15 Post – 125 Comments
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1024 historians assuming they all pick different combinations at random. Probability of randomly guessing at least 9 of 10 goes up to 1.075% or 93 historians (on average to get one person with 9/10 predictions right) or like the other commenter mentioned 1024-11= 1013 to guarantee a 9/10 but that's a little overkill.

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93 for 1/0.01075

I get the same as the main post. Either way the point still stands. I had someone correct me with a misconception about something because he googled it and thats what it said in the answer box. It's getting increasingly difficult to rely on search results especially when google synthesizes them into questions and answers with little context

we didn’t ‘sell’ the monoblock, but rather auctioned it for charity due to a miscommunication

I don't think you're making the point you think you're making

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This is just straight up racist propaganda. No other way to describe it

sabaya is straightforwardly associated with what we moderns call rape

Absolutely factually incorrect. Sabaya is the plural of sabiye which means young woman/girl. The masculine form is sabi which means boy or shab for young man (not exactly symmetric like use of guy vs girl in english). Zero sexual connotation and used in everyday language in levantine arabic.

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They can just phrase it a little differently and argue semantics in front of a bunch of 70 year olds who don't know what a browser is in a hearing or two. Maybe a couple campaign contributions through completely legal channels and that's that. Anti trust enforcement has been falling in the US for decades.

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Aliexpress is basically amazon with longer shipping time in my experience. Each seller has their own store rating similar to ebay so as long as you exercise judgement ie. Dont buy from brand new stores with 0 feedback or things that are too good to be true and avoid certain things like batteries and storage media unless you know exactly what you're buying you should be fine. I've bought a lot of stuff from there (mostly electronics) and haven't had bad experiences

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I believe it's US-only for now

Lots of companies are guilty of this. Nvidia and SSD manufacturers with their stealth downgrades under same product name and the entirety of the monitor space:

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And if they are not let back in who will hold Israel accountable? Many of the people being bombed refuse to leave their homes for this very reason (as well as the south getting targeted by bombs/no shelter/no supplies either way so might as well keep whatever semblance of dignity they have left). They don't trust Israel to allow them to return home due to historical precedent.

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The political compass isn't real

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Fries but also the place desecrates poutine and probably shawarma too (who cares, fast food) so it's all for the memes.

They have a channel with a bunch of skits too the guy who does them is pretty funny

There was this tiktok where a woman was talking about how her cousin was shot and killed for knocking on her neighbor's door to get her kid's thing and she used "unalive" to describe it. It was very jarring to hear in such a somber context. It feels very dystopian that people have to self censor for the algorithm. Same with youtube and any mentions of covid.

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Tell that to the people that refuse to leave their house due to what I previously described. The last election in Gaza was in 2006. The average resident of Gaza was about 1 year old at the time. This conflict did not start yesterday. The Gazan population does not trust the international community to protect their right to return and they sure don't trust the Israelis.

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Delete your cookies for

Nicotine feels great. It's why I still crave it after giving it up a while back. Everything else involved is horrible but there's a reason people get hooked to begin with.

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Generally most wildfires are accidently caused by people but being able to track down and arrest them is a little unusual. It doesn't sound like something that would be reasonable to track accurately.

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Rectally sourced figure

L means loss meaning you took the loss/said something dumb. Ratio means the ratio of replies to likes is high meaning people also think you're said something dumb and are arguing with you about it. Comes from Twitter but used more generally now (mostly ironically).

I played in 2016 and started playing again in 2023 and I was surprised at how little had changed but its par for the course for the pokemon franchise.

Almost all your other grievances are partly due to how mobile games are monetized and how much of it relies on fear of missing out (applies to regular pokemon events too). Pokemon Go is a constant stream of FOMO to try and get you to spend money when there's barely any payoff. A pokemon you can catch in the wild can already be 87% of the way to a perfect pokemon you spend months (years?) getting stardust, candy and XL candy to max out.

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Life but not necessarily human life.

We're projected to reach temperatures not seen in more than an estimated 20 million years due to our actions within a couple centuries. Harder may end up being a massive understatement.

