13 Post – 760 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

There can't be war crimes if no one exists to remember the war crimes.

"I attached my own ass to my face, and my ass is a leopard, and the ass-leopard is eating my face, and our/my shared ass-leopard/human stomach is digesting my face, and I love it."

Clearly, day-to-day life is organised such that people who believe absolute bullshit can cope with it. This might be because the human world is built on bullshit, such as the concepts of:

  • humans being superior to other species ("so I'm a winner")
  • constant economic growth being possible ("so we can keep winning")
  • the world remaining roughly as it is in a way that suits humans ("so winning will go on forever")
  • able-bodied people being more important than disabled people ("winners contrast with losers, and I'm not a loser")
  • also, various forms of difference being disgusting (there's a lot on the theme of "winners contrast with losers, and I'm not a loser")
  • the possibility of some kind of immutable 'strength' vs a lesser 'weakness', ignoring the fact that all living beings die, so neither strength or weakness make an objective long-term difference ("my winningness is part of my strength that will not leave me, losers are gross and should be dominated and treated like shit")

Society is literally purposefully organised to entrench privilege in a way that maximises the ability for some to oppress others. That's why you have people who say they 'care about children' while children on their street are abused, or go without food. Humans visibly put more effort (as a group, some individuals are different) into pretending and rationalising rather than actually improving things. They can even rationalise the killing of children in various, pathetic, ways.

All these, and more, are ideological positions that give false and meaning to human existence. If there were a button that slammed objective reality into everyones' brains, even if it would kill 90%+ of the population from the sheer terror of the realisation that humans are not important, I would not hesitate to press it.

Hatred being a legitimate political position which attracts votes and is therefore of interest to those who want power is what has created harm.

Last I heard you write comments starting 'last I heard' to pretend that you heard something devastatingly interesting had happened when it, factually, did not, and that you do this in order to pretend to have something beneficial to say when, factually, you do not.

Yeah. You’re just fucking people.

I don't even fuck people, I'm asexual.

Thank you for revealing this account that I need to block, FS. You're a champ. I've checked their post history and it's not the behaviour of someone who is well.

Because stupidity, hatred and lies are acceptable platforms for political discussion in a world where humans profit from harming others.

Hi, I'm an immigrant.

Fuck everyone who blames immigrants for everything. Fuck infrahumanisation.

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I hope this means that there will be pressure put on the state and the military to stop this settler violence very soon.

Joke's on you, my girlfriend gives really slow piggyback rides.

I'd try to help, but I'm not fully sure, either. Sorry!

It’s why I have zero expectations Harris will do the right thing and move away from privatizing government agencies.

The 'right thing' is letting entrepreneurs make money. Yes, it might cause long-term costs in terms of societal breakdown. But, also, it might cause short-term profit in terms of those extremely wealthy people giving money to a political campaign.

After all, what's most important is that politicians enrich people who then 'trickle down' a tiny portion of it back to those hardworking politicians who bravely made the world worse.

This should be a grave concern for all.

I think that actions have consequences. I am not 'concerned', I am just expectant that a large number of people deciding to act badly will have worse consequences than otherwise.

I don't feel emotionally attached to being human and I am middle-aged without children.


Double yeppers.


/yeppers intensifies

Land of the free ^(^^to^ ^make^ ^sure^ ^other^ ^people^ ^can't^ ^have^ ^homes^ ^because^ ^human^ ^society^ ^is^ ^purposefully^ ^about^ ^exploitation^^)^.

If Conservative = 'good' (as in 'what I think is good'), then anything 'good' = Conservative.

Family? Conservative. Apple pie? Conservative. And so on.

I’m gonna tell myself that this is finally bad enough to spur widespread action on global warming

I, too, want to believe that humans are capable for caring enough about themselves, each other, and their descendants in order to put in place measures to make the world better for everyone.

Be honest, Eric. "We should go all in on harmful bullshit because I make money from it."

We live in a system designed to produce loneliness. Work has replaced community to a large extent for many people.

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But Israel somehow comes before all of that because …

"...profit can only be secured by killing brown people.
"Also, when you let Americans die from poor infrastructure, it just makes some of them work harder in order to provide for their families, so there is no pint changing it."

Add the expense of having kids.
Add the expense of looking after parents.
Add the expense of healthcare costs.

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I lost mine a while ago. Insert "I'm doing my part!" Starship Troopers meme.

Yes, misogyny is frightening, as I have experienced it as the child of a misogynist.

In its current state, however, the technology is built to cater to market demand—and the trends are troubling. Not only are men more likely to use sex bots but female companions are being actively engineered to fulfill misogynistic desires. “Creating a perfect partner that you control and meets your every need is really frightening,” Tara Hunter, director of an Australian organization that helps victims of sexual, domestic, or family violence, told the Guardian. “Given what we know already that the drivers of gender-based violence are those ingrained cultural beliefs that men can control women, that is really problematic.”

There’s a lot we can do about it, actually.

I'll be interested when that is actually being done, and it has an effect.

I think people trusting Alexa for information regarding a hurricane probably deserved it.

I think you are probably not worth listening to or talking to, especially after a quick check of your recent comments.

The word 'deserve' is a human concept invented purely to assert a false sense of control over a universe which has no interest in you.

I am not necessarily against discouraging your participation, specifically.

The term does mean 'female incel', but the community is different from male incels in terms of how they communicate and how hateful they are. There's plenty of research on this, if you want to read more.

The person who coined the term 'involuntary celibate' was a woman.


"What have immigrants done wrong?"


"But immigrants are propping up our society."


Bigotry is illogical, and there is no reasoning with it.

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"Conservative activists are being safely removed from society into prison ships that will orbit Neptune until they die of being so angry," would be a pleasant follow-up headline.

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Making fake money by burning real hydrocarbons is a loud business, Maureen. So loud I can't hear you complaining over the noise of all this binary industry.

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And then encourage people with useful degrees to move to states which will cancel the debt.

What if we systematically destroy all Reddit infrastructure and backups? Would that do it?

Because they care about money, not harming children. This is why we live in a world where there isn't enough effort put into keeping children safe by rich people, because they prefer money to chlidren.

I am a Psychologist. They gain status from being assholes, because enough people privilege assholes with status. Authoritarianism requires an outgroup to oppress, and people think that hostility and oppression is 'strength'. The original theory (which is not entirely supported by evidence) of the Authoritarian Personality is based on Freud, and it says that a similar family dynamic of a powerful father who arbitrarily abuses and oppresses others is the basis.

An ideology of "I won't listen to you because I'm motivated to oppress everyone else for my own gain," is, most definitely, going to make the world worse. And this will be entirely on purpose, and no one will apologise.

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Yet this isn’t even bigotry. It’s straight out xenophobia and hatred.

Bigotry is the broader category containing racism, xenophobia, and hatred based on perception of belonging to a group.

Definition of bigotry: "obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group."

Bigotry isn't 'less bad than' racism or xenophobia. Hating people for being from another country is one type of bigotry.

EXCLUSIVE: Human-shaped bag of hate was hateful before they wrote 'I FUCKING HATE YOU' on the faces of all their children and on the doors of local schools.

I don’t know how, or if it’s even possible, to get back to the days when lying assholes got treated as lying assholes.

We need to send the assholes to space, where they can go fuck up some other planet.

(Yes, I know what happened to the Golgafrinchans when they sent all the middlemen - or the 'useless population' - in to space).

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