4 Post – 161 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Cat Quest

You’re not paying attention to any news if you think this type of thing is only happening in one school district. There has been big surge in the last year

And they get dumber and dumber by every season

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I was kinda uncomfortable with his interactions with Chris. Chris was my favorite in the show and even his meanness towards Jerry was off-putting.

I don’t want to bother checking the original, but it seems like satire to me

I like remakes, in a lot of instances it’s the games I have already played, but it has been a while. Mass effect 1, Resident Evil 2-4, Demon’s Soul. Also, so many of these companies put so much money and time into new games that it’s a nice little bonus to get a remake in between those huge releases.

This feature doesn’t affect me personally, but it is still very scummy to add it after launch. Long after refund window is out of the question.

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I might not even be exaggerating with this number, but 99.9% of these types video game videos (someone talking to the camera) are the most stupidest topic ever. They take a non-issue and just blow it up. I get that negativity gets more clicks, but it’s still sad at how many clicks they get compared to actual insightful videos.

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They are beautiful looking films with boring stories. I liked the spectacle of it in 3D, but fuck was it the boring after an hour.

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Yea, one thing I would love to see on Lemmy that I rarely saw on Reddit are level-headed gamers when it came to controversies.

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Recently one of the executives at Ubisoft called Skull and Bones a AAAA game. Now the internet is dunking on it.

I was not a big fan of BG3 or even the divinity series, but I love Larian. Their products show clear passion for the budget they have, they don’t bad mouth other dev just to gain some brownie pts with gamers (CDPR) and their games are well supported.

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King of all cosmos from Katamari Damacy

Mine was NASCAR

What HAS gone broke because of “wokeness”? Mario movie was woke, until it wasn’t. Street Fighter 6 was woke until it wasn’t. RE4 Remake was woke until it wasn’t. Then we have examples where things were bad without any “wokeness”, but right wingers latched on to that anyway, like Battlefield V (1 falls under “woke until it wasn’t”).

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Somehow YouTube algorithm showed me this dumbass’s video that was something like “Charlie Kirk destroys a college student with a great comeback”. I think I lost brain cells by watching it even halfway. His argument for being smart, even though he didn’t finish college, was naming couple of guys that the student might not know and saying how he got rich.

I’m just a medical student, but as a computer engineer can’t he just hack into the mainframe and reveal that the earth is flat?

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I’m only vaguely familiar with Shazam aka Captain Marvel. Essentially, Billy and his foster siblings get powers from a wizard. This wizard gives them powers of these old gods/deities. Conveniently the sex of those deities match the sex of the power bearers. I’m guessing the powers in this comic don’t see sex, so they gave Billy the female deities power and Mary the male deities power. I don’t know what “boy ong” means though

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Can someone explain to me what this means? I’m technologically inept when it comes to privacy, slowly getting better day-by-day thanks to Lemmy.

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I don’t obsess over Japanese culture like so many weabs on the internet, their grind culture is insane, but I have mad respect for their CEO’s when it comes to taking accountability. Why are so many other nation’s CEOs so selfish? Why do they need to make more money than they already have?

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I tried to get ChatGPt to come up with these type of thing, here are my results

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To make it worse, I have all these games, but I still rarely play them. Not that it’s a bad selection, but between steamdeck, gamepass and just a crazy backlog on Steam makes me rarely think of Epic store.

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Kinda backwards with Larian as they already made original IPs before BG3. Which were critical hits already.

I don’t know if I could live with myself knowing how many lives I ruined, maybe that’s why the shit floats to the top. Sane people are not as accomplished because they “don’t make the tough decisions”.

You can’t convince me that Naruto and Sasuke were not meant for each other. Hinata and Sakura have like 0 chemistry with them.

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I have a Hisense and a LG and I never connected them to WiFi. I have not had any issues

Is there some service that looks at your Spotify or YouTube Music playlist and downloads FLAC versions of those songs from somewhere else.

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If you like debates, but don’t like stupid takes then you just like to stay sane

I have no idea how my dog learned this, but whenever anyone says “Window”, he rushes to the closest window and stares outside and barks.

IAmVeryRandom energy here

But EA doesn’t own Unity, did I miss some news?

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Took me a second to decipher, “don’t stop when you are tired. Stop when you are done”

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I was going to say 4 German shepherds for more innocent reasons, but now my answer would be overshadowed be yours

Do teachers actually say this these days? Or are you making it up just for the sake of the meme.

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They were trying to get to North Dakota initially because that’s where “Eden” is, later Logan is going there to prove to Laura that there is no Eden. Turns out bunch of escaped kids were there and they were planning on going to Canada the next day. Logan gave the impression that Canada won’t really save them (I think I might be remembering this detail wrong).

I mean, we got RDR2 5 years ago and that game is a masterpiece. Yes, there is potential for the next thing to suck, but it hasn’t happened yet, so why be pessimistic?

I used to scoff at people who would say “just get an access point”, but after looking at too many mesh systems last years with their ridiculous prices, I went with couple of access point and I do not regret it.

If anything, smaller might be better in this case. We kind of have an idea of the type of demography we have here, with Reddit you could be arguing with a 9-year old in every other thread and you wouldn’t even know.