fair, female Democrats aren't legislating male bodies. It's all on male conservatives (for the most part. Female conservatives aren't blameless in their control of other women.). Conservatives should stop controlling sexual lives of people. In addition, they should stop enacting laws that involves controlling women. Then maybe your comment is more receptive.

The escape hatch is to vote for Jeffries. Simple as that.

But, keep on trying to get a conservative in the house. I'm laughing because that's all I can do.

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This man evokes EnlightenedCentrismTM energy. What a joke.

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This. Where are people assigned to protect election workers? I do think there is some agencies that can direct their efforts in protecting election workers. Democracy is not negotiable.

I am a Republican and I hate their stance on electric cars, walkable cities, etc. For some reason, the party has taken an ignorant and hard stance against electric.

Could you look at other stances too? It's not just this.

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It doesn't help that much. When there's a will, there's a way.

He should do it!

Well, if she's no longer elected, then it can still be.




Whenever some one goes into a groomer rant, and they like using grooming as a word, you can be sure that they're into grooming, and they need to be investigated.

I met with a few that tries to argue that the correct choice is to vote for third party. And, other people called them out on it.

I'm far-left as you come, but, I still vote for the feasible and better option in the general. I always vote for the better in the primary without exception. I voted for Bernie in 2020 primary even if Biden is guaranteed to have the nomination, and voted for Biden.

And my opinion is that Biden is the better of the two in context of Israel. He at least sanctioned settlers, and some days that will include Jenin(?) settlers. Trump won't do that. And most people that are against Israel has less to do with war at Gaza than settlers and the clowns in Israel government.

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Sure, we can accept that they're not the same. At the same time, no one should support either of them.

Ok, sure man, whatever you say, old man screaming at the cloud.

Meanwhile, Russia are losing artilleries, areas controlled, and had over 250K killed as a result of combat. That being said, Ukraine can defeat them and we will continue supporting them.