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Joined 1 years ago

Reddit still has better porn, for all other things I do not give a f**k.

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I also work front end, I've had sooo many people give me this shit.

#1 Not advertising. Advertising is what you see before you enter the building. Some stores don't even have shelf labels.

#2 Do you think someone can walk up to your garage sale and slap their own sticker that says $1 and demand you sell them a TV for $1? No, you can refuse to sell your own shit whenever you want. It's YOUR shit. You can burn it in front of them if you felt like it.

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“I don’t get all choked up about yellow ribbons and American flags. I consider them to be symbols and I leave symbols to the symbol minded.” — George Carlin

Google is trying to kill open source based on the assumption that their code is good enough to stand on its own, but as we've seen before, the majority of innovation that occurs on Android and it's derivatives come from third party developers.

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In that article a female advocate for women's rights describes how she sat back and did nothing to name and shame inappropriate behavior. She talks about how it's men's collective problem to solve her issues for her, and about how speaking up for herself isn't her responsibility.

She's right that she shouldn't have to put up with it, but what is anybody supposed to do when nobody wants to point it out when it happens? Suffragettes did not get their needs met by asking their husbands to do it for them. She needs to name the people who do immoral things, not sit around and hope it gets better by asking politely. Get angry, get mad, but don't ask nicely for HR to solve your problem when we know damn well who HR really protects.

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Just got back into replaying Cyberpunk 2077 and I'm very glad a significant amount of the launch issues have been addressed. It's taken a while but it's finally playable. Still a bit upset they didn't deliver on the futuristic GTA experience I was expecting, but I'm at least having a good time.

Looks like a dope little device but at that price I think I might be more interested in a Steam Deck.

The type of guy who fits in 38/34s does not take a "lite™" shit.

I wonder when the quit complaining about having to pump their own gas. Sometimes I'm impressed when they manage to get me on the phone without an operator. How do you think boomers would deal with themselves as teens?

You know, I was wondering when r/sino was gonna make it over to lemmy.

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You're the only person who will ever advocate for your own well-being. A business has an entire workforce that advocate for their well-being.

It would be a 3 second blurb for him in actuality, the bigger story is the way users revolt in some instances but not others, see Tumblr banning porn vs the facebook analitica scandal. Both of those SHOULD have been enough for a mass exodus but for old people there was no other platform. It's would have to be framed as an anti-trust kind of thing.

As much fun as setting up a torrent box is, being an argumentative asshole is even better.

Resource Wars Volume II is not turning out how I had imagined it.

China would eat Russia for lunch and then gloat about it.

Cool beans.

Hey, I got bingo!

Not quite, if I go to download the new Dune 2 trailer right now (3:03) the 1080p version is 23MB, 720p is 14MB, 360p is 7.5MB, and 144p is 4.3MB.

Well... You're talking to someone right now, keep doing that until you find someone you like talking to so much that you wanna do more than talk.

They couldn't have at least done character pieces?

And people only care enough to do something when their dopamine dispensers stop working.

That's not by accident either.

You cannot run a society solely on renewables. You can run a society with zero emissions.

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Why not? It worked didn't it? Also she didn't report it to an event organizer, she spoke to his publisher in person, she didn't even get it in writing.

This whole situation looks to me like she has a lot to gain from her special "get lots of major names and publishers together with me in the center" as opposed to just posting the screenshot and seeing that the community would take it upon themselves to speak up with their dollar.

I'm so sick of this "difficult women" lie. Men get fired too for reporting safety concerns, but you still report them to OSHA because it's the right thing to do and we have protections in place for those people. It's time to admit that when someone is using their victimhood for their benefit, that the community is ultimately who pays that price.

If we're talking total fantasyland, I suppose put those employees to work building a government backed alternative or an open platform to allow smaller companies?

Suppose you had a centralized federated system where states or municipalities or even companies could have their own drivers but it's a common app?

Edit to add you could also have both driver and passenger rate each other and allow both to filter by rating, lower ratings would naturally pay more or less to compensate for the service. I bet in cities you'd have luxury versions of the same services all from the same app, but also cheap shitty services too.

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And what name did I call you? Biased? That's not a name.

I agree with you that he's better off than most people, but do you consider a boomer who bought a house for $150k in 1980, that's now work $1m in 2023, to be upper class? Technically there's plenty of upper middle class people worth $1-2m.

Depending on exactly how graphic the content shown is... I still kinda see both points. They made it, they made something they later claimed to feel remorseful over, but they're still keeping the money so they clearly don't feel that bad now do they?

Now that being said, it is a sign of maturing to be able to admit and even attempt to reconcile those mistakes, but at the end of the day it's either exploitative or it isn't. I kind of just think it's a case of ESH.

I think you're underestimating how many people want to work for the government for the perceived benefits. I'm saying they have the stuff already set up, in fantasyland it would be a fairly smooth transition.

This would be a welcome development, I feel like social media is something you use tech to do, but it's very rarely an interesting conversation about the tech itself.

Like how a grocery store has food but you wouldn't call it a restaurant.

Doo Doo Doo, lookin' out my front porch.

Nobody said he was American?

With all due respect you're ignoring the fact that we're doing immeasurabley more damage now by refusing to accept nuclear as our baseline source of electricity. You cannot run today's society without a predictable and reliable source such as nuclear, geothermal, hydro or ff.

The fact is that we SHOULD have been using the tech available to us the entire time to avoid ruining the ecosystem in the ways that we have been. We should be using geothermal and hydro where applicable but that's not going to work for every scenario, for all other scenarios we would be better off with non-privately owned nuclear power until the day comes when we can store enough renewable energy that nuclear is no longer necessary.