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You can't carpet bomb civilians then blame a country for not accepting 2 million refugees. Leveling the sector with air strikes is not a requirement.

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My 2012 laptop runs windows 10 perfectly fine and has the latest security updates. We're way past the point of using hardware limitations as an excuse for companies to drop support early.

I don't see why a school should have to replace their basic computers with an equally basic computer after 3 years unless it's broken beyond repair. I don't think the OS itself is doing much more than what an enterprise copy of windows does for security.

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Is the only source for the jet part the tweet from the guy with "I will not submit. I will not comply." as his bio?

Because it was the new thing the kids were doing. Go back 10 years and you'd fine people shitting on Minecraft for similar reasons. Couple that with the fact that Fortnite effectively cartoonified PUBG and became bigger than it and you have a perfect storm. Similar to Counter Strike players who hate on Valorant for being cartoony. I present to you this now legendary copypasta that summarizes things:

valarante child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. valarante cartoon world with rainbow unlike counter strike chad with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. valarante like playhouse. valarant playor run from csgo fear of dark world and realism

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That's why we need to strive toward working less hours in general. Full time hours take up most of your waking hours when you factor in prep time, commute etc

What you do with your free time can make a world of difference of course but the math just doesn't work out when you get home and have like 4 hours to do everything you need to do before you have to go to sleep.

Telegram channels are your best bet. Something like STL Forest or STLworld should have what you need

He didn't make money off of crypto and already had an estimated 20+ billion dollars in wealth before 2020. Telsa stock price shot up from around $20 a share to $400 after the quantitative easing (ie. "the money printer") of March 2020 where he saw his wealth go 20x by doing absolutely nothing (currently Tesla sits at more than 10x pre-Covid price).

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Pretty much yes. (Ma)demoiselle vs madame are also used due to french influence over the region for singular use but sabaya is what you would use for a group of younger women with neswein being the alternative for older/married women.

What do you mean? The majority of palestinian are sunni muslim like the majority of arab countries and the vast majority of palestinian refugees outside of palestinian territory/israel are in the neighboring arab countries (albeit in horrible living conditions in refugee camps most of the time).

How do you look yourself in the mirror every morning

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I've had to quit temporarily due to an injury and while it does suck at first, it's not as hard as something like nicotine. Doable if you have the motivation to quit but I eventually went back to drinking a few cups a day because the pros outweigh the cons for me.

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The counter strike twitter has been pulling this shit for a while ever since source 2 rumors started picking up steam so I wouldn't get my hopes up

I've always found it absurd how you can get compensated with amounts of money you would not see in a lifetime of work if you win the right type of legal case in the US so much so that purposely getting hurt to sue has become a running joke. Nothing against this particular case or individual but it always seemed like a perverse form of justice instead of, for example, making the party in the wrong change their policy to avoid similar incidents happening in the future while also covering legal fees.

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Can't go wrong with a used T series from Ebay that's a couple years old. A quick search shows that you can get something like this for 320USD from a reputable seller:

Lenovo Thinkpad T14 Ryzen 5 Pro 4650U 2.10 GHz with Radeon Graphics 16GB 256GB

8GB is too little RAM these days otherwise I would also recommend the X13 model but those start at like 600USD for the 16GB models.

So both of those words are spelled sabaya when anglicized and while I will admit I was not familiar with the soft s variant because it's antiquated (and still not necessarily sexual in meaning even if that one is debatable), it doesn't sound like the man in the video who is supposed to have said that even said either of those words to me. I genuinely can't even make out what the word he said is.

Why is this the subject of debate nearly 8 months after the fact?

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"make it possible to review our nuclear doctrine and deviate from our previous considerations"

Context being their purported self-limitation on developing nuclear weapons. Not stated directly given context but implied.

Funny how Israelis don't get the same terrorist designation. Two are terrorists and the other is "horrible".

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Oh I misread your comment. Nevermind, you're someone who takes joy in the death of civilians but is hung up on the use of language about men?