8 Post – 100 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

You absolutely can go have lunch elsewhere. I've been in similar situation. If asked, you can simply tell them, I enjoy having lunch by myself, it helps me recharge. Also, most of the time, boundaries are set through action not only words. Just do what you prefer without the concern of what others will think or feel, while being polite with your words. Most people will pick up on you actions and eventually leave up be. I've had serious boundary issues in my family and I've had to learn quite a bit about forming proper sustainable boundaries.

I totally agree with a streamlined identification of images generated by an AI prompt. But, to label an image with "made with AI" metadata when the image is original, taken by a human, and simply used AI tools to edit is absolutely misleading and the language can create confusion. It is not fair to the individual who has created the original work without the use if generative AI. I simply propose revising the language to create distinction.

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A Wells Fargo spokesperson told Bloomberg that the company "holds employees to the highest standards and does not tolerate unethical behavior."

Says an unethical piece of shit corporation that secretly opened millions of unauthorized accounts of their customers to collect bogus fees, appease their shareholders and financial status.

Were the executives fired? No. Were they jailed for financial fraud? No.

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When will Sony be sued for stealing their customer's legally purchased digital media

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Am I the only one who thinks this is ugly as fuck?

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"Defence barrister Erasmus Lovell-Jones said his client had an underlying psychological fragility which made it difficult for her to say no in social situations.

He said Karezi – who was studying a bachelor’s degree in health science – met a person who believed she was studying medicine, and when she did not correct them it spawned a misunderstanding that opened doors for her."

What kind of horse shit defense is that? Someone should check if this defense attorney has underlying phycological fragility themself.

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Yes, let's trust a corporate that's doing things for our safety out of the kindness of their heart.

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Last week I canceled my Amazon Prime membership. It felt so good on so many levels. I asked myself why I am paying prime membership? For expedited shipping on products I haven't purchased yet and don't know what they will be? To pay for products that will be shipped in two days instead of 5 days? I can wait. If it's urgent, I will go to a brick and mortar. Finally, for Amazon prime video, a crappy streaming service in comparison? I hardly use this streaming service. It was an easy decision.

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All the rep did was copy pasta. What kind of ppl are they hiring.

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They are giving americans what they want. The real problem is continuing to feed the deep rooted car addiction brought on by lobbying and corporate greed. There has not been a better time to instead invest heavily on public transportation, build extension inter-state, inter-city train systems, subway or rail systems for cities. Overtime phasing out freeways and replacing them walkable districts. I understand this won't happen over night and cities like Houston and LA are sprawling cities of 100s of miles but it needs to start somewhere and it starts with heavy investment from the federal government. Time to finally invest the tax money back to the taxpayers not defense, wars (direct, proxy or funded) and foreign affairs in the name of "national security". How about domestic security from corporate greed, price gouging, poor education, horrible Healthcare are system, costly drug prices to say the least. I understand for all these there's need to be a massive social change booth in the country and in the world's largest retirement home, US Congress.

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Serious question: YouTube is a business and owned by a public corporation and not a FOSS so they can dictate how they want to run their platform. They want to run ads and blacklist ad blockers running on their platform. They have created a premium subscription for those who don't want ads. I understand the public outrage, of course. My question is why can't they do what they want with their own platform? I guess I'm finding it hard to see a different perspective. FYI, I'm in the process of distancing myself from Google services as much as possible.

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This guy probably thinks he's doing his employees a favor by paying them for the work they perform for him

Getting married and having chikdren, aka, a "family"

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It comes from the Individualism ideology that Western culture holds dear. Americans just hold it tighter. It can be argued that the cause of this is American capitalism, which has greater focus on measuring success by one's ability to consume (can you afford it, how much can you afford, are you self-reliant, your ability to consume more and better than you did last year).

I first joined during the exudus because it was the most recommended one. Soon after, dropped it and joined My reason was world's uptime issue, going dark because of constant DDoS attacks (not their fault) and the last straw for me was the ban of piracy community. I love, they don't ban instances or communities unless it absolutely warrants in which case the mods reached out to members for vote. Another big reason I love zip is because the mods are very chill and don't overstep. I haven't had any technical issue with zip.

Amazing! You have just filled the biggest crevice of Lemmy! Thank you!!

Begin to de-google yourself. Research on FOSS alternatives to Google apps and services. Depending on your reliance, this may be a slow process. It's OK. Build an understanding that there will be lots of sacrificing, especially convenience around the brand ecosystem that Google and Apple are known for.

I would consider the users of Lemmy disenfranchised, whether they were the OGs or the refugees who did not want to be part of a corporate structure that is Reddit.

As for your goal of being nice, you can be a private instance with a very detail form with long list of questions that applies to your values. This will cut down new users joining and only those that are willing to go through the process of joining will show the commitment.

Having said that, having a closed door policy on the fediverse defeats the purpose of being on fediverse. If you truly only want, how you define disenfranchised, then fediverse may not be the right platform and you will always be left wondering.

The issue is on both pages. Lack of knowledge of English on one, and lazy copy/pasta of similar airplanes on the other.

Someone should sue Alabama for keeping 'children' in a frozen state.

Never ever trust a corporation. In case of Adobe, they don't give a shit about your creative work. That's not what they are in business for. They are in business to increase revenue and reduce expense, by any means necessary. Just like all corporations. Their customers are but a product for them that they can manipulate how they see fit. Capitalism demands profit over people. Never trust a corporation.

It's easy to boycott companies sometimes, but what about your own government sending aid and weapons to a genocidal regime. As an American, I feel very hopeless.

Catch and release is even more evil. You are just toying with the marine life at that point for one's own enjoyment.

Civil War? No. What is possible and already happening at State levels is following the direction of Hungry. Authoritarian judges, politicians are being installed across the US and progressive and even moderate laws being challenged. Roe vs Wade comes to mind. On the federal level we see the installment of far right federal judges and Supreme Court justices. All coming together to help install far right authoritarian in the executive and legislative branches. Yes, socially, Americans have been more divided in the past, but this time there's is a deliberate attempt to change the governance of US from the inside through brute force.

It's hard to imagine people who buy iPhones care about sideloading. Their priority is the convenience of iMessage and the Apple ecosystem.

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Just a wild guess, but I think Apple is fully aware of this. They are intentionally keeping it separate to set a precedence that they will not bend over and let EU dictate and for the rest of the world to reap the benefit. Same with their decision to fine users for sideloading. They know it's a losing battle they are just trying to make it as difficult as possible.

This sounds like you are depressed. My suggestion, stop consuming the type of information that is affecting your mental health. This is out of your control so stressing about it will only hurt you. You cannot control what is out of your control. Second, see a therapist and meditate. The world will go on for better or for worse.

How did you buy a house at the age of 25? I can't get past this.

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Instant Pot

Your tip should always be from what you can afford to tip. What what you consider to me enough for the labor. This amount is different for everyone. Do not feel pressured from these tipping recommendations, societal pressures, etc.

Customers are only to blame for sharing giving such data to business that only exist to make money. I have never used these services for the same reason and I will never use them. I don't trust what they will do with this data if not now, then down the line.

No thanks. There better be a global acceptance of physician assisted suicide simultaneously.

$36 a month for something I would use maybe 2 or 3 times a year? That's $432 I would pay for those 2-3 prints. Subscription based printer accessibility (not ownership) is a lossing strategy for normies like me. Maybe it may work for b2b segment. Aslo, Fuck you, HP. Thanks for convincing me not to buy your other products.

Staying "alive" shouldn't be a problem.

Can such marketing tactics be reporting to any appropriate government agency? Better Business Bureau? I know this is not illegal and it should be.

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Now we're discussing tipping for takeout? What's next tipping in drive thru? I'm so tired of the tipping culture in the US, so very tired.

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Buy my dog a delicious chew treat of her choice and watch her devour it.