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Joined 1 years ago

Hon hon hon hon

If i ever get the chance to live alone in a place i can call my own, i wont own a TV. Fuck this shit.

Well, this time just make sure to give the fucking hymn back

Well, that's saddly good news, cause it was suppose to be at 57% in January

According to UCA

And batman has a lot if a$$ to grab

Lynx bros and gals, unite! ✊️

You are not alone... there is me and this dude above

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It does not support JS, which as I understand, locks me out of lemmy. I may be wrong.

Is this a bait or a joke? Go to a doctor

TL;DR: its cheaper that way,

And i value that decision

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They are targeting the press, they really care about public opinion

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You guys are joking and everything, but that's what they actually think

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Thanks for the details

Just to add, according to Denys Davidov's report on ukraine, the first train was carrying jet fuel, which added to the whole explosion.

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Lemmy world -> politics = USA.. it feels so wrong but well, the block button is there for something, isn't it?

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Do they check? Or can i just give my password to my homie in a letter

"Dear homie,

if you are reading this, it means that i'm on the long path to meet with master Kaio to train my ass off to death in the afterlife. Until we meet again, this is my user and pass of my steam account.

PS: i didn't bought the porno VR games. Someone gifted them to me.

Your bro in eternity,


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Exactly my point: when a woman buys a vibrator it seems like she just wants some fun. BUT when a man buys the 240 Volt FUCKMASTER Pro 5000 inflatable doll with non-explosive rubber coating, 6x adjustable speed vibrating vagina, rubbery sperm-proof ass and realistic orgasmic scream with optional built-in 7.1 sound system, he becomes PERVERT… why?

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Well done france

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This is well known, but I think it suits this thread well

Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. [...] Witness what Henry did in Cambodia- the fruits of his genius for statesmanship- and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević. While Henry continues to nibble nori rolls and remake at A-list parties, Cambodia, the neutral nation he secretly and illegally bombed, invaded, under-mined, and then threw to the dogs, is still trying to raise itself up on its one remaining leg.

Anthony Bourdain

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"We assure South Africa's leaders, history will judge you, and it will judge you without mercy," he added.

Starting the defense with a menace ... anyway, let's see who is judged by history first

So, at the end, it worked?... shame

Reddit does not need love, people enjoying it or whatever, they need traffic. Advertisers dont care if you are there just to express how awfull reddit is, they need views. I would have love to see this shit staying blank.

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A door for redemption should always remain opened... at least this is how we used to do things in the west.

Coming to a right conclussion should be praised, even with this context.

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Thinking about the original photo, seeing so much junk food piled in the white house really feels like a AI generated image

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This honestly does not look normal where I live

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Plot twist, you bring covid with you

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Very X of you, facebook

Ironic, he could save others from death, but not himself

I hardly find any NSFW

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I swear it is the best I could do

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My covid project was a 5000 pieces puzzle of the capilla sixtina. The first two pieces was God's finger touching its creation... but that was pure luck. Anyway, I couldn't get the borders till the very end.

Side note for the entusiast, a 5000 pieces puzzle means that a ~16 m2 room will be unusable for 6 to 18 months. It's a pretty fulfilling journey

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You can't prove the second statement. We think that it may not cause gonorrhea

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Well, he is right, its mass murdering, but not genocide.

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Are there disinformation campaigns from the EU targeting the russian population?

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Either they are overengineering this mans mustache, or its plain racism... I cant think of anything else explaining it.

I would like a little more context

Edit: according to a quick google lens search, it is apparently a man being meassured during an aryan racial test (cant copy the link for some reason)

I like how my head switched from how scary an alien invasion would be to thinking that aliens coming here and fixing this mess is our only hope at this point

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Launch the plataform, and respect it till the end of the term

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If you kill 10 persons in a row you can get a stealth bomber, be a chopper gunner or get an emergency airdrop. Hope that helps.

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The thing with a joke is not fucking up how it is delivered. Who ever did this choose the right way.

The irish really have genitals

I would start by adding some fake blood stains around the fan

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Am I complaining about the boobs?

Broader range? From my point of view as an outsider, the USA political parties only cover far-right and far-rightest

